Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 137: : 1 more per day

Because her daughter is too cute, she fell into the whirlpool of loving her and couldn't help herself.

The command system of the Demon King Army was almost paralyzed.

In the end, Yisha forcibly pulled Li Muran away from Loli's Gorehowl, and Li Muran recovered his usual calmness.

"Okay, it's terrible. This is the legendary Shangri-La, a happiness trap. Once touched, it will make people irrational."

Uncontrollably began to spoil her daughter, and directly became a daddy zombie who didn't want anything but caring for her daughter.

The daughter is really a terrible creature.

After regaining rationality, he went back to the problem at the beginning.

How did Gorehow become a loli.

Gorehowl is just a shovel.

She has never become a loli before.

But Gorehowl is not an ordinary weapon.

In the beginning, it was really just a cheap shovel for 5 yuan from Pinduoduo.

Being photographed by Bella, as the exclusive weapon of the devil.

After that, he was lucky enough to get the enchantment of Tucker. Transformed from a bargain into a rune weapon.

Recently, for unknown reasons, Gorehowl has grown from a rune weapon to a magic sword.

From this point of view, the path of Gorehowl can be regarded as a smooth flow, and when placed in it, it is completely the growth path of the ‘master shovel’.

It is the kind of grass-roots who started his life from a little-known little person, and finally became a generation of famous teachers, the kind of skill that defeats the heroes.

It's a more benevolent growth route.

So loliification, no, is anthropomorphization the next form of Demon Sword?

There seems to be a saying that the Devil Sword is humanized...

Li Muran has also seen similar settings.

But it suddenly changed, and I felt that there was still a lack of key relief in the middle.

As I said just now, Bella definitely has more say than Li Muran when it comes to the transformation of Gorehowl.

So I asked Bella a little bit.

Is there any strange phenomenon in Bella's Gorehowl these days?

Where does it hurt?

Did you eat bad food?

Is there anything unusual.

"Master Li Muran, you are completely treating Gorehowl as a child."

Li Muran and Bella ignored Isha's complaints.

Bella squinted her eyes and thought seriously.

"No... Everything is the same as usual. It was taken by me, and it was fed to her. Seeing Gorehowl looks like I really want it, I just got it from Layla. The sword that arrived was given to her to eat. You see, hasn't that sword already transferred the attributes to me? It's useless. Just give it to Gorehowl."

"That's it. It's really nothing strange."

"Right. It's just a normal thing."

"It's weird. If everything is normal, then where is the problem?"

Li Muran and Bella fell into contemplation again.

Isha, who was listening to the conversation between the two, was anxious.

"What's wrong with what is called? Isn't it all a problem? Let's not say that ordinary weapons can't eat at all, and no one will feed them. Why do you want to feed the holy sword to Gorehowl. That's holy? Sword. Even if the mission has been completed, it is much more powerful than ordinary weapons. It is the only one, so just feed it. What a pity. The problem is here. Gorehowl ate the holy sword, so I became a girl."

Don't say, it is really possible.

Gorehowl may have ate the super rare holy sword before reaching the conditions for evolution, changing from a weapon to a loli.

"Damn it, why I didn't think of such a simple thing."

"Master Li Muran, you have stayed with Master Bella for too long and have been assimilated."

Isha squinted in disgust.

Yes, is that so?

After staying with Bella for too long, many uncommon things were silently accepted and became used to it.

As everyone knows, these things are not common sense in the eyes of ordinary people, but very incredible content.

This, is this the influence of the Demon King?

In the imperceptible, they are assimilated without knowing it.

It turned out that Li Muran had misunderstood the Devil. The Devil's existence was not destructive, but in such a place.

"Cut. The fool turned out to be me. I underestimated the Demon King's strength."

"No, Master Li Muran, be sober. Master Bella is not as exaggerated as you said. Master Bella has the kind of strength you said. Master Bella is the kind of existence you think."

Isha awakened the dreamer with a word.

It seems that Gorehowl should have become a loli after eating the holy sword.

Gorehowl can be regarded as indirectly enjoying the benefits of exploring the maze.

Although Gorehowl was deformed, she was still a weapon in saying one thousand words and ten thousand.

