Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 100: : It's not the same as what you said

   And the former lord immediately responded to the requests of the officials.

   The officials found the former lord, and while crying, they handed a box containing gold coins.

   After the heartfelt confession, he directly moved the former lord who paid attention to emotion and principle.

"Even the nobleman was executed. I dared to bully my subordinates like this. This guy is good or bad and doesn't understand the rules. No, this kind of thing can't be ignored. Even if I am no longer the lord of the village, I am not allowed to build it myself. This kind of detrimental thing happened on the land. He is not allowed to destroy the fruits of my labor. Take me to beat that guy well. Let him know that young people should not be too arrogant."

   was supported by the former lord. The officials seemed to have received a Kanglong mace that could compete with Shang Fang's sword, and immediately regained their vitality.

   After that, a large group of people came to the Lord City.

   Such a gorgeous configuration, such a big movement, people who don't know thought it was the king who brought his subordinates to inspect it.

   It can be seen that the officials are bound to win, and the winning ticket is in hand.

   Next, I'll leave it to their reliable front lord of the umbrella to perform.

   The officials just waited to see Li Muran's embarrassed appearance after being reprimanded.

   waiting to hear the good news.

   And Li Muran still doesn't panic. He greeted the former lord with a smile, and prepared a feast for the seniors with luxurious food.

   The former lord really found an opportunity to attack, opened his voice, commented on Li Muran's behavior, and outputted wildly, not giving Li Muran face at all, and strenuously censored Li Muran's improper behavior.

   This was also seen by officials.

   They are all grinning desperately. I almost shouted out the victory slogan in advance.

   The officials felt that they had won.

   After all, this is a killer. As long as Li Muran is still the lord, he can't help but eat this one.

   And just when everyone is expecting the former lord to scold a little bit harder, don't show any affection to Li Muran, it is better to let Li Muran kneel down and beg for mercy, and it will be better if he does not want to live.

   Things suddenly unfolded unexpectedly.

   The scolded Li Muran was not only not angry, but greeted with a smile, pulling the front leader to whisper some whispers.

   "Is there something that can't be said here? It's sneaky, or you guys can't do anything serious."

   "Can I really say it here? Senior, you have to think clearly."

   "You, why did you guy say this suddenly? What medicine is in the gourd?"

   "Wait for seniors to know. I believe that after listening to what I said, seniors will support me. Not only support me, but also thank me."

"What's a joke? I will support you? Thank you? I just can't understand your behavior so I came to point you. The way is different. How can I stand in line with a scum like you. You This is a foolish dream."

   Li Muran smiled and said nothing.

   It was Li Muran's abnormal behavior that made the former lord feel guilty.

   You must have done a lot of bad things to make you feel guilty.

   Only bad people have a guilty conscience.

   The former lord had to leave with Li Muran temporarily and enter the dark room.

   is just leaving with Li Muran temporarily, and it will not affect the ending.

   Officials are still full of hope for victory.

   "Cut, I must want to use money to buy the former lord. This guy will use such despicable means."

   "That guy is doing a dying struggle. The former lord won't buy it."

   "The former lord will collect the money and continue to pressure him. This is the style of the former lord."

   The officials speculated on Li Muran's behavior without authorization.

   As soon as he entered the dark room, Li Muran immediately switched his attitude.

   Since just now, he was only innocent and polite, and his attitude became cold and dismissive.

   can't find a smile on his face anymore, don't say it, and don't even look at the former lord, sitting on the sofa like an uncle.

   This superb expression switching, this arrogant attitude directly confused the former lord.

   What Li Muran said just now made him unable to help but guess, and this attitude made him more suspicious.

   But after all, you need face, and you lose if you lag behind.

   The former lord strongly supported his aura, and when he opened his throat, he would scold Li Muran more severely.

   Li Muran spoke first.

   "Actually. I also have something to say to seniors. It's not easy to tell in front of outsiders."

   Li Muran didn't circumscribe any corners, and went directly to the subject.

   picked up a small notebook from the table and started to read the contents in front of the former lord.

   Upon hearing these contents, the former lord's face immediately turned pale.

   The blood color disappeared instantly.

