Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 122: : Another World Internet Cafe

   Cheap things, either the quality is not good, or the configuration is not good.

   What's more, Pinduoduo is a mixed bag.

   When buying electronic products, especially computers, you must keep your eyes open.

   It took a long time for Li Muran to choose a brand from the past that the configuration can still be seen.

   Finally, I bought a computer for the price of a case, a monitor, and another set of 3,500.

   The computer came soon.

   Li Muran installed the computer in his office. Just put it on the desk.

   Feeling coming. The feeling of returning to my home and sitting at the computer desk is back.

  Because of being too excited and too missed, Li Muran's hands holding the mouse were shaking.

  Because Li Muran made something new again, everyone curiously gathered in Li Muran's room.

   want to be the first to witness the style of the new props.

   Black Bean, Christian, Bella, Isa, Tuyang, White Tail, Davarish, Tinari, Ainz, Carl, Bronze Hammer...

   All of a sudden, the room was full.

   The room that had originally appeared to be very wide immediately became crowded.

   "Who touched my ass."

   "Please, who wants to touch Skeleton's butt."

   "Something hard is against me."

   "Sorry, it's my bone."

   "Tinari, your meatballs are too much in the way."

   "Isa, sometimes I really envy your flatness. It's easy at this time."

   "Only, it's not fair. I'm just right. No, if you don't believe me, ask Master Li Muran."

   "Hei, Lord Heidou, please sit on my neck. It is my honor."

   "White Tail, pull the black beans away from Tuyang. Keep the black beans away from him."

   "Davarishi, it's too hot by your side."

   "Sorry. Would you like to drink some vodka, it will feel cooler."

   "You are the only bear people who can feel cool when drinking vodka. We only feel more hot and dry after drinking it."

so annoying.

   Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

   When there are too many people, it becomes messy.

   But unlike usual, Li Muran was in a good mood and didn't care about these guys at all.

   Now Li Muran's attention is all on the computer.

   Next, it will be a historic moment not only for the Demon King Army, but also for life in another world.

   Li Muran swallowed, pointed his finger at the power button, and gently pressed it down.

   As the screen began to flash, the clutter in the room suddenly stopped.

   Everyone no longer cares about other things as if they have been enchanted, but focuses on the display like Li Muran.

   "It's bright, it's bright. That board-like thing is glowing."

   started normally.

   Looking at this familiar startup interface, I was full of emotions.

   Li Muran looked forward to this moment, really looking forward to it for too long.

   I didn't expect to travel to another world, and one day I can see this interface again.

   I was so moved that I would cry.

   When Li Muran was moved, the boot interface was to enter the Windows system.

   The computer started up normally, but Li Muran screamed and smashed the table. This abnormal behavior shocked everyone.

   Everyone thought this equipment failed.

   But I heard Li Muran yelling something unknown.

   "I thought it was an xp system, but I didn't expect it to be window10."

  I think so. Window7 was eliminated before crossing. Window10 is becoming popular.

   The computer I sent now is a Windows 10 system that is too normal.

   My own system is XP, but I am using a computer with a window10 system.

   Isn't this a bright betrayal?

   Li Muran felt his conscience dripping blood.

   No, you can't do this kind of thing.

   Li Muran already has the XP system in his mind, and cannot fit other systems.

   Li Muran is not the kind of person who starts chaos and ends up abandoning.

   Li Muran general principles, everyone understands.

   operated a few times with resentment...

   "Is the win10 system also good? The speed is quite fast. The performance is also very strong. I like it."

   Whatever he does. It's easy to use.

   People, just don't care about so many, in order to live easily.

   I believe that my XP system can also understand myself. If it is conscious, it must be the same as Li Muran, a person who understands reason and knows how to adapt.

   Li Muran This is not a betrayal, only understanding the enemy.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive in battle.

   Everything is to maintain the status of the most stable system of the xp system.

  Looking at Li Muran happily looking at the monitor, strange graphics constantly appeared on the monitor and disappeared.

   Everyone else showed puzzled expressions.

   "Li Muran, what's so good about this thing?"

   "It doesn't feel as interesting as TV."

   "That's right. In terms of brightness, it's not as good as the thing called an electric light."

   "The light is not enough, the shape is square, and the lighting is inconvenient."

   "The things inside are jumping around, I don't understand the meaning. It's dazzling to see."

   "Master Li Muran, I don't think the things you made this time are of any use."