It is fine to deal with the weapon according to the specifications. There is no need to devote too much energy to a weapon, and affect the normal operation of the Demon King Army.

The current Demon King Army is at a critical stage of rapid development. It is the morale that Li Muran needs to worry about.

The masculine man is to focus on his career.

So that they will not be constrained by the love of their children.

So... get Gorehowl a new outfit first.

"How about this goth suit?"

"It's so cute. That's it."

"One set of clothes is not good. Girls need to be beautiful. Two sets of these three colors are the same. Wear one set and spare one set. The one just now is formal, but you need to prepare some casual clothes. Considering this age The body of the shovel grows very fast. I think I need to buy some large ones."

"It's worthy of being the most reliable secretary of the Demon King's Army. What you think is thorough. Just follow what you said."

While listening to the conversation between Li Muran and Bella, Yisha rolled her eyes again.

"Is this the attitude toward weapons? I don't believe Master Li Muran's words anymore."

No idea. People are low-level creatures whose judgment is affected by the image of things.

Commonly known as looking at the face.

Although Li Muran was not the kind of LSP who followed the five senses with three views, betrayed his faith and turned to the enemy when he saw the enemy's beauty.

But who can hold it and call Dad, what about such a cute shovel?

Not only Li Muran loves Bloody Roar well, Bella loves Bloody Roar even more.

Holding the **** roar, like a mother, said that he wanted to spoil the **** roar, and never let it be restrained.

Bella had just finished speaking with a vow. Someone came over and asked Bella to go to work.

"Master Demon King, today I have agreed to clear the woods and reclaim the fields. Time is up."

"Oh. Go now. Gorehowl, let's go. Transform."

"Yes. Mom."

As Bella said, she hummed a song while wielding Gorehowl, which turned into a shovel, to chop the tree.

"Chop it off today."

Everyone was stunned looking at Bella's back.

Yisha is once again a classic Tucao.

"Master Li Muran, promise me that when you really have a child, don't let Master Bella take the child, okay?"

The storm when Gorehowl turned into Loli has not passed yet.

People have not even accepted this incredible thing from their hearts.

A new situation appeared again.

After a day of tossing yesterday, Li Muran felt exhausted physically and mentally.

Li Muran wanted to take a good rest and get a good night's sleep.

I didn't expect to be kicked up again early in the morning.

Not surprisingly, it was Bella who didn't know when she got into her bed.

Bian Cheng Lolita's **** roar was also there.

Both Bella and Gorehowl can accept it.

The problem is, there are others in the bed.

"Loli, increase, increase."

That's right, I opened the quilt and saw that in addition to the crumb devil and the shovel, there was another black-haired loli.

This time Lolita has black hair and silver eyes.

Contrary to Gorehowl, it inherited Li Muran's characteristics a bit more.

But like Gorehowl, there are characteristics of Li Muran and Bella at the same time.

With the experience of Gorehowl, I didn't dare to immediately conclude that it was Li Muran and Bella's children.

But it is definitely related to Li Muran and Bella.

The devil and the secretary have an unshirkable responsibility for this result.

Because they were too shocked, Li Muran and Bella quarreled habitually.

Suddenly take care of the nanny, but the aunt of the forest spirit who has no milk at all still lives next door.

Still ran in because of hearing the movement.

After seeing the new loli, she finally couldn't help but fainted.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be more. Yes, they are twins!?"

Then, the Demon King City became lively again. People swarmed into Li Muran's room again.

Li Muran felt familiar with all this unfolding, and he had a sense of sight that shone back in time.

The buzzing head was set aside beforehand.

With previous experience, Li Muran sneaked into Bella's ear.

"Bella, tell me, did you tell a lie? You didn't actually feed all the holy sword to Gorehowl. Instead, you secretly hid half of it and fed it to the wild shovel on the side of the road."

"It's not to feed the wild cats and dogs, how can there be any wild shovel? Besides, the holy sword is so hard to die, how can I break it off in idleness."

Li Muran knows Bella best.

Bella's rough nerves would not lie about this kind of thing.

So, what new type of shovel is this?

Could it be that Gorehowl split.

Woke up the sleeping **** roar and asked about the **** roar.

