Urban Witcher

Chapter 972: Yinshui River in Distress 1

On each boat, there are more or less ghosts sitting there, their clothes are a little more plain than ghost messengers, and they are all ghost servants.

Xiao Yiyun walked up to the two ghost guards guarding the pier, reached out to touch the ghost cards, and then remembered to give Chengzi, scratched the back of his head and said: "Then what, you know me, right?"

"I have seen Mr. Xiao Lang." The two bowed their hands together.

"Yeah, bring me a boat, we're going to the front line to do something."

The two ghosts exchanged a look, and said in a difficult way: "I want to teach Mr. Xiao to know that the Marshal recently ordered that if you want to take a boat, you can only get an order from the Armaments Department or the Marshal..."

Xiao Yiyun raised his sword eyebrows, and said: "Why do I go to the front line if I have nothing to do, of course I have something important to do, what's the matter, or let the Lord Fu come over in person?"

The two ghosts looked at each other, if they offended Mr. Cui, it would be fine, even the director of the Armament Department couldn't afford it, so they could only bow and let Xiao Yiyun choose the ship.

Xiao Yiyun picked a boat with a canopy, the four of them floated onto the boat, and the two ghosts worshiped:

"Xiao Langjun, you must be careful when taking a boat. Although this boat is made of jujube wood from Mount Y, with ghost tung oil on it, it can avoid evil cultivators, but recently, Mount Tai wants to cut off our waterway. Some ghosts and monsters have been dispatched, so it's better to be careful, especially don't leave the main road."

"Got it." Xiao Yiyun and the others went into the cabin and sat down.

There is a ghost servant standing at the bow and stern of the boat, holding a long pole in his hand, pointing towards the water, the boat leaves the pier, and drives out quickly, which is many times faster than the ghost flying by himself.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "What's the reason?"

"These boats are pasted with water-controlling talismans drawn by Emperor Fengdu, imparting spells to the ghosts. As long as the mantras are recited, the boats can move forward in the water. They only hold the poles to grasp the direction."

Ye Shaoyang felt deeply in his heart that the mana power of Emperor Fengdu was truly earth-shattering.

"These two little ghost officers, I'm so mad." Xiao Yiyun was still brooding over the ghost officer's refusal to board the boat before, especially in front of Cheng Zi, he felt even more humiliated.

Ye Shaoyang said: "He and you are not in the same system, so it would be nice to give you a boat."

Xiao Yiyun snorted and said, "Go to Fengdu City and inquire. As long as I make a request, is there any ghost officer who dares to refuse, that is, the war has started recently, and the military order is stricter. They are afraid that Marshal Zhong will blame him."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I heard that the two sides are fighting, but I haven't been to the battlefield to see it."

Xiao Yiyun said: "You can see it with eighth achievement today."

"It's none of my business, I only save people."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, glanced at Wang Ping, pulled back his thoughts, thought for a while, and asked her: "Wang Ping, if I get your soul back, what are your plans?"

Wang Ping looked at him and said, "I'll listen to you."

"Do you... want to return the sun?"

When Xiao Yiyun heard this, he anxiously wanted to interrupt, but Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to stop him, staring at Wang Ping.

Wang Ping burst into tears, nodded and said: "I'm only in my early twenties, of course I want to... go back to the world, not to mention Xiao Ma is still waiting for me, without me, he will be very sad."

Speaking of pony, Ye Shaoyang sighed, grabbed her hand, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I really want to save you, but you... can't go back."

Wang Ping was stunned, and murmured: "Is it really impossible to go back?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "You are already dead. Although I haven't seen the book of life and death, as long as it is a ghost that has reached the Y room, you must never return it. No matter whether you died suddenly or your lifespan is exhausted, you are not allowed to go back. It's gone. When I rescue your three souls, I will hand it over to the Lord Fujun."

"Really... there is no other way?" Wang Ping became emotional, grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand, shook it vigorously, and hissed, "Brother Shaoyang, I don't want to die! I really don't want to die!"

Life is alive, who wants to die? But when it comes to life and death, no one can escape.

Ye Shaoyang had mixed feelings in his heart and stopped looking at her.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Wang Ping knew that it would be useless to ask any further. He shook his head slowly and said in a choked voice, "If Xiaoma knew, he would definitely not let me die."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat and he ignored him.

When Xiao Yiyun and Cheng Zi heard Wang Ping's words, they felt very touched, and each had their own thoughts, but they didn't speak.

Suddenly, the ship shook. Xiao Yiyun hurriedly got up, walked out of the cabin, looked out, the water surface was churning, and countless strange things floated up from the water.

Most of them are creatures like dead babies: a bald head, with a small body hanging below, swimming slowly in the water, approaching the boat.

There are also some scary-looking evil spirits and ghosts.

Most of them are black eel-like things, with long bodies swimming underwater, slowly approaching.

"What's going on!" Xiao Yiyun shouted. It was also his first time riding on a Y-boat.

"There are some evil things in this section, which are quite annoying." Said the boatman, "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, our boat is made of jujube wood from Mount Y, with ghost tung oil on it, they can't destroy the boat."

The boatman ghost servant opened a sack, grabbed handfuls of grain-like things, and threw them into the water.

Those evil creatures such as ghost babies and eels immediately gathered up and grabbed the "millet".

The "eels" surfaced one by one, opening their mouthparts. In a round mouthpart full of rot, there were two pairs of fangs. They frantically snatched each other, and even attacked each other with other evil things around them. They were originally pale red. There was a thick blood flower on the surface of the water.

The scene looked indescribably weird and bloody.

The boatman standing at the stern took out a few handfuls of "millet" and threw them further away. All the evil things gathered around immediately.

The boat took the opportunity to swing into the distance.

The water gradually calmed down.

The four of them sat back in the cabin again, each with their own thoughts, and remained relatively silent for a while.

The boat sailed for another ten minutes, when Wang Ping suddenly said, "The direction is wrong, it's a little far away."

Xiao Yiyun immediately went out to inquire, and only after listening to the boatman's explanation did he realize that there was a fork in the road just now.

"It's the direction of the river branch." Wang Ping said, "We should turn back."

The boatman immediately became embarrassed, "No, there are ghosts guarding the river along the way, there are no big evil things, and it leads to the battlefield. The small river is not good. If there are evil things lurking, it will be very dangerous."

"What's the danger? If the boat capsizes, we'll just fly down," Xiao Yiyun said, "I'm just going to do business over there, so hurry back!"

The boatman wanted to say something else, but Xiao Yiyun urged him to return immediately.

The boatman knew his identity and didn't dare to disobey him, so he slid the long pole, turned around, and drove back for a while. Sure enough, there was a river branch, and the water surface was very wide, not much narrower than the main road of Yinshui River.

The boat sailed past. Wang Ping closed his eyes and sensed his three strands of soul, indicating that the direction was correct, but there was still a distance, so everyone went back to the cabin and waited.

After a few minutes or so, Ye Shaoyang sniffled suddenly, frowned and said, "It's not right!"

(I have to take the car in the morning, stay up late to write two chapters first, and then write after I get home to rest. I will remember what I owe. Thank you for your support.) ——

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