Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 45: : The darkness before dawn is the hardest

   Fortunately, before reincarnation, Hades cheated and chose the initial skills and initial props for himself.

   The demon king will get initial skills and initial items when he is born.

  Skills and props are the key to helping the weak devil survive the growth period.

   Generally speaking, both skills and items are random. The devil cannot choose by himself.

   But Hades is after all the big demon who was close to the top.

   Hades can still do this.

  The skills chosen by Hades are ‘Summon Group Portrait’ and ‘Iron Blood Coming’.

   can summon and dominate the puppet.

  Stone puppets, wooden puppets, and even bone puppets similar to skeleton soldiers.

   Puppets are easy to use. They have more combat power than humans.

   is more obedient than family members.

   will never raise objections, work hard, and the most important thing is to never worry about rebellion.

  The disadvantage is that the reaction is a little slower than normal people.

   "Summon Group Portrait" is a very advanced skill. Under normal circumstances, the probability that the rookie demon king can obtain such advanced initial skills is very low. If it is not for cheating, it is rarely obtained.

   Hades’s current ‘Summon Group Statue’ level can summon up to 200 puppets at the same time.

   The one who blocked Letia's subordinates was the puppet summoned by Hades.

   "Iron Blood Coming" is to strengthen Haskar's skills.

  The arrival of iron and blood will give Haskar a super individual combat capability.

  The longer the fighting time, the more serious the injury, and the speed and strength of Huskar will be greatly improved, entering a violent state.

   There is ‘Summon Group Portrait’ for group fights, and ‘Iron Blood Coming’ for singles.

   Group attack and heads-up are not difficult to defeat Hades.

   The only weakness of Hades at this time is that he is good at using magic such as long-range, large-scale killing and attacking opponents.

   Hades before reincarnation also considered this.

   added an initial item called ‘Bear King’s Skin’ to himself.

   This item is a red bear skin.

   can transform into a blood-red bear king after wearing it.

   Hades, who becomes the bear king, gains the passive magical damage reduction.

  In this way, enemies who are good at magic attacks are no longer a threat.

  Although Hades, the devil of death, hates being like a bear, he always feels that being an animal is a shame.

   But in order to survive the novice period, I can only endure it.

   Hades, who has 2 skills and an initial item, has no dead ends.

   At this time, if the enemy wants to kill Hades, he can only defeat Hades in hand-to-hand combat.

   And Hades’s weakness lies behind, the soul that was stabbed last time has not yet fully recovered.

The unhealed wound behind    is the only place that can cause fatal injuries to Hades.

   Of course, let alone the weaknesses behind it, it is difficult to tactics Hades in hand-to-hand combat.

   Hades, who possesses "Iron Blood Coming", has a strong melee ability.

   Few people can take advantage of the hand-to-hand combat with Hades.

   Hades is even less likely to expose his back to the opponent.

   Killing Hades is easier said than done, but it’s harder to do than climb to the sky.

   And Hades only needs to survive the growth period and reach level 10.

   can unlock key skills such as summoning **** horses, absorbing souls, and doubling experience.

   Then sum up the experience of the last life and use the skill combination to instantly reach the full level.

   At that time, no one can stop Hades from returning to the top.

   The demon king who once brought a huge threat to the world will once again rule the world.

   Hades will also fulfill his promise to bring death back to the earth and retaliate against all things.

   As long as Hades reaches level 10, the world will usher in destruction.

   However, after noticing Hades's huge threat, Letia attacked Hades madly.

   Even if he had the best combination of skills and items in the early days, he couldn't handle the 12th level difference and the full force of Letia's army.

   Hades was beaten very embarrassed.

   was almost killed by Letia.

   Fortunately, Letia also suffered a heavy loss, and it was Letia who couldn't hold it first.

   This also gave Hades a chance to breathe.

   While scolding Lydia, the first person to kill after level 10 is Lydia, Hades also developed a sense of crisis.

   must be upgraded as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

   Now just a Letia is enough for Hades to be upset.

   If you want to have one or two more powerful characters.

   Hades must not be able to bear it.

   Even if it is invincible after level 10, but it dies before reaching level 10, everything is equal to zero.

   This last level 2 is likely to be the key to life and death.

   "That **** went back to repair the troops. I want to take advantage of this time to upgrade as soon as possible."

   Hades roared at Bahadad.

  Because the battle consumption is too serious, Hades can only summon 20 puppets now.

   Regardless of tiredness, and the body has not recovered, Hades took these 20 puppets and Bahadah to attack the human village.

   caught more than 30 people back.

  There are men, women, old people and children.

   Everyone begged Hades for and asked Hades to let them go.

   But Hades did not hesitate to kill them all, extract their vitality, turn them into dry bones, and finally throw them aside like garbage.

   In the hill full of withered bones, there are the bones of Letia's hands before.

   "Not enough, not enough. This little experience is simply not enough."

   Human life is worthless in Hades's eyes, it's just the experience value he used to upgrade.

   Hades showed the cruelty of the orthodox devil.

   Looking at Hades like this, Bahada smiled relievedly.

   "You deserve to be the king I am after. I can be sure that your future is boundless."

   "I want to kill more humans. I must upgrade as soon as possible."

"But sir, we have alarmed humans. They will definitely send troops to chase us. Although the strength of human troops is not worth mentioning, adults are not in the best condition now. There are also brave men and paladins on the human side. It's not wise. If Freya kills again, the lord will be affected by the enemy. I think it is better not to go to human territory now."

   "A mere human, they are only worthy of being my experience. They dare to ride on my head now! When I level up, when I reach level 10, I will kill everyone in this country."

   Although very angry, Hades is a visionary devil after all.

   will not be dazzled by anger.

   Human beings are not very strong.

   But now Hades does not have the strength to compete with humans.

   If you encounter a powerful brave or be besieged by the Paladins, Hades is likely to be slaughtered.

   Threats should be avoided now instead of actively increasing threats.

  Although he was very aggrieved and angry, Bahadad was right.

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