Urban Witcher

Chapter 968

"These people are all residents of the City of Death, and some people will live in the City of Death for decades in order to prove cause and effect, which is not far behind a lifetime in the human world. They usually have to live at home, which is similar to the world."

Xiao Yiyun explained beside Chengzi.

Cheng Zi looked like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden. She opened her eyes and looked around. A beautiful woman in a navel dress walked by Xiao Yiyun and gave him a wink. Xiao Yiyun didn't look sideways.

Cheng Zi looked at the beautiful woman's back in surprise, and said, "Why are you still dressed in such a fashionable way?"

"They all died in recent years, and of course they were dressed according to the habits they had when they were alive."

After speaking, he pointed to a guy with a back combed hair, toad glasses, and a white shirt and jeans, and said, "This guy died in the 1980s."

Cheng Zi looked very strange, pointing to some ghosts in ancient costumes and said: "Are these all dead in ancient times?"

"Not necessarily, it may also be some modern ghosts who like to wear ancient costumes."

Xiao Yiyun explained: "Most of the dead souls in ancient times were reincarnated, and there were very few left. Only some were recruited as ghost servants or ghost soldiers, and lived in the city of death for many years."

Walking along the street, Cheng Zi found that most of the shops on both sides sold wine and clothes, and there were many pots and jars similar to medicinal herbs at the door of some shops.

Some ghosts stop in front of the shop, bargain, and then pay with ghost coins.

It looks like a market in a costume drama.

Cheng Zi looked at it with great interest, Xiao Yiyun was not in a hurry, and followed her, acting as a commentator, and would buy her some things from time to time, making Cheng Zi full of joy.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the two, but was also speechless.

In front of a medicinal material shop, Ye Shaoyang found Lao Guo who was bargaining with the shop owner.

Ye Shaoyang called him, and Lao Guo hurriedly paid the money and came over with a paper bag.

"How is it?" Lao Guo asked as soon as they met.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I didn't see the book of life and death."

Lao Guo was taken aback, and just about to say something, he saw something wrong with Ye Shaoyang's eyes, he was so smart, and he understood it as soon as he heard it, and glanced around, seeing people coming and going, it was really inconvenient to speak.

"Now what?"

Ye Shaoyang walked to a relatively secluded corner and said, "Since I haven't seen the book of life and death, I'm not sure whether Wang Ping is in Huangquan. Since I promised Xiao Ma, I will always look for it."

Old Guo said: "How to find it?"

"Find my son." Ye Shaoyang smiled.

Qibao, as well as the gang of Guagua's little ghosts, are wandering around Fengdu City, they are equivalent to the beggar gang in the world, so it is perfect to ask them for news. It's just that I don't know where these bastards are now, so I can only ask Xiao Yiyun.

"These brats are now recruited by Division Y to help spy on the military. They usually live outside the city. I'll take you to find them."

Xiao Yiyun led the way, and the group walked towards the opposite city gate.

There were two rows of ghost messengers standing under the city gate. When they saw Xiao Yiyun, they immediately bowed to salute. "Meet Xiao Yasi!"

Xiao Yiyun walked through without squinting his eyes, suddenly remembered something, summoned a ghost messenger and asked him to find Qibao, the ghost messenger quickly drifted away.

"Brother Xiao, you have great power!" Cheng Zi looked at Xiao Yiyun with admiration.

Xiao Yiyun tossed his hair and smiled slightly. "It's all floating clouds."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't stand him pretending to be *, snorted and said: "It's just the prefect, you really treat yourself as a dish, you are just the eunuch next to Huang Shang, you are just pretending to be a tiger!"

Xiao Yiyun turned his head and cursed with a blushing face: "Go to hell!"

After waiting for a while at the edge of a small forest outside the city gate, a ghost messenger arrived with a child of a few years old, wearing a set of Captain America's children's clothing, with a small crew cut, Ye Shaoyang identified it before he recognized it as Qibao.

Qibao didn't see Ye Shaoyang at first, and looked at Xiao Yiyun timidly, until Ye Shaoyang called out: "Qibao!"

Qibao was stunned, and looked at Ye Shaoyang. After a few seconds, a smile spread on his face, and he rushed forward: "Dad!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, so he had no choice but to let him climb on top of him and make out for a while.

After all, he is a little ghost, and like a child, he is more accepting of death. Since he believes that Ye Shaoyang is his father, this feeling will never change. He is naturally excited when he sees Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang let him down, looked at his foreign-style children's clothes, and asked, "Where did you get these clothes?" Although Division Y has a boutique, it shouldn't be so advanced, even Captain America has one.

"My mother burned it for me." Qibao smiled triumphantly, and suddenly pouted, "Dad, why don't you go see my mother recently?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

"When I dreamed of meeting and chatting with my mother, my mother said that she was going to go abroad for development. You should visit her when you have time. She misses you very much."

Ye Shaoyang felt sad for a while, after raising the kid, he did not go to Zhuang Yuning, not because he didn't want to look for her, but because he didn't know how to deal with it.

"I see. I'll go find her when I have time. Don't worry about the adult's business. I'm looking for you because I have something to do."

After all, tell him Wang Ping's name and birth date. After all, ghosts are different from people. They are all fickle, and their appearance is almost useless. If you want to find a ghost, your name and birth date are more useful.

After Qibao got the order, he had an affair with Ye Shaoyang for a while, and Chengzi also teased him by asking her to call her sister.

Xiao Yiyun also teased him, "What did you call me?" After speaking, he secretly glanced at Cheng Zi.

Qibao was very clever, and immediately shouted: "Brother-in-law!"

"Don't bark." Xiao Yiyun reprimanded, his heart bursting with joy.

Suddenly raised his head, saw Ye Shaoyang dryly smiling, suddenly realized that he was a generation younger than Ye Shaoyang unintentionally! Immediately became angry again.

Ye Shaoyang sent Qibao away, pondered for a moment, and said to Xiao Yiyun: "You should go to the Marriage Division. Wang Ping got married in the world and has a husband in the name of Y Division. Go to Marriage and ask, maybe there will be clues. I rely on you to help me."

Xiao Yiyun nodded.

Cheng Zi asked: "What is the Department of Marriage? Isn't Yuelao the one who manages marriage?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "There's no such thing as Yue Lao."

While talking, there was a noise outside the woods, and everyone turned their heads to look, and saw two ghost figures, one black and one white, floating over and stopping not far away. It is black and white impermanence.

The two nodded at Xiao Yiyun, then turned to look at Ye Shaoyang.

Bai Wuchang said: "I heard that Ye Tianshi has come to Division Y, and it just so happens that we will go to Yangjian to find you. The King of Hades invites you, so come with us."

Hades please... Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, then he understood what was going on in an instant, and said, "Is there someone who wants to testify against me?"

Bai Wuchang said: "Exactly."

Going to the Hall of Hades to confront people, the matter was no small matter, even Cheng Zi felt a little uneasy, so he tugged at Xiao Yiyun's sleeve.


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