Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 42: : Demon King Killer Crab

   After Tucker left, Bella kept holding Li Muran's arms and refused to separate.

   As if afraid that Li Muran would disappear as soon as he let go.

   Holding Li Muran while packing up.

When    went to repair the color steel plate damaged by Tucker, she still hugged Li Muran like a pendant.

   Finally, Li Muran became angry.

   "It's a hindrance. Get away. I'm going to the toilet."

   Then Bella let go.

   But the pouting Bella still pestered Li Muran.

   "Li Muran, you won't leave me."

"It's so annoying. Of course I won't leave you. Tucker is very strong, even if you don't have me, you're a strong one. You are so weak, how would you survive without me. How could I have the heart to leave you alone. I'm the former Brave, full of justice and compassion. Don’t you know what kind of person I am?"

   "Although I feel underestimated by you. But I can rest assured that you say that. Li Muran is really a good person."

   "It's good to know. There is no more integrity in this world than me. There is no selfish person."

   "However, it's a shame that you dared to threaten Tucker and ask him for something. I was scared to death by you."

   "It's nothing. Tucker is not going to kill us."

   "Isn't going to kill us? The Demon King came to see the Demon King, what else is there besides fighting each other? And he himself said that he would kill us."

   Li Muran used the all-purpose glue that he had just bought to fill the gap in the color steel plate cut by Tucker.

When    was operating, sweat oozes out of her forehead, and Bella took a towel to wipe the sweat for Li Muran.

"I'm not accurate. At the beginning, Tucker was really going to kill us. But I don't know why, but he changed his mind later. The evidence is this injury on my chest. He can easily cut the Devil City, but on my chest It's just skin wounds. If he really wanted to kill, I would have ascended to heaven. This is enough proof that Tucker is not going to kill."

   "The devil does not kill. Then what is the reason for him to come?"

"I don't know what it is, but it's definitely not for us. Even if the heart of the Demon King City will expose our position to other demon kings. Don't you realize that Tucker came too fast? How can he just let him go? Come here."

   "It's really unreasonable to think so...Could it be said that Tucker happened to pass by our side, felt the existence of the heart of the Demon King City, and ran in to stop by?"

   "Isn't Bella able to think for himself... Yes. That's what I think. But Tucker's strength is a real guy, not just fighting power, he is not someone who can fool the past so casually."

   "Didn't Li Muran successfully counter Tucker? In the end, he made him afraid of you."

   "That's Tucker pretending, he is acting. I also cooperate with him in acting. We are just acting tacitly."

   "Huh? Acting?"

"Tucker doesn't want to kill people, but the condition is that we have to do something that interests him, so that he has a reason to let us go. I understand his idea, so I do it, and give him a step down. That guy is A senior demon king is a truly invincible monster. He has to get serious. My little tricks can't help him at all."

   "Didn't you all ask for gifts from him? Are they also acting?"

   "No, that is simply what I want."

   Bella was confused, her eyes started to roll.

   "You, you have no bottom in your heart, and still cheat others' gifts? This is too dangerous."

"Are you looking for wealth and danger? Since I know he is not going to kill, of course I have to pit him as much as possible. Tucker's appearance made me realize the terrible devil. I may encounter more powerful characters in the future. At this time. We must maximize our own strength and strive for all elements to strengthen ourselves."

"It's hard to come across a strong man like Tucker, and it would be a shame to let him go without pulling out a few hairs. That's the big devil, the gift of the big devil must be very valuable. There are not many opportunities to pit the big devil. Once the opportunity is missed, it may never happen again. Moreover, Tucker is also very happy that I did this."

   "Tucker is glad you cheated him?"

"Yeah. Just asking for, not paying, can't be called a mutual assistance relationship. Once Tucker also gives us gifts, the relationship is settled. We are equivalent to officially joining Tucker's faction and are under Tucker's protection. Yes. With the patron of Tucker, it will be a lot easier after that."

   "Tucker also likes the fresh props I made. So I cheated him. He has a reasonable reason to cheat gifts from me. He is interested in him. I am afraid that next time I meet, he will take away my props even more rudely."

   Hearing this, Bella suddenly realized.

   couldn't control his emotions anymore, and hugged Li Muran hard.

"Li Muran, you are too Not only are you strong, your wisdom and courage are not lost to the quasi-devil king. I love you to death. I will never let go and give you to someone else. I invited you back then. Coming back is the most correct choice in my life. Fortunately, you are my person and you are not on the side of others."

   "Just know."

   At this moment, Li Muran felt dizzy and almost fell.

   Fortunately, Bella hurriedly supported him.

   "What's wrong? Are you all right."

   "I used my brain too much just now, and I kept my nerves tense, and I was a little tired. The old problem of low blood sugar has committed again."

   Bella remembered that when she first met Li Muran, she hurriedly put Li Muran's hand on her chest.

   "Grab tight, don't fall."

   "I really like Bella."

   "Hee hee...Don't talk too much, you can take a break soon."

   "Then, what should I do with the tableware?"

   "I will do it. You are a hero, so you can rest well. I will do something if I have something."

   "I may be very weak in the next month."

   "I have come down all packages."

   "The color steel plate has not been repaired yet."

   "I'll fix it."

   "Take Black Bean and Christian for a walk."

"I come."

   "I may often want to think about problems."

   "No problem. I'll be there on call."

   "Bella, you are becoming more and more like a devil. I'm very relieved."

   Bella, who was praised by Li Muran, just wanted to be proud of it, and suddenly realized something.

   turned his head and raised his eyebrows to stare at Li Muran.

   "Li Muran, you guy, definitely has a hidden talent for the devil. The devil is turned around by you."

   Li Muran gets a new title...

   Demon King Killer Crab?

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