   These indigenous people simply cannot understand the greatness of computers.

   Leaving aside the powerful functions of office, Li Muran demonstrates its simplest usage.

   This is also Li Muran's longest usage in the original world.

  Play games.

   is different from handheld games, which are computer games.

   Li Muran first plugged the USB flash drive bought from Pinduoduo into the usp port of the computer.

   Then simply check it out and choose one of the games that I am more familiar with.

   installed a Warcraft first.

   Then start the game in full view.

   An image appeared on the screen, and everyone's interest was also raised.

   "I'm optimistic. Next I will operate these troops to defeat the enemy."

   Li Muran randomly arrived at the undead.

   Seeing the undead unit, the audience screamed in surprise.

   "Yes, it's the undead."

   "Master Li Muran is commanding the undead."

   "Lord Li Muran really wanted to build an army of undead."

   "Sure enough, there is an evil soul. This person is as evil as a demon."

   I'm so annoying. This is random.

   If humans are selected, you will definitely have to make irresponsible remarks.

   After seeing the orcs and elves on the map, everyone yelled unexpectedly.

   Issa also said that the Moon Priestess is very similar to herself.

   Where to follow.

   Don’t talk about anything else, there are two worlds apart, okay?

   Don’t be overwhelmed just because you can’t sue you for infringement.

   Li Muran played a Warcraft game in public. Because it's been a long time.

  The technology is not as good as before. Was violently beaten around the house by three simple enemies.

   Li Muran finally entered the cheat book before hitting it, and he didn't lose face in front of everyone.

   is too real.

   As soon as the game was over, Li Muran pretended to cough and asked everyone.

   "You understand now."

   I also want to say that these indigenous people can understand the fun of the game.

   Unexpectedly, Tuyang shouted loudly and almost rolled Li Muran from his chair to the ground in shock.

   "I, I understand. This is a war simulator. It is used to simulate actual combat. It is used to train the cadres' combat command ability."

   Everyone immediately boiled.

   "You deserve to be the Secretary. The preparations are so thorough."

   "I see that there are still food, buildings, and population. Isn't this the reality?"

   "This, this is a trans-epochal thing. With this, it is easier to understand strategy and tactics."

   Everyone shouted loudly, praising Li Muran for his professionalism.

   Li Muran was confused.

   I really just want to play a game and relax.

   But since everyone says that, it should be the case.

   "Huh, I was discovered by you. That's right. That's what I planned. This item is a key item to enhance the overall military theory of our Demon King Army."

   On borrowing the donkey from Poxia, Li Muran said that he was second, and no one in this Demon King's army would dare to say first.

   The degree of shameless secretary is still the first level.

   Bella Demon King Army has always stayed with Li Muran after all, and his ability to adapt to new things is a hundred times better than others.

   is not only the ability to adapt, but the ability to understand is also much better than others.

   Although I still cannot fully understand all the uses of the computer for a while. But it didn't take long for everyone to understand the benefits of computers.

   After this, everyone who had been forced to accept the change and actively liked new things all found excuses to come to Li Muran to rub the computer.

   Okay, I used to rub the lights and the TV before. Now it's time to rub the computer again.

   is more than just rubbing, every time a person comes, they will follow a lot of people standing behind and watching.

   I have the feeling of going to Internet cafes when I was young.

   At that time, I didn’t have the money to surf the Internet, so I could only stand behind others and watch them play like a grandfather watching chess and not talking. I really miss it.

   Isha, Tuyang, Tinari, White Tail, Davarish, Black Bean, Bella, and even Ainz and Karl came to join in the fun.

   also saw the breast is too big for the first time, hindering both hands to type on the keyboard, so I have learned a lot. It's a bit fresh, so take a look at it for a while.

  The bear is playing on the computer, and people can’t help but worry that it’s too powerful and will break his keyboard.

   There are still undead playing on the computer, and the screen is so mixed that Li Muran's tastes are mixed, and he won't be able to comment for a while.

  Fantasy elements and scientific elements are in the same frame, and there is an indescribable sense of strangeness.

   It’s okay for everyone to play when Li Muran doesn’t use a computer.

   It’s also a good thing that everyone’s enthusiasm for learning new things is high.

   The Demon King’s Army should have this spirit of learning and innovation.

   But it's so annoying. My office is crowded with a lot of people, and I can't think about problems quietly.

   Li Muran also feels guilty.