   "You, how do you know this?"

   "It's just a coincidence."

   is not a coincidence.

   was secretly collected by the Demon Sect. It was collected purposefully under Li Muran's arrangement.

   is not just the information of the former lord.

   Even the officials' every move to invite the former lord to make a strong presence has long been known to Li Muran.

  Anything they did was under Li Muran's supervision and did not escape Li Muran's eyes.

   This is equivalent to an open-book exam. After adjusting the cheats to play the game, Li Muran was so bored that he wanted to breathe.

   Li Muran casually prevaricated and continued to read those contents.

  The severity of the content is gradually increasing. In the end, the former leader was mad, and he didn't dare to continue listening.

   "Oh, senpai has done a lot of incredible things. If these things are to be spread, senpai will definitely be uncomfortable."

  What is most important in another world?


   As long as you have information.

   has mastered everything.

   has the means to obtain intelligence, even if he fights against a powerful opponent like White, he is still relaxed and happy.

  A powerful intelligence network, this is the strongest weapon of the Demon King Cult.

"You, do you want to threaten me with these things? To tell you the truth, even if these things spread out, they won't threaten me. I'm a nobleman or Lord White. These things can't move me. Don't dream. NS."

"Oh. Did you listen carefully? Those little things really won't take away Senior. But what happened later? You stolen the money from Lord White, that is, your backer. I wonder if Senior has heard about Lord Sam. That man was a relative of Mr. White. But because he understood Mr. White's finances, he was finally executed."

"I remember that Senpai is not a relative of Lord White, and his relationship with Lord White is not as close as Lord Sam. Lord White kills even his relatives, let alone the end of the faction that Senpai can’t find. I have to say, Senpai. It's really bold. I still admire it. I don't dare to do such a thing."

   "You, you have no evidence. You, you are still a member of the opposition, Lord White will not believe you."

"I have no proof? Do you want to take a gamble? Take a gamble and see if Lord White believes me? Oh, yes. I still have this thing. Please see this certificate, Lord White personally gave me. Let me build the village of Joshua in my own way. Do you think that an opposition, a person who can't talk to Lord White, can get the permission of Lord White's autograph?"

   Seeing the voucher presented by Li Muran. Confirmed the signature above.

   The former lord almost weakened his legs and knelt on the ground.

   Li Muran approached the former lord with a smile.

"I may have been arranged by Lord White to break into the opposition. The purpose is to collect information on those who seem to be loyal and secretly do things that are detrimental to Lord White. Even if it is not, I am also a new village in Yoshui Village appointed by Lord White. Lord. What role do you think I am? If I'm just an ordinary hairy lord? Do you think I can easily get information about Senior? Can Senior do it?"

   Li Muran said a bunch of words without evidence.

   These words made the former lord even more horrified.

   is obviously unfounded assumptions, but to him, it sounds like the truth.

"It seems that the predecessors still don't believe it. Then I'll just say something. You seem to have been supporting a foreigner before. That foreigner was domineering and killed women in our country. You also know now that Baka is now xenophobic. I’m in a high mood, and that incident is even more devastated, and it’s the thing that arouses the anger of the people the most."

"The foreigner has been dealt with by the mysterious man. I heard that the death was terrible... If I spread this news, Senior will definitely be angered. You must be careful when walking at night. It's not just you. His head may leave his neck at any time. Your wife and children seem to have helped a lot before, saying a lot of interesting things, so be careful."

   After saying this, Senior screamed immediately.

   knelt on the ground, begging Li Muran to spare him his life.

   "Yes, I'm sorry. I am too proud of myself. Also, please raise your hands high. Please spare my life. Don't tell these things."

   The arrogant attitude just now disappeared.

   The current predecessor is like a falling dog.

   The front of the body was crawling on the ground, his head touched the ground, and his body trembled until afterimages appeared.

   Looking at such a senior, Li Muran pushed his eyes down and snorted contemptuously.

"Senior is a senior after all. What my younger generation is doing now is based on the foundation laid by the senior. It is because of the senior's construction of Yoshui Village, I am doing a lot easier now. Now that I have been taken care of by the senior, I Shouldn’t I give seniors some care? I’m not an indifferent person."

