Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 143: : Newly installed software

  In addition to the cadres, the cadres will be replaced.

  The strength of the general members of the Demon King Army has also been greatly improved.

   Many members of the Demon King Army did not reach level 40, but because they were relatively good at first, they obtained the same strength as the Tuyang and Shirao before they were promoted.

   For example, the dark elf named Rema has become a rookie among the magic swordsmen, second only to Tuyang in all aspects.

   John, a villager in the village of Yoshui, has the same strength as Sophia before, and his combat effectiveness has greatly increased, and he has begun to embark on the road of not being a human being.

   Demon King Cult’s assassin Pierre got the second-hand true biography of White Tail and became a powerful assassin.

   These grown members of the Demon King’s Army have the ability to kill a small group of human elite soldiers or a group of adventurers. In the past, they were all at the level of cadres.

   The growth of all members of the Demon King Army is worth looking forward to.

   I feel that soon, the Demon King Army will fully develop one more round, and there will be more Demon King and Brave Species.

   Demon kings and heroes will gradually increase.

  Speaking of which, Li Muran has already begun to consider increasing the area of ​​the room where the Heart of the Demon City is stored.

   Now, the heart of the Demon King City is placed in a separate room in the Demon King.

   That room is the color steel plate house that Li Muran and Bella made when they first came to the Dead Song Forest.

   The house is not big. Later, after the Devil’s City was renovated, the color steel plate house was preserved and included in the new house.

  The new Demon City can be said to be expanded on the basis of the original building structure without destroying it.

   Why didn’t the color steel plate house be demolished when renovating the Devil’s City?

   One is because that house is of great significance to everyone, and it is a memory-carrying thing.

   The color steel plate house is the first serious house built by Li Muran and Bella at the beginning of their business, and it is the first official stronghold of the Demon King Army.

   Without this house, there would be no follow-up development of Li Muran and Bella.

  The members of the Demon King Army also respected this house and regarded it as the birthplace of the Demon King Army, the starting city.

   Therefore, this house is also called the ‘House of Inception’, which represents the origin of the Demon King’s army and is a treasure of historical significance.

   I believe that in the past few hundred years, this color steel house will become a legendary treasure just like those ancient cultural relics.

   In addition to recording everyone's memory, everyone has feelings for it.

   The second important reason is that the heart of Bella’s Demon City is placed inside.

   The Heart of the Demon City cannot be removed after putting it down.

Once    is removed, he will lose his qualifications like a peeing trousers.

   Everyone is worried that demolishing the house may affect the stability of the heart of the Demon City.

   In case you accidentally knock it down, the matter will be serious.

   So in line with the principle that more is worse than less, the color steel room is left, which is tantamount to adding a layer of metal shell protection to the heart of the Devil City.

   To put it plainly...just lazy.

   Now, the heart of the Demon King's City has increased.

   There are various hearts of the Demon Castle in different styles in the room.

   glanced suddenly, it was as if he had entered the backstage of the bowling alley. The room was filled with bowling pins.

   Li Muran is very worried about continuing to develop, this little house will not be able to let go of so many hearts of the Devil City.

  Wait, the hearts of the Devil City are all piled up together, and it is estimated that it is not even clear which one is who.

   "Whose is this? It's not mine."

   "I told you all, put a label on it and write a name. I can't find it anymore."

   "Don't push me. What should I do if I knock down the heart of the Demon City?"

   "Yes. This place is so narrow. The heart of the Devil City is full of ground, and you can't walk through it."

   There are more demon kings, and it is a good thing that the strength of the demon king army becomes stronger, but all kinds of troubles will also be caused.

   can escape for a while, but not for a lifetime.

   It seems that the Demon King City still has to continue to expand.

   Li Muran discussed with everyone, after the winter, there is nothing major, and then renovate the Devil City.

   This time there is a dwarf craftsman, and the Demon King Army’s manufacturing technology has gone further.

   This time it was renovated, and the Devil’s City was built from a wooden structure into a stronger brick structure.

   The enthusiasm came to think of changing to a new house.


  The huge experience brought gratifying changes to the entire Demon King Army.

   All the family members have grown up, so it goes without saying that Li Muran and Bella.

   Li Muran first gained the power of the Dragon King and Layla, and became a skeletal dragon knight.

   The increase in experience points has increased Li Muran's level, and his attributes have further increased.

   But these are all appearances.

   What really made Li Muran happy was the upgrade of his exclusive skills.

   Yes, like other people who reached level 40, Li Muran's skills have also been upgraded.

   The race has not changed, but it is still human.

   But the skills have obviously become stronger.

   Li Muran’s exclusive skill XP system has been upgraded from the original flagship version to the current plus version.

   To be honest, Li Muran couldn't figure out the difference between the two.

   sounds like a merchant who has changed the nouns and posted a new label to fool people with the original products.

   But the upgrade is definitely an upgrade.

   The effect of capacity enhancement is still obvious.

   One of the changes that can be seen at a glance is that after the system is upgraded, Li Muran upgrades his level, and the system points he earns each time have changed from 1 point to 2 points.

   In addition, the software that can be installed has changed from white, blue, green, and rare purple to green, purple, and rare gold. (Advanced software requires a lot of system points, so one plus one minus is the same.)

   The system upgrade also comes with a function to enhance all the software effects.

   For example, Pinduoduo has been rewarded with more catalogs, lower prices, and faster delivery speeds.

   Baidu Cloud has more space, faster upload and download speed...

   Other software is also such as the above two categories.

   Not to mention the effects of these upgrades, Li Muran is still most interested in the newly installed software.

   This time, Li Muran installed 4 new software in one go.

  They are...WeChat’s different worlds, Toutiao’s different worlds, JD’s different worlds, and Bilibili’s different worlds.

   Although it is still the third child, the naming method is definitely not new, and it is even used and numb.

   But Li Muran still has to focus on the name of one of the software.

   Yes, it is Bilibili.

   No matter what other software is called that. But you alone are not qualified to use this naming method.

   You are really too much to call "Beep Beep Different Worlds Beep".

   No matter how you read this thing, there is a feeling of cursing.

   Can the normal planning of the head really give such a name to your own software?

   Isn't this name reverse propaganda, smashing the signboard of your own software?

   Li Muran felt that