Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 55: : Giving a helping hand

   Bella, Yisha, and Li Muran all carried their travel bags when they set off. And packed some supplies in the travel bag.

   Although Li Muran can also buy it directly after reaching the destination, it will save trouble.

   But Pinduoduo is considered the core technology of the Demon King Army after all, so I don’t want to show the purchase process in front of outsiders.

   It is necessary to retain some mystery to create the atmosphere of the Demon King Army.

   And some items have a delivery time factor, and it may not be too late to buy now.

   So Li Muran put the things in the travel bag in advance. One person carries a bag, and takes it with him to the village of the elves of the forest.

   can let people see the materials directly, and can also let people get the most touched.

   Carrying supplies, Isha will also feel at ease.

   This is the most helpful for buying people’s hearts.

   When Isha started to take down the travel bag and take things out, the Mori Elves looked like rural children entering the city, both adults and children staring curiously.

   Everyone still whispered.

   "What is that Isha is wearing? Is it clothes? It looks strange."

   "The clothes are very soft and comfortable to the touch. I touched them when I was holding Sister Yisha."

   "Isha got such amazing clothes?"

   "That's right. This clothes should be of the treasure level."

   "Not only did you get rid of the Flame Demon Bear, but also got the treasure? Isn't Isha's experience the most favorite legend of our Mori Elves?"

   When everyone was staring at Yisha and excitedly discussing, the three of Yisha also hurriedly took out the supplies.

  Instant noodles, bundles of sausages, bread, milk powder...

   Food accounts for 90%, and there are also 10% warm appliances. Li Muran and Bella made targeted preparations based on Yisha's description of the situation in the elven village.

   There are not many things, but it is enough for emergency.

  Isa has already seen some of these things, and probably understands their usefulness.

   But in the eyes of other forest elves, these props are new things without exception. Mori has never seen it in his entire life.

   Looking at the plastic film on the outside of the instant noodles, Mori was so excited that it was a magic structure.

   Seeing the red-skinned sausage, they thought it was the fingers of the devil.

   The adults wanted to reach out and touch the instant noodles, but they hesitated again and again.

   The child was bolder and stretched out his finger, but he also retracted his hand immediately after touching the plastic film. Then I told everyone excitedly that this is a strange touch that I have never had before.

   Bella couldn't help laughing at the fuss of the Mori Elf.

   "It is said that sausages are the fingers of the devil, and the Mori spirits are too ignorant."

   A certain crumb demon has forgotten that when he first saw self-heating instant noodles, he was scared by the steam, and stayed far away, lying on the ground holding a box of twig bucket noodles.

   Li Muran should have taken a picture of Bella at the time.

   Not only Bella, but Isha's mouth also bends slightly.

   "Everyone, these things are food."

   "Food? Can these be eaten?"

   As soon as Isha finished speaking, the elder immediately ordered people to get more firewood and prepare to cook.

   Bella interrupted the elder.

   "Don't be so troublesome. This is how this thing is used."

   said, tearing open the packaging of the face bag, pour the seasoning in, and then ran to the door and grabbed a handful of snow back, and threw it directly into the instant noodle bucket.

   Now Bella is already familiar with the use of self-heating instant noodles.

   Even without Li Muran's help, he can cook noodles by himself.

   Bella also mastered the new skills for herself to show off to Li Muran, proud of her nose.

   is good at dancing spatula, and has mastered the usage of self-heating instant noodles...

  Mastering skills is a good thing. But I always felt that Bella was getting farther and farther away from the orthodox demon king.

  While Bella explained the instant noodles to the spirit of Sen, Li Muran gave the milk powder to Yisha.

   "Those who are hungry and faint should eat some liquid food first. Warm some milk for that girl first, hurry up."


When    received the powdered milk, Bella stared at the powdered milk and licked her lower lip, but she still acted decisively.

   At this time, the self-heating instant noodles also started to heat up.

   Quicklime reacts with water, releasing a lot of heat energy, which immediately melts the snow and boils the snow water.

   Looking at the instant noodles that suddenly reacted violently and steaming, the Mori Elves stepped aside in horror, hugged each other and hid in the corner.

   "Yes, it's a magic item."

   "It's gasping. It turns the snow into steam without using fire. Too, too powerful."

   Bella raised her chest proudly as if she had achieved what the Mori Elf said.

   Li Muran helps Yisha feed the milk to the hungry girl. Bella shared the cooked instant noodles with the people of Senjing.

   In order to let the Mori people understand that this thing is really edible.

  Bella let everyone take one bite, and try it first.

  The people of Mori have never seen noodles, so they were scared at first.

   But after smelling the aroma of instant noodles, the instinct to eat is fully activated.

   has been hungry for a long time, and after smelling this smell, all the Mori elves are not controlled by their consciousness, and they stand next to Bella one after another.

   "Okay, line up. One person, one bite."

   "It's delicious. What does this taste like?"

   "It's so fragrant. I've never eaten something so delicious."

   "'m alive again."

   ate the instant noodles in one bite, and the people of the Mori spirits were moved to tears.

   Everyone was wiping tears happily, and those who didn't know the situation would think that something deeply moving happened.

   Actually I just ate instant noodles.

   Li Muran, who has become accustomed to this kind of scene, glanced at the situation of Bella's special show, lost interest, and continued to help take care of the unconscious child.

   Blow the milk cool and spoon it into the girl's mouth.

   After feeding for about half a bowl, the girl made some faint movements.

   "It is impossible to wake up immediately. But this should be able to get out of danger. You can eat other food when you wake up."

   "Thank you, Li Muran."

   The eyes of the two taking care of the girl met, and Isha's face turned red uncontrollably.

   I feel that time has started to slow down again, when there are only two people left in the world...

   Bella suddenly rushed over and pulled Li Muran away.

   "Come here to help me when I'm done. Teach me how to make instant noodles."

   "Don't you know how to do it?"

   "It's so annoying, anyway you can help. This is the order of the devil."


   "The district secretary, dare to be speechless."

   After this, the unconscious girl was taken care of by others, and Yisha asked all the Mori elves to gather in the hall.

   The so-called hall is actually a bigger house. It is not at the same level as the hall that humans use to summon people from another world.

   This house used to be a place for the Mori elves to discuss major issues and meetings. Can accommodate all the people of the current tribe at the same time.

   Yisha gathered the people together and distributed food to everyone.

  The principle of distribution is that everyone has a share.

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