   With so many people watching, even if it is justified, I feel embarrassed.

   The most important thing is that I don’t have the sense of unity between man and nature when I think about it.

   "I'm so annoying."

   Use generators and computers to make life more comfortable.

   As a result, the room was occupied all day long, his personal time was taken away, and the chattering and noisy around him kept on.

   Not to mention that life is advancing towards ideals, it is simply a step backwards.

   After struggling for a long time, but not advancing and retreating, isn't this putting the cart before the horse.

   Although Li Muran wanted to blast everyone away, everyone's enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

I heard that Li Muran’s system and this computer’s system are still distant relatives, whether it is because of the desire to understand the source of Li Muran’s strength, or the desire to peer into the abyss and find a way to stop Li Muran when Li Muran runs away..... .

   Everyone seems to have discovered Adam and Eve of the forbidden fruit, and they are obsessed with computers.

   After the generator, I can feel that the computer is the most sought after by everyone.

   The voices of wanting to play on the computer were louder than ever.

   Even if Li Muran wanted to ignore it, it was impossible.

   Although this Demon King Army is the secretary in charge. But we cannot ignore the voice of the public at all.

  'S subordinate's voice is too high, if you don't listen, I'm afraid it's not going to cause trouble.

   Can't bear everyone changing people every day to blow the ears, Li Muran had to decide to think of a way.

   said it was thinking of a way, what can be done.

   Apart from increasing the number of computers, there is no other way to quiet these guys and run into their rooms without excuses.

   Li Muran had to kick Howard in the ass.

   Let the money printing organization of the Demon King Army speed up its work.

   With money, you can buy more computers.

  Of course, funds are limited. So the configuration cannot be too high.

   The performance is lower than that of Li Muran’s office.

   The computer I bought this time can play low-profile games, use office software, and watch movies.

   does not have too many requirements.

   It’s the purpose to temporarily stabilize everyone’s growing'learning' mood.

   As for improving the configuration, wait until the Demon King Army’s science and technology tree will go up one level later, and we will talk about it when we need a high-end computer.

   If the Demon King Army’s technology is high enough to be able to use a computer for office work, it will be worth the money.

  Thinking about the fact that the Demon King’s army in another world uses a computer, Li Muran has a lot of grass in his heart.

   I really did an amazing thing.

   makes the style of painting in another world even more bizarre.

   Li Muran deeply realized that he was the shit-chucking stick who made everything weird.

   is myself. That's all right.

  Because they are bought in bulk. It happens to use the discount function obtained after Pinduoduo's upgrade.

   So the money spent is cheaper than selling alone.

   Li Muran bought 10 units in one go.

   I bought generators and supporting facilities before, but this time I buried them in batches of computers.

   The rmb that I have accumulated so much has dropped to just over one thousand.

   Seeing the number being beaten back to its original shape, Li Muran's heart was bleeding.

   It's hard to make money, it's so fast to spend money.

   This principle is universal in any world.

   As soon as he saw Li Muran buying back 10 computers, he was very excited about the members of the Demon King Army who were in love with the computers.

   Someone immediately began to prepare materials for a banquet to celebrate.

   Celebrate a big watermelon. Don't you just buy back a few computers? Is this something to celebrate?

   This is also a celebration. If you want to buy a van and come back later, do you have to directly set a statutory holiday?

   The Demon King Army is not so Of course, this statement is from Li Muran's perspective. In fact, when you think about it, 10 computers are a big deal for the natives who have never seen the world.

   It’s okay for everyone to clamor to celebrate.

   Everyone stared at Li Muran eagerly, wanting to see what Li Muran would do with these 10 computers.

   Generally speaking, it should be distributed to the cadres.

  Pull up the wires and install them directly in the cadres’ homes.

   But this kind of computer is not enough. After all, they have to meet the needs of ordinary members of the Demon King's Army.

   Therefore, Li Muran decided to directly apply the old method of the original world.

   A small house was built directly not far from the Demon King's City, which is close to the Demon King's Army Canteen.

   Put a long table and chairs in the small house, and then put the computer neatly on the long table.

   One row on the front and one row on the back.

   The back of the computer monitor faces each other.

   Seeing this, everyone with a discerning eye understands it.

   This is the legendary Internet cafe layout.

   Li Muran connected the computer to the wire, and on a whim, he bought a 24-port switch, connected to the Internet cable, and set up a local area network.


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