Urban Witcher

Chapter 962 Long Hair

After waiting for a while, the incense ash sank little by little, attached to the copper coins, and then emitted a black gas, which soon dyed the orange-yellow transparent sesame oil black, emitting a strong fishy smell.

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and said, "There is something in her body."

"Then what should we do?" Pony asked immediately.

If you use spells to get the evil thing out, it may damage Wang Ping's body. Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and asked Wang Ping's father for a clean bowl, filled it with water, mixed red nitrate powder and realgar powder, and then poured it out. Some Dharma water, mixed together, and then poured into Wang Ping's mouth.

He took a pillow and cushioned her upper body so that the water could flow into her stomach smoothly, then wet a piece of yellow mounting paper, pasted it on Wang Ping's face, and put a bowl upside down on her mouth.

Then wait on the sidelines.

"What is this doing?" Xiao Ma couldn't help asking after waiting for a while but nothing happened.

Just as he opened his mouth, Wang Ping's throat suddenly moved, making a strange sound.

All the relatives backed away with a shudder, only Wang Ping's parents and the pony got closer, very excited.

"Is she going to come back to life?" Pony was very excited.

"How can a person live after death?" Ye Shaoyang replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Ping's eyes suddenly opened, bloodshot in his eyes, and he looked extremely shocked.

Wang Ping's parents and Xiao Ma were immediately overwhelmed with excitement, but knowing what Ye Shaoyang was doing, they didn't dare to step forward.

I saw Wang Ping's upper body twitch more and more violently, as if he was coughing, and finally let out a "cough" forcefully, his body lay down limply, and did not move anymore.

Ye Shaoyang took out a cinnabar pen and drew a talisman on the bottom of the bowl, then picked up the bowl and took it with him along with the yellow mounting paper.

Everyone swarmed up and looked at Wang Ping's face, only to see the boss with his mouth open, his eyes staring round, motionless.

"The situation is here." Ye Shaoyang turned the mouth of the bowl around, and everyone looked at it, and suddenly exclaimed:

There was a large mass of black hair at the bottom of the bowl, wriggling like seaweed in the water, looking indescribably weird.

"It's something sucked out of her body."

Ye Shaoyang lit a magic talisman, and after throwing it in, the blue flame burst into flames, his hair curled and shrank, and there was a cry like a child's in the bowl.

Seeing that the hair was burned away, it turned into a puddle of blood, thickly sticking to the bottom of the bowl.

Ye Shaoyang asked Wang Ping's parents to send away their relatives, leaving only their husband and wife and Xiao Ma present, and handed over the bowl to Lao Guo.

Lao Guo understood, took out a piece of red silk from his bag, wrapped the bowl, put it in the bag first, and planned to go back and find a place to bury it.

"Wang Ping was killed by a spirit in the water, that is, an evil spirit."

Ye Shaoyang explained, "That lump of hair just now is an evil spirit, probably transformed by a kind of filth and resentment, it can only survive in the water, and I want to use her body to complete an advanced stage and come to the ground..."

Xiao Ma didn't care what the origin of the evil spirit was, looked at Wang Ping's body, and said disappointedly: "So Wang Ping didn't come back to life."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "She is already dead, how can a dead person come back to life. I just tried to kill this evil spirit, lest it continue to harm people."

The pony grabbed his hand, shook his head, and burst into tears.

"You must have a way, you are a celestial master, you just need to find her soul and send it back to her body!"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, "How can it be so simple! A person's lifespan is predestined, and he dies after he dies. Even if I am a mage, I can't bring a ghost back from Division Y. The dead ghost returns to life. This is a cycle against the natural law." , even if I have 100,000 years of virtue, I won't be able to deduct it enough, and I will die before she is alive!"

Xiao Ma was stunned, with despair in his eyes, suddenly thought of something, grabbed Ye Shaoyang by the collar, and said: "No, you can do it! Once Yuqing died, you just went to find her soul and send her to the hospital. Return to the body, and then revive!"

"That's why she doesn't deserve to die, her lifespan has not yet expired!"

"How do you know that Wang Ping's life span is up, maybe her life span is not up yet, try it."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, how could there be so many people who died tragically before their lifespan, and Wang Ping had been dead for at least half a day, and his soul had 100% entered Division Y.

Even if she died unexpectedly, her life should not be terminated, and her death has become a fact, Y Division will let her reincarnate or live in the city of death, waiting for Y Division to catch the murderer and go to prove the cause and effect.

"Let me ask the soul first."

Ye Shaoyang opened the backpack, asked Lao Guo to help, and quickly set it up as an altar, and asked Wang Ping's parents to bring a piece of clothing that Wang Ping had worn before he was alive, and put it in the soul-inducing circle.

Then close the doors and windows, draw the curtains, and light the candles.

After writing Wang Ping's name and date of birth on the talisman and burning it, Ye Shaoyang began to summon the soul.

"The setting sun is shining, the heaven and the earth are turning upside down, Xuanqing Mountain's magic law, Yin and Yang are intertwined, ghosts and gods in the four directions, according to my decree, the imprisoned souls will be released immediately! The Taishang Sanqing is as urgent as the law! Wang Ping, the three souls and seven souls return My altar, hurry to report!"

A Y wind rises from the ground, passing by the soul-inducing circle.

Xiao Ma and Wang Ping's parents watched eagerly, sweating from nervousness, but when the wind disappeared, Wang Ping's soul did not appear.

"Three souls and seven souls return to my altar, Wang Ping! Wang Ping! Wang Ping!"

Ye Shaoyang clasped his hands and supported his arms. Shaoyang stomped one foot to the ground vigorously. Every time he stomped, he called out Wang Ping's name. After waiting for a while, there was still no response.

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly, told Lao Guo to put away his things, and shook his head at Xiao Ma and Wang Ping's parents. "I'm sorry, it's useless, Wang Ping can't come back."

The hope that had just arisen in Wang Ping's parents' hearts was completely shattered, and they hugged each other and howled loudly.

Xiao Ma grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and asked, "What's going on, where's Pingping's soul?"

"I didn't summon the soul." Ye Shaoyang was also a little disappointed, "It must have gone to reincarnation, otherwise, with her accurate birth date, there is no reason for me not to feel her existence."

Xiao Ma sat on the ground with his buttocks, watching Lao Guo put away the magic weapon.

"My condolences." Old Guo persuaded, and also sighed.

Xiao Ma suddenly got up, and said: "Is there any other possibility, maybe her soul is far away?"

"Unless her soul is on the north bank of the Yinshui River, as long as it's within the range of Division Y on the south bank, there's no reason why I can't detect it."

"Maybe then?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said loudly: "Give up, Wang Ping is dead, dead! People cannot be resurrected after death!"

"I don't give up!" Xiao Ma yelled louder than him, "As long as there is a little hope, I won't give up! I don't want her to die!"


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