Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 52: : Mori is uncomfortable

   Bella looks like a predecessor, using crappy movements to give Isha various skills.

   His nose was raised high, and he was obviously starting to lose his mind.

   I really want to say that this guy has just learned, and he is not yet proficient at all. What kind of excitement is it in the end?

   Everything is the same as usual, the difference is that Heidou did not know where to find a bark mask and put it on her face.

   As long as I get along with Isha, I will transform into a ‘geek in disguise’.

   Looking at the little Lolita who was wearing a mask that didn't fit, her head looked particularly abrupt, and Li Muran and Bella were both curious and funny.

   The healthy brown skin and the iconic pointed ears are all exposed. What is the meaning of this disguise.

  The topic of forest elves and dark elves seems quite sensitive.

   Li Muran and Bella reached a consensus, and no one asked Yisha.

   After another two days, Isha was able to get out of bed and walk.

   It's time to help the people of Isha.

   Li Muran has discussed this matter with Bella.

   The conclusion is to help.

   I'm also a neighbor, so I can help as much as I can.

   In the future, when I encounter difficulties on my own side and ask for help, I can also speak up.

   It is a good thing to sell a favor to Mori Elves.

   What's more, Isha asked so sincerely.

   A big beauty please.

   One mouth is still "help, let me do anything"...

   How could an honest gentleman like Li Muran die?

   Isn’t this the same as when you decided to follow Bella?

   There is no hesitation at all. Just for Isha to fulfill the phrase ‘let me do anything’, the Mori must save.

  Before the action, Bella told Isa that she was the Demon King, this house was actually the Demon King City, and Li Muran was the Secretary of the Demon King Army.

   I was afraid that Isha would be overly excited when I heard it, so I used other terms to fool it.

   If I want to help Isha now, it's better to tell the truth.

  Unexpectedly, after knowing the true identity of Li Muran and his party, Yisha appeared unusually calm.

   is not as violently as the human reaction before hearing the word "Devil".

"Actually, I doubted your identities from the beginning. Most people don’t venture into this forest and still settle here. Your previous reasons don’t make sense. But it doesn’t matter whether you are a demon king or not. To me, You are good people who have saved me and are willing to help my people. This is enough."

   In addition to gratitude, the demon's rejection of demon kings is not as great as that of humans.

  Many demi people are even willing to approach the demon lord and join forces in order to get the demon lord’s protection.

   Li Muran feels that there are many factors contributing to this phenomenon, and it is not too tangled.

  Since we are going to save people, of course we have to leave Demon King City.

   It’s not okay for Isha to still wear her green, thin clothes for a dancer.

   Isha has already said that this elven national costume is just ordinary clothes and does not protect against the cold.

   So Li Muran also specially helped Yisha buy winter clothes.

   Are you good at doing it to the end!

   Li Muran bought a down jacket, scarf, knitted hat, gloves and cotton boots for Yisha.

   Like Li Muran and Bella’s winter clothes, they are all bargains on Pinduoduo.

   is obviously a bargain, but Isha is surprised and delighted as if she received a gift from heaven.

   This picture always feels familiar.

   When I gave Bella a gift, Bella was like that.

   Issa is grateful to Bella again and again.

After   , he secretly shot the window without stopping, still turning around in circles.

   happily like a child receiving a Christmas gift, the image of the patriarch disappeared.

   When Li Muran found her childish side, her face was as red as burning. After hurriedly saluting, she lowered her head and ran to the back room to escape.

  'S lovely response, Li Muran, a gentleman, was moved.

   When Isha was grateful for a meal, Bella stood up and explained to Isha.

   "These are the same as my Devil City, they were all made by Li Muran. If you want to, thank him."

   "Is it all made by Li Muran?"

   Yisha walked up to Li Muran again, her face flushed slightly, and she bowed her head to express her gratitude to Li Muran.

   "Thank you Li Muran. You are so great to create such a miracle."

   "It's not a big deal."

After   , the two people looked at each other affectionately, time seemed to stop, and they fell into a world where only each other was there.

   They didn't say anything but looked at each other. The expression of Bella, who was still grinning a second ago, deteriorated rapidly.

   From smiling to expressionless, then from expressionless to bulging.

   Bella, who looked at her cheeks, rushed between the two, waving her arms and forcibly separating them.

   "I'm irritable, I suddenly become irritable. I don't care, leave me alone. This is the command of the devil."

   Although there were some farce, the action unfolded smoothly.

   Li Muran and Bella went to the village of the forest spirit under the leadership of Yisha.

   Black beans and Christian stayed behind in the Devil City.

  Isha in winter clothes is very happy. She is worried about her people, but she still wants to hum sing happily.

   "This dress is too warm, I won't feel the cold at I can wear such great clothes, every time I feel as happy as a dream."


   Located west of the middle of the Deadsong Forest is the village of the forest elves.

   This village is not large, covering an area of ​​less than 200 square meters.

   When it comes to the facilities of the village, apart from the heavily fallen wooden pile fence, there are only a few wooden houses left.

  The wooden house is not big, and each one is 10 square meters.

  All the wooden houses are in disrepair for a long time, giving people a feeling of crumbling.

   Some houses can see obvious damage.

   is buried in the snow that can reach the thighs, and the cold wind blows into the house through the broken gap, and it makes people feel cold to look at.

   And these barely stand up are not bad.

   More houses have collapsed, turned into a pile of tattered logs, buried by heavy snow, and only one corner is exposed.

  Those dilapidated houses were just thrown there, no one cares about them, which shows the desolation and defeat of the village.

   It's not that the Mori elves are lazy, but the Mori elves are really powerless.

   A fierce battle broke out a hundred years ago because of the conflict with the dark elves.

  The Mori Elves suffered heavy losses.

   Since then, it has begun to weaken.

   Recently, there are only more than 20 people left in the tribe.

   And the remaining 20 people are all old and weak women and children.

   The strong male Mori spirits all died in the cruel survival battle.

   The death of the male elves in the prime of life not only represents the extreme weakness of the Mori elves, but also the loss of skills mastered by men such as woodworking.

   It is naturally difficult to rebuild the village.

   Compared to houses, the Mori elves are more worried about food.

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