Urban Witcher

Chapter 947 Formation 3

Yang Gongzi and Sun Yingjiao should be Sun Yingyue, back to back, looking at the four sword qi, and getting ready.

The four sword qi condensed and formed, striking at the three people from four directions.

Although there are only four sword qis, they coincide with the directions of the eight desolations, four images and two appearances, so that the three have no way to escape, but to fight recklessly.

Daofeng smiled lightly, formed a seal with his left hand, and raised it suddenly, but instead of fighting against the four magic swords, he slapped Sun Yingyue on the forehead.

"Master, you..." Sun Yingyue just yelled out, but was caught in Daofeng's palm.

With a flick of his palm, Daofeng threw Sun Yingyue into a corner, threw the whip out, and stuck it on the ground in front of her. He didn't know what kind of magic was used to activate the spiritual power of the whip, forming a seal, and knocking Sun Yingyue away. Cover in the middle.

The Divine Whip is an ancient magical weapon with extremely strong spiritual power, and it has no conflict with the sword energy of the Zhuxian Formation, so the sword energy wiped across the barrier without any damage.

"Master" Sun Yingyue suddenly understood Daofeng's intentions, and tried to break out of the seal, but she didn't move at all, she was so anxious that she shed tears.

Seeing this scene, the people present were all touched in their hearts. Zhang Wusheng sighed and continued to activate the formation.

"Just take care of yourself." Daofeng glanced at Yang Gongzi, clasped his hands, and made a few seals. The Taoist robe on his body suddenly bulged without wind, flew away from his body, and hung in the air, blocking the shots from all directions. Jian Guang. `

Yang Gongzi stood beside Daofeng, his robe fluttering, four chaotic celestial bodies flew out from his sleeves, wrapped around Daofeng's robe, resisting the sword energy together.

Ye Shaoyang clenched his fists and watched with everyone.

At first, Daofeng's Taoist robe could still resist, but as the sword energy strengthened, it eroded the aura on it little by little, and finally tore the clothes full of holes and fell off. Yang Gongzi's chaotic energy was also dispersed.

Daofeng didn't rush or panic, he sacrificed Fantian Seal, and hit the sword energy around him.

As soon as it was printed, a large piece of sword energy was shattered.

Continue to practice, Zhang Wusheng and other great masters are fine, but many mages with weak mana are showing signs of fatigue. After all, launching the Jade Immortal Formation is an extremely mana-consuming thing.

Zhang Wusheng was worried that if this dragged on, if Daofeng was not dragged down, his own people would die first, thinking of a quick battle in his heart, he yelled: "Fall out!"

Everyone stood up and twirled continuously, changing the "Poke Immortal Formation" into the "Excellent Immortal Formation". Countless maple leaves appeared out of thin air, circled and fell, forming a bunch of places like a tornado.

Daofeng knew it was tricky at first glance, and immediately pulled Yang Gongzi up, flying around the formation, and the storm followed closely at an extremely fast speed.

Daofeng flew for a while, then stopped, turned around and hit with Fan Tianyin, blocked it, and then hid. .`

Daofeng was born in Xuanqing Mountain, so he understood better than anyone that the Jade Immortal Formation could not be cracked at all, he could only hold on. Because opening the Jade Immortal Formation consumes extremely mana, it is impossible for Zhang Wusheng and his team to last for a long time.

Whoever survives to the end wins.

Zhang Wusheng also understood this, pulled out the magical weapon from in front of him, and exerted a little force on Daofeng, gathering the spiritual power of the formation, turning it into four crape myrtle sky fires, and attacking Daofeng from the front.

Shi Xinwu and Master Dingchen also practiced their own methods, launching the Buddhist Samadhi True Fire, which is also four paths, gathering together with Ziwei Tianhuo, four red and four blue, spinning around Daofeng and Yang Gongzi together.

Revolving lamps and fires, circulating in all directions

After being surrounded by Eight Fires, Fallen Leaf Storm caught up in an instant, wrapped Daofeng and Yang Gongzi, and strangled them frantically.

Everyone only saw a tornado column outside, but couldn't see what was going on inside.

The crowd of onlookers opened their eyes wide, watching the spectacular scene.

"Can Daofeng break the formation?" Rui Lengyu asked in Ye Shaoyang's ear.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly. Throughout the ages, he has never heard of a sorcerer who was trapped by the Jade Immortal formation, and the Daofeng that can still come out can persist until the third formation, which is considered miraculous.


With a loud noise, the tornado storm was instantly shattered, and the spiritual power returned. Except for the three great masters, the rest of the mages trembled, and some even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked in the middle. Yang Gongzi was trembling all over, and the gorgeous white robe on his body was also torn many times, looking very embarrassed.

Daofeng was worse than she looked: his hair was loose and disheveled, his whole body was stained with blood, he looked a bit embarrassed, but his expression was still indifferent.

No one knew how powerful he had withstood when he was in the center of the strangulation of the storm just now, and no one knew that in order to protect Yang Gongzi, he alone withstood 70% of the force.

Daofeng opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and said lightly: "The Zhuxian Formation is indeed amazing. It's a pity that you are too weak to exert the strongest power."

Zhang Wusheng sneered, looked around, and said: "Everyone hold on, he will definitely not be able to break the Zhuxian Yuan Formation, change the formation."

Following everyone's practice, the formation has changed from the "Excellent Immortal Formation" to the last formation of the four Zhuxian formations: Zhuxian Yuan Formation.

This formation represents the greatest power of the Zhuxian Formation.

The broken leaves and sword energy suddenly disappeared, and the spiritual power gathered, turning into countless figures. There are monks and Taoists, each holding a lightsaber, piercing through the formation, attacking Daofeng.

"Just protect yourself."

After Daofeng finished speaking to Yang Gongzi, he picked up the Fantian Seal and slammed it at the figures shooting around him. Under the Fantian Seal, the figures immediately drifted away, but immediately new ones appeared, not only people, but also countless other figures in various shapes. Unusual ghosts, demons and corpses rushed towards them like waves of water.

Cannian Daofeng knew that these were the people and evil things killed by the Jade Immortal Formation for thousands of years, the leftover Cannian was formed with the help of the spiritual power of the formation, and only had the instinct to attack.

Under this wave of almost endless berserk attacks, the mana of Dao Feng and Yang Gongzi was rapidly consumed.

Yang Gongzi could only protect herself, and fortunately, Daofeng stood by her side to share the pressure for her. After persisting like this for a few minutes, the mages guarding the formation couldn't stand it anymore.

Shi Xinwu called a disciple and took his own bag.

"I have some small pills here, which can nourish the qi, help everyone to hold on for a while, and it will melt in the mouth, just swallow it."

The disciple took out a porcelain bottle from the bag, poured out red pills, and gave one to everyone.

"Bald donkey, you're so skinny" Sun Yingyue was trapped by the barrier and couldn't help, so she cursed at Shi Xinwu in desperation.

Shi Xin didn't answer anything, just pretended he didn't hear it.

Sun Yingyue scolded for a while and felt that it was useless. When she remembered something, she turned to look at Yue Heng: "Come and save my master!"

Yue Heng showed embarrassment and shook his head: "I can only save you, I am not qualified to save others."

Sun Yingyue snorted, and looked at Ye Shaoyang: "How about you Ye Shaoyang, he is your senior brother, do you really want to see death without saving him? What kind of Tao do you cultivate, do you even care about brotherhood in the end? so what about fairy"


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