Urban Witcher

Chapter 964 Inn 2

Ye Shaoyang didn't say much, took out the Celestial Master card and showed it to the other party, cupped his hands and said: "You two poor masters have worked hard."

The two Yashas glanced at the lavender air flowing from the Celestial Master's card, knowing that it could not be faked, nodded, lifted a lantern from behind, blew a breath, and the lantern immediately lit up with a bright green light, and handed it to Ye Shaoyang.

"The ghost road is difficult to travel, the Celestial Master is careful."

"I'm sorry, you two servants." Ye Shaoyang took the lantern, threw out a stack of paper money from above, and carried it on the road. The ghost lantern is similar to the pass of Y Division, without this, it is equivalent to a lonely ghost.

Lao Guo followed and said, "You can do it. If I come by myself, these two yakshas will have to ask me for ten knives in paper money."

Passing through a thin layer of mist, some green lights appeared in the distance ahead. When they flew closer, they saw that they were ghost lanterns, which were held in the hands of some ghost messengers. Each of them was dragging a chain, and several people were tied up in each hand. hands, as few as three or five, as many as seven or eight.

They are all dressed like ordinary people, some are dressed as farmers, some are dressed in suits and leather shoes, some are old and some are young, generally speaking, there are more old people.

These are the souls of the dead who have just been escorted from the world by ghost messengers.

Most people's expressions are numb, and it looks like they are dying. Although they are reluctant to part with their loved ones, they are helpless. There are also some people who are deeply obsessed, have a miserable expression, and sigh.

"Why did you tie their hands?" Cheng Zi asked curiously when he saw this scene for the first time.

"A ghost guard has so many people in custody, and he hasn't even drank Mengpo soup. He has a deep obsession. What if he runs away? There is no way."

"Master, I have a lot of money in the world, I can't bear it," a fat man in a suit cupped his hands and begged, "Master let me go back, and burn more paper money for you—ah, I dare not!"

Before he finished speaking, he was immediately whipped by the ghost guard, screamed out, and hurried on his way obediently.

"I'm not reconciled, the person who killed me hasn't fulfilled the law yet, so I don't want to go to reincarnation!"

A young man tugged on the chain and struggled backwards.

The ghost guard didn't say much, he just swung his whip and whipped him, the young man howled miserably.

The ghost messenger pulled the chain, and the young man whimpered, but he obediently followed.

"It's so pitiful..." Cheng Zi couldn't bear it.

"Karma retribution is not bad at all. When you come to Mr. Cui's house, you will give him a chance to state your grievances. If you have any doubts, you can go to King Yama to apply for a testimonial. There will be no mistakes in distinguishing right from wrong."

Chengzi tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Unfortunately, there are some things that are not easy to tell right from wrong."

"Then coordinate and give a judgment acceptable to both parties."

Cheng Zi said: "I heard that if a widow marries again, she will go to hell after death?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "The laws of Division Y also change with the world. Otherwise, the judgment will be based on the ancient law, otherwise almost everyone in the world will be guilty, and hell will not be able to live."

The three of them moved forward slowly among a bunch of dead souls and ghost messengers. From time to time, I heard the cries of the dead, the cries of unwillingness, and the sound of the whip of the ghost messenger, intertwined.

Although Cheng Zi is a demon, seeing this scene, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

There are always two rows of trees on both sides of Huangquan Road, without any other scenery.

Orange was feeling bored, when suddenly a thatched shed appeared on the side of the road in front of her, and there were a few tables under the shed, on which were some tea and dark fruits like mulberries.

A crooked wooden plaque was hung outside the tea shed, with the words "Yellow Spring Inn" written on it.

On a bench next to it, sat a thin and small old woman, holding a folding fan in her left hand, fanning continuously, and slowly waving her right hand, attracting the passing souls of the dead.

Those hungry and thirsty souls who had traveled for a long time showed yearning expressions when they saw the tea and fruit. Some people stopped, and immediately went up with a whip, most of them followed, and very few stayed again, and they were still whipped.

"What does this mean? Since people are not allowed to drink tea, why do they have an inn here?" Cheng Zi was puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang sneered and said, "Go on and watch."

There are very few people who have been whipped twice and still stay again, the ghost messenger will untie the rope and let him go.

The dead soul immediately rushed into the tea shed, picked up the tea bowl and drank it. After drinking, the old woman came up, smiled and persuaded them to go into the house to rest, led them in, and soon came out again, but the dead soul that entered was gone. .

The old woman sat back on the small bench and continued to wave to the passing souls.

"Three-way whip, if you still want to stop drinking tea, it means that you have too much desire, and the ghost guards will not care about it anymore, just let them drink."

Ye Shaoyang sneered, "It's just that after drinking, if you go into the hut, it won't be easy to come out."

"What will happen?" Orange asked.

"Sent to work as a ghost laborer and do hard work for three years." Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "For a bowl of tea, to do three years of hard work is harder than migrant workers, and the key is not to pay wages."

"This...is too tragic." Cheng Zi was shocked.

"There is no inn on Huangquan Road. Before setting off on the road, the ghost messenger will remind me that I am blindfolded by desire. Who is to blame."

Ye Shaoyang urged the two to hurry up and fly away.

"Shaoyang, Shaoyang!" A voice suddenly came from behind him, Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, stopped, looked around, saw a dead man in his fifties, and waved at himself.

"You are... the third uncle?"

Ye Shaoyang exclaimed in surprise, this dead soul is his second uncle Ye Jun's neighbor and also a clan member, Ye Shaoyang called him Sanbo, he met him last time when he was home, so we can still know each other.

Sanbo looked at Ye Shaoyang, frowned and said, "Shaoyang, why are you here, you are so young, could you be dead too?"

"Uncle San, I'm not dead, I'm here to handle business, you old man..." Since seeing him here, he must be dead, so Ye Shaoyang didn't ask further.

Because Sanbo greeted Ye Shaoyang, he stopped involuntarily. The ghost guard raised his whip and was about to whip it down.

Ye Shaoyang had sharp eyes and quick hands, stepped forward to grab it, and said: "Master, this is my relative, because of the delay of the trip because of talking, the master is proud of you!"

The ghost guard glared, "You're just a sorcerer walking around, so go ahead and say hello to the ghosts!"

Ye Shaoyang directly showed the celestial master card, the ghost guard looked at it, relaxed his attitude, clasped his hands and said: "It turns out that he is a celestial master in the world, but I have my duties as an official, so don't delay."

"This is my relative. I will leave after a few words."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and asked Sanbo: "How did Sanbo pass away?"

"I got a terminal illness and died of illness." The third uncle wiped his eyes, and suddenly thought of something, "Shaoyang, you are a mage, can you take me back, your third aunt's legs are not good, I don't worry about it."

(These two days of filming are busy, and tomorrow will be over after one day of filming. Don’t worry, I will make up for the few updates. This month’s monthly ticket has reached the top of the supernatural category. Thanks to everyone, let me go home and take out the bonus to give out red envelopes. When the time comes Notice. Thanks everyone.)——

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