Urban Witcher

Chapter 992

Zhang Guo first burned a pile of paper money in the incense burner, prayed for a while, then drew a yellow talisman, burned it and put it in, followed by a purple talisman, then a jade talisman, finally bit his fingertips, and dripped three drops on the back of the villain's head. Drop blood and put it in the incense burner.

The Dharma water in the incense burner immediately burst into bubbles.

Zhang Guo put the lid on the stove, lit a stick of incense, and chanted a mantra while infusing it. His eyes suddenly opened, he opened the stove lid, took out the villain, and stabbed the villain's eyes with the incense in his hand.

Amidst the sizzle sound, the villain danced and danced, as if he was struggling.

At the same time, Ye Shaoyang felt a sharp pain in his eyes, screamed and jumped up.

"Hey." Zhang Guo grinned grimly, pinched the villain's feet, and burned the soles of his feet with incense.

Ye Shaoyang immediately felt his legs go limp, as if he was suddenly drained of strength, and fell down.

The Seven-Star Longquan Sword and Taiyi Fuchen were out of control, and only relying on a little guardian instinct to stand by, resisting the attack, crumbling.

Zhang Guo made another move and burned the villain's hands with incense.

The eyes, hands, and feet are just between the eyebrows. Once the seven ghost caves are destroyed, the soul will be wiped out immediately.

Zhang Guo looked up at the direction of the gate, Rui Lengyu, Sibao and others were still fighting.

It was also a fierce battle, the monsters were almost dead, only the chief and an officer were left, and the remaining monsters were still resisting, and neither side could see who had the advantage.

But they won't be able to rush in at least for a while.

"Ye Shaoyang, you and I are of the same root, don't blame it, blame you for being an innate spirit body"

Zhang Guo sighed, took the incense stick in his hand, and was about to light it on the center of Ye Shaoyang's eyebrows.

"Master," Wang Ping called out tremblingly.

Zhang Guo stopped and said, "What's the matter?"

Wang Ping knelt down and begged, "Master, can you leave the original soul for Ye Shaoyang, I"

Zhang Guo snorted and said, "You are following me, and you are cultivating the way of ruthlessness. How can you cultivate like you?"

Looking at the distant sky, he said: "Ye Shaoyang has been killed by me, Daofeng, if you come, why don't you show yourself?"

After finishing speaking, holding the incense stick in his hand, he nodded towards the villain's eyebrows.

A blue light came from Yufeng.

Zhang Guo smiled slightly, sure enough, Daofeng still came.

However, as soon as the blue shadow flew into the city, two jets of black air suddenly shot up into the sky, enveloping the blue light, dragging it down, and fighting together.

The two fourth-class ghost leaders finally made their move.

They hadn't appeared before, but they were invited by Zhang Guo and were waiting for Daofeng.

Two fourth-class ghost heads, the combined strength is almost a ghost bandit, even if they can't kill Daofeng, at least they can keep him.

Daofeng held a magic whip in his hand, and attacked the two of them violently, without turning his head, he said: "Go and help!"

A stream of fire, like a shooting star, shot from a distance, hit the chief and knocked him over.

"Meteor" immediately pounced on it, fought with it, turned around and said, "Go save Ye Shaoyang!"

Rui Lengyu and the others were stunned for a moment, only to see that it was Yue Heng who came, nodded, and immediately rushed through the gap made by him.

A white shadow also flew from a distance and landed behind Yue Heng. It was Sun Yingyue who looked at Yue Heng and asked nervously, "Are you able to handle it?"

Yue Heng took a deep breath and said, "Practicing in the ghost domain is much more comfortable than in the human world. There is no restraint. You are just a second-class ghost leader."

After finishing speaking, he rushed forward again and fought with the ghost.

Sun Yingyue also showed the real body of the seven-tailed demon fox, and rushed towards another officer.

Rui Lengyu, Guagua, Sibao and Xueqi rushed into the yard together.

The four talisman ghosts had already turned into a pile of paper ashes, forming a storm, wrapping Ye Shaoyang firmly in the middle, strangling Ye Shaoyang frantically.

You can only faintly see Ye Shaoyang's figure: lying motionless on the ground, with an extremely painful expression on his face, the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword and Taiyi Whisk are like two navigation lights in a strong wind, guarding Ye Shaoyang's side, blocking the impact of paper dust, but they are also crumbling

"Boss" Guagua yelled tremblingly, and was the first to rush forward, but was immediately knocked back by the storm.

Zhang Guo didn't count that Daofeng had two other helpers, and let them break through the blockade, but he didn't worry about it. With a thought, half of the paper dust storm was divided, and Rui Lengyu was surrounded. Two dragons and demons appeared to hold Guagua and Xueqi.

Xueqi immediately showed the real body of Tianluo Yasha, and fought with the Yasha summoned by Zhang Guo.

They are all yakshas, ​​one is the guardian of the six realms, and the other is the guardian of the pure land of the mother-in-law, and they are evenly matched.

Over there, Guagua also transformed into the real body of the Twelve Years Cicada, and Kuangkong's bird man was also a match, and they fought together.

"Four Treasures, to capture the thief first capture the king, you go to deal with Zhang Guo"

Rui Lengyu saw that Sibao rushed several times but couldn't enter the wind array, so he asked him to deal with Zhang Guo.

Upon hearing this, Sibao came back to his senses, and flew towards Zhang Guo.

Zhang Guo smiled coldly, "It's good that you are here, just to let you see how Ye Shaoyang died."

After finishing speaking, pinch the villain's head and stab the villain's eyebrows with incense

No one can stop it, and there are no surprises.

The incense stuck between the villain's eyebrows, and there was a sizzling sound, and a will-o'-the-wisp sprang up, igniting the villain's whole body, struggling unceasingly, and soon burned to ashes.

Zhang Guo blew off the ashes from his hands, and said silently: "The celestial master, Ye Shaoyang, is dead."

Sibao trembled all over, almost fell, turned around and looked towards the middle of the wind gust. Ye Shaoyang lay on the ground, his expression stuck in the scene of pain, completely unresponsive.

The Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword let out a dragon cry, the aura disappeared, and fell into Ye Shaoyang's arms, trembling slightly, as if crying for its master.

Taiyi's whisk also fell, covering Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang will die

At this moment, even time seemed to stop.

Sibao couldn't hold on any longer, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

"Boss" Guagua and Xueqi screamed and almost lost the ability to resist.

Wang Ping sat paralyzed on the ground with a complicated expression.

Everything started because of herself. She didn't know what she had done, and whether the result was what she wanted.

Only Rui Lengyu was still struggling, with tears streaming down his face, shaking his head, looking at Ye Shaoyang who was lying on the ground, and shouting loudly: "Shaoyang, Shaoyang, wake up, you will not die, you wake up"

Ye Shaoyang lost his hearing.

If the seven ghost caves are pierced, there is no doubt that death is inevitable, and even the celestial master cannot avoid it.

Zhang Guo immediately made a move, ordering the talisman ghosts and the four great demons who were besieging Ye Shaoyang to stop attacking and stand aside. In order not to destroy Ye Shaoyang's physical body,

He flew down from the altar, ran to a place three meters away from Ye Shaoyang, rang the bell and chanted a mantra, and stretched out his hand to pull it out of thin air.

A phantom, sitting up from Ye Shaoyang's body, is Ye Shaoyang's soul.

With a ignorant expression and a dull expression, he slowly got up.

There will be an event on the 20th of this month, and a large ticket will be given away. For details, see the top post in the book review area. Some friends added late and didn't see the character information. I will summarize and repost it in the evening.


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