Gorehowl also said that he didn't know. Means that she has no older sisters or younger sisters.

It's even more difficult to understand.

At this time, you can only ask the child himself.

Gently pushed the sleeping black-haired loli, the black-haired loli stretched, rubbing her eyes and sat up.

Super cute.

It feels like melting again.

It doesn't matter anymore. This has so many similarities with herself, she is Li Muran's child.

Seeing that Li Muran was about to become a silly father again, it was still Yisha who would send the inquiry instead of Li Muran.

The black-haired loli stood up, looked around everyone, and said with a smile.

【It's me. Aunt Yisha, Master, Lord Demon, it's me. 】

"You are........"

[This is Christian. 】

In order to prove her claim, the black-haired little Lori jumped up, her body deformed in mid-air, and when she landed on the bed, she turned into a silver slime cutie.

Li Muran, Bella, and the members of the Demon King's Army who squeezed in to watch the excitement all responded with warm applause for this magical development.

So, this time the daughter is a slime?

Gorehowl has always been used by Bella, so it looks like a mother.

But Christian is Li Muran's pet, so he looks like a father.

This is very reasonable.

As for why the slime, who was originally thought to have no IQ, not only could communicate normally, but also became a daughter.

With the example of yesterday's **** roar, there is no such fuss.

"Bella, you still said that you didn't separate the holy sword. Obviously you are hiding the private goods."

"Not at all. I will only eat normal food for Christian. Whatever we eat, Christian will eat what we eat. And every time we eat with us. You know."

Hey? Christian's situation doesn't seem to be the same as that of Gorehowl.

If it weren't for the holy sword, it has the special effect of ‘becoming a human’.

How did your slime pet become human?

"You are a father, no, you don't know how to be a master. Where do I know."

Bella is avenging yesterday's revenge.

Yesterday Li Muran doubted Bella, but today Bella tells Li Muran how.

But Li Muran really didn't understand what mechanism this was.

Although I have also seen examples of slimes turning into humans in and animation.

To be honest, it's not a minority, and it's not new content.

But when it's his turn to change his own slime, he can't figure it out at all.

Can't explain reality with the fantasy situation in the comics, can't it?

Li Muran didn't know it, Bella didn't know, and the others in the Demon King's Army didn't know.

I also want to ask Layla.

Everything happened after her arrival.

Gorehowl's transformation was due to eating the holy sword, and it was also related to Layla.

It feels like Layla is the person most likely to know the result.

But Layla hadn't come back all night at the Internet cafe. When she is addicted, she will be especially focused.

Even if you ask at this time, you can't ask why.

Layla would definitely say a bunch of messes vaguely. Can't say the point.

If Layla is unreliable, then don't circumspect, just ask me directly.

Christian jumped up again, turning from a slime into a cute little loli again.

It seems that she really likes the new look now.

"When I grow up, I will marry the master."

Bastard, who taught her this.

See what this teaches.

For this kind of **** teacher who misled his children, Li Muran extended two thumbs in appreciation.

The daughter found to marry the father is called father marry.

The shovel bought to marry the old man is called shovel marriage.

Was the slime you raised to marry your father called Shi Jia?

Li Muran even seriously pondered the question of whether the slime could be born in that moment.

Regardless of him.

The other world must follow the rules of the other world. Don't be bound by the rules of the original world.

That would seem too vulgar.

Seeing Li Muran's serious face, Bella, Yisha and others rushed to surround Li Muran for moral education.

"Then, UU reading doesn't have to wait for Christian to grow up. With me, Master Li Muran, just tell me when you need it. I can take a job at any time."

"Hey, Isha. I'm still waiting for you to help me correct Li Muran's thoughts. You messed up like this. Besides, Li Muran belongs to me. No one will give it to me."

"Dad and mom are mine."

Gorehowl also rushed up and hugged Li Muran and Bella.

The whole scene was in chaos.

It's because you haven't read "Thunderstorm". If you see the complicated family relationship of the Demon King's family, you will definitely feel that this is a different world version of a thunderstorm.

I'll talk about those things about the pet that I keep turning into a cute loli and saying that I want to marry myself.

Now we must first understand how Christian turned into a human form.

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