   Seeing Li Muran giving him a step down, the former lord nodded immediately and excitedly cooperated with Li Muran's answer.

"Yes, yeah. That's right. For the sake of my contribution to Yoshui Village, and for the sake of me being a senior, please forgive me. We are all committed to building Yoshui Village, and we are comrades. ."

   What a shame.

   In addition to squeezing the value of Yoshui Village, has this senior done anything meaningful to Yoshui Village?

   Li Muran took office, all he did was clean up the mess he left behind.

   Whatever you think, he has never existed, which is more beneficial to Yoshui Village.

   Li Muran and the former lord both knew these contents well, but Li Muran didn't break the truth.

   still said coldly.

   "This is indeed the case. Seniors and I are both people who love and contribute to the construction of Yoshui Village. They are comrades."

   "Yes, yes. I, my nature is not bad. Since I work hard for one thing, comrades must understand and protect each other."

   "Yes. I will not tell those things. Lord White will not know, nor will other people."

   Li Muran agreed, and the senior immediately let out a big sigh of relief.

   I almost climbed down with excitement and went to lick Li Muran's shoes.

   It's a pity that the hanging heart hasn't fallen down yet, Li Muran spoke again.

   "The construction of Yoshui Village now is the time when financial, manpower and material support are needed. Since the seniors are like fellow, can they ask seniors to generously donate their money and contribute to Yoshui Village?"

   "tribute, make a contribution."

   "Yes. Just 56 gold coins."

   "This, so much?"

   "Not much, not much. You earned it from foreigners, you earned it from dirty business the other day, and you just received it from an official. The money is just enough."

   "Do you know this too!? No, it's not right. Those add up to 50 gold? Why is it 56 gold?"

"Didn't I tell you? Seniors please donate generously. The money is not yours, of course you have to pay a share of it yourself. But it is 6 gold coins, much less than the money that seniors embezzled Mr. White? Keep your head, money. I can still make money. I don’t have my head, and it’s useless to ask for more money! I believe that seniors understand this. Or, seniors are not like-minded comrades with me? Senior’s care for Yoshui Village is fake? Everything is just for the sake of Grab profit?"

   After listening to Li Muran's words, the senior shook his head into a rattle again.

"No, there is no such thing. I, what I care most about is the construction of Yoshui Village. I need my help, I, of course I am obliged. I will raise money now. Please, please be sure to replace me with younger generations and bring Yoshui Village. Build well."

   "Thank you, senior. You deserve to be a reliable senior. I also said to take the initiative to borrow money from senior. I didn't expect senior to send money by himself. Senior is really a role model for me to learn from."

"Ha ha ha ha."

   The way the predecessor laughed and cried looked much cuter than the way he was brave at the beginning.

   reached an agreement, Senior and Li Muran walked out of the dark room again.

When    entered the dark room, the senior was walking in front, and Li Muran was walking behind.

When    came out, Li Muran walked in front, and the former lord nodded and bowed to follow behind.

   also helped Li Muran pat the dust off his did more thoughtful than the servants.

   This kind of change is silly for everyone.

   Li Muran nodded when the officials were dumbfounded.

   After getting Li Muran's permission, the former lord immediately opened his throat to praise Li Muran.

   What the spirit of the younger generation moved me.

   was a misunderstanding at first. After the cordial exchange, I got to know each other. I discovered that the younger generation is a reliable and intelligent person.

   What you said about the village should be entrusted to such a capable person to manage it.

   said that in the hands of Li Muran, Yotwir Village will definitely become a rich and powerful territory, and it will become the new star of Bastolas.

   The former lord used all the rhetoric that was not too much, and the donkey's head was not right and the horse's mouth boasted Li Muran, the content was extremely embarrassing.

  The front foot straddles Li Muran's political achievements, and the back foot praises Li Muran's handsome looks.

   The content is not only inconsistent, but also has no inheritance and transfer.

   But it can be seen that he is doing his best to praise Li Muran.

   is trying his limit, saying everything he can think of.

   While he boasted, he kept watching Li Muran's face from the corner of his eye.


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