Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 129: : Bone Dragon and Holy Sword

Everyone sat on the two skeletal mounts of the Flame Demon Bear, set up a parasol, listened to the sound of navigation, and let the Flame Demon Bear follow along.

The flame demon bear transformed into a mobile pavilion.

It has become an advanced convertible with sunshade function.

Anyway, there were no monsters and organs, and Li Muran and his party completely relaxed their minds.

Taking advantage of the time of crossing the fifth floor, briefly enjoy sunbathing, eat snacks, and chat, and take the opportunity to relieve the tiredness that accumulates on weekdays.

It's not bad to insert such a vacation suddenly during busy schedule.

"I've been playing computer and eating snacks in Demon King City before. It seems that I haven't done any serious business, and I haven't accumulated much fatigue. Forget it, let him take so much. Just treat it as a passive vacation forced by the situation."

Li Muran also hugged Bella in a bikini, breathing lazily.

I don't want to use my brain at all.

The whole team is not in the middle of an adventure, it feels like it is crossing a labyrinth that is extremely difficult to navigate. The Demon King Army’s painting style is like a tour group enjoying the sun.

Sitting lazily on the sunshade car during the day.

Set up a tent at night and wear thick clothes to eat and rest.

The extreme temperature difference in the desert and the harsh environment that kills humans can't hinder Li Muran.

Rather, the current situation is hundreds of times more comfortable than when Tinari lived in the cave.

The desert, which gives people a sense of despair and loneliness, has now become a quiet place for people to abandon distracting thoughts and meditation.

Everyone is advancing so freely.

It took almost 5 days to reach the lower point of the fifth floor.

The space on this floor is the largest, and the road conditions are also the worst. There is no way to spend the most time.

However, everything went well.

When Li Muran and his party came to the fifth floor of the portal.

Caoret's army is turning around and fighting the forces of the Demon King's army newly entering the maze.

Traffic jams make people angry easily.

The one in front couldn't leave, the one in the back kept urging.

This block of curse, the fire came up.

Therefore, people with road rage should not go on the road casually.

When traffic jams, you need to be considerate of each other and be more tolerant.

This is the correct way to handle contradictions.

Because of the improper handling of traffic jams, Caoret’s labyrinth strategy did not advance or retreat, and the long-distance strategy time was going to continue in the future.

Coming to the portal, Li Muran jumped off the Flame Demon Bear and asked everyone to put on winter clothes and prepare to enter the sixth floor of the maze.

The sixth layer of the maze is also the last layer of the maze.

On this floor is placed the treasure of the gods, and at the same time the final boss of the treasure of the watcher is stationed.

The time for the decisive battle has arrived.


The sixth layer tests the hard power of the brave.

It's like going to see the quasi-father-in-law. It's useless to say anything at this time, you must show your true ability.

Only with strong strength can we pass the barrier smoothly.

Since it is the final boss, the strength naturally goes without saying.

This must be a tough battle.

In the face of this boss, King Caoret did not have a clear plan.

Only at this time, the Caoret Army didn't have any particularly good ideas.

Even the brave who has always trusted so much has lost his confidence.

The Caoret's tactics for this layer is that if they can reach the sixth layer, they will take one step at a time.

If you want to get the treasure, you must defeat the boss who guards the treasure, so just bite the bullet.

Fight with the boss and take the treasure after defeating the boss.

This is also the kingly setting in the game. As a traverser, Li Muran is most familiar with this kind of Tongan Road, and there is nothing to say.

Li Muran was also ready to fight a tough battle.

For this reason, Ainz, Carl and others who had been asleep all the way were awakened.

The sixth floor does not have a vast area, only a huge cave.

After entering the portal, what I saw at a glance was a huge hole covered with fluorescent light.

Such an environment is like explaining to the challenger that ‘there is not so much bells and whistles here, the direct boss fight is over’.

Silver light spilled from the top of the head, shining in one place like a spotlight.

On the hill where huge crystals grow, where the fluorescence meets, there is a huge monster sitting side by side.

It is lying on the top of the hill, and on the hill surrounded by his claws, a sword is inserted.

That sword released a dazzling brilliance like electricity bills and no money. Photograph this cave as bright as day.

Standing at the entrance of the sixth floor, there is still a long distance from the target, you can see it at a glance.

No, it's hard not to notice.

That must be the legendary treasure, the holy sword that can greatly enhance the fighting power of the demon king or the brave.

Everyone was very excited when they saw the legendary treasure.

But what everyone cares more about is the huge monster of the Guardian's treasure.

That thing... how you look at it is the legendary standing on the top of the monster...


And it's not an ordinary dragon.

That huge skeletal body. It is the legendary ancient dragon.

Seeing only the monsters that appeared in the legend, everyone shuddered.

The sense of fear and despair that was suppressed by Tucker at the beginning came out uncontrollably.

Even when Ainz, who had no emotion, was watching that thing, his bones were shaking violently.

White tail blows up hair, let alone Tinari, she's used to peeing her pants again.

Bella also held Li Muran's wrist forcefully, and the fearless Demon King shivered so exaggeratedly for the first time.

The fight has not yet started, and the gap in strength has been deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Without even using the Sogou browser for identification, Li Muran determined that this was not an opponent that could be beaten.

Instinct keeps issuing warnings.

To warn everyone, there is only one dead end for it.

Put a boss that can't be beaten at the bottom of the game. If God is a designer, God is a total evil eye.

What rewards are given to the newcomers, which can make the newcomers' strength by leaps and bounds.

Novices can't play this game at all.

Only a big demon like Tucker can make a move.

It feels like this, the previous struggling to attack the first five floors is totally meaningless, and it's all in vain.

At this time, everyone's first reaction was to go back and forget it.

You can't beat it anyway, and you don't have to worry about others taking the treasure.

If everyone can't get it, it means that this treasure didn't exist in the first place. The original balance of power has not been broken.

It is the most stupid choice to challenge that monster rashly.

Fighting will definitely die, and there will be nothing if you die.

It's not appropriate to think about it.

This is indeed a normal judgment of ordinary people.

But unfortunately, Li Muran is not a normal person.

Li Muran's idea is that since he is here, it is impossible to return empty-handed.

Having already struggled through the first five floors and paid the cost of silence, just go back like this, don't you want to get more and more angry?

Baby is right in front of you, how can you say to give up.

When Li Muran said this, he began to walk towards the hill and climb to the top of the hill.

This move frightened Bella and others.

Tina Li couldn't urinate obviously anymore, she didn't store her urine, but she was still urinating like rain.

Even the trembling bones of Ainz and Carl and the others are about to fall apart.

The bones collided and made a clicking sound, giving people the illusion that they were playing percussion.

Bella and Baiwei went to pull Li Muran in a panic.

Bella will be Li Muran's brake at a critical time.

And now, it is that moment.

Li Muran said calmly that it was okay.

"Generally speaking, defeating the boss and taking away the treasure is the accepted way. But that is just a kingly setting. To do things in reality, you don’t need to follow the setting completely. As I said before, you have to use your brain when encountering things. Get out of your mind-set and think of other ways. Our goal is treasure. Boss hitting and treasure grabbing are two processes. Although boss hitting seems to be the prerequisite for grabbing treasures, you can find out if you think about it carefully. In fact, there is no inevitable relationship."

"So, since I can't fight, I won't fight the boss. Skip the boss fight and take away the treasure."

"Yes, how do I get it? Do you steal the sword while the dragon is sleeping?"

"No, you can't steal it no matter what you think. It will definitely wake up the bone dragon and anger it."

"Then, what should I do?"

"My idea is to communicate with it and let it give us the treasure?"

After hearing Li Muran's words, Bella almost fainted.

Everyone knows that this person doesn't play cards according to common sense.

But his current approach is no longer unreasonable to describe.

In everyone's eyes, Li Muran was crazy.

No one wants to skip the boss fight and get the treasure.

Taking ten thousand steps back, this is still within an understandable range.

But let the boss take the initiative to give the treasure to you, as long as people with a little brain can not accept this kind of idea.

Are you the real father of the boss? Why does the boss let you?

Stop daydreaming.

Everyone was in a panic, but Li Muran still pushed down his glasses unhurriedly.

Although Li Muran is greedy, he is the type that is unwilling to give up when he sees an opportunity.

But Li Muran would not be reckless.

Without more than 80% certainty, Li Muran would never make a decision.

You know, Li Muran is the one who weighs the pros and cons and analyzes the gains and losses in the Demon King Army.

Li Muran only does profitable business.

Although you don't need to use Sogou browser for authentication, you can also know that this boss is so powerful.

But Li Muran, who is well-known and cautious, still used Sogou to identify the Bone Dragon.

The result is that Jianzhen can not be identified.

This illustrates a situation.

This bone dragon, like Issa, Bella, and Carl, is an intelligent creature.

As long as it is an intelligent creature, there is the possibility of communication.

If you can communicate, you have the hope of skipping the battle and solving the problem in a peaceful way.

And for this kind of thing, Li Muran also has quite some experience.

Ainz is a good example.

Li Muran felt that the previous encounter with Ainz could be reproduced on the bone dragon in the same way.

"Are you looking for wealth and danger? Such a good opportunity is in front of you. If you don't fight at this time, you will regret it later."

No one can get the treasure is ‘don’t lose’.

But what Li Muran wants is not to'not lose', but to win.

Li Muran values ​​more than just the current balance of power. Instead, he wanted to increase his strength as soon as possible, so that the Bella Demon King Army had the ability to deal with crises.

Tucker, and this bone dragon.

Li Muran already knew clearly that there were still many strong and outrageous monsters in this world.

Li Muran must master the strength to confront these strong men as soon as possible.

Do not want to continue to avoid these strong, but become a member of the strong.

This is a very good reason for blogging.

Let’s talk about it, and it’s a few years after a bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

"But, even so, it's still too dangerous."

"Yes, yes. Li Muran, I am a lich, and I was also a human before I die. I can communicate. But, do you know that dragons can communicate?"

"This is too risky. If it irritates him, we can't even run."

What everyone said is reasonable.

But this is still just ordinary people's thinking.

As a necromancer, Li Muran knows bones best.

Although he could not explain the principle, Li Muran could feel that this bone dragon could communicate.

From entering the sixth floor, there is a magical power in the world, which resonates with Li Muran's magical power.

The subtle feeling is as if something is waiting for me.

Not waiting to fight with myself, but always waiting, looking forward to my arrival.

This part of the content is too mysterious, and it can't convince the public to say it, so I won't say it.

Anyway, whether it came from Li Muran's understanding of bones or the resonance of that strange magic, Li Muran believed that things could go smoothly.

Therefore, Li Muran rejected all the arguments and insisted on continuing the plan.

"You have done so many ridiculous things with me. Trust me this time."

When Li Muran said this, everyone stopped talking.

After all, everyone still believes in Li Muran.

The members of the Demon King Army did not believe Li Muran.

This is a trust engraved in the soul.

"I will always believe in Li Muran. Since Li Muran is sure, even if it is unthinkable, I also believe it. Who made me the Demon King of Li Muran, Li Muran is my secretary. The Devil King wants to trust the secretary."

Bella smiled and took Li Muran's arm.

Reversed, reversed.

But what Bella said, there is no need to worry too much.

Bella opened her head, and the others thought for a moment and changed their attitudes.

"There is no way. Who made him Lord Li Muran? I would never approve of being someone else. But if I changed it to Lord Li Muran, I agree."

"I, I agree. But can you change my pants first, I'm all wet."

"Hahaha. Li Muran will never make people feel bored. Anyway, he is already dead. I am willing to accompany a close friend."

"We too. We have long put life and death out of the picture. As long as Li Muran makes a decision, we will follow it, whether it is heaven or Everyone’s rationality and space for powerful forces are ultimately lost to the trust in Li Muran. .

Because Li Muran has such strength, that is, it can turn corruption into magic.

Since everyone has no opinion, just do what you say.

Li Muran didn't circumvent everything, and climbed up the hill in front of everyone.

At this time, the bone dragon was still asleep. It looks like it's dead.

But its bones are wrapped with black miasma. Others may not understand, but the Bella Demon King's army with Ainz and Carl knows the situation best.

Everyone knows that the bone dragon is alive.

It was sneaking close to the bone dragon.

People didn't wake up, but you took the holy sword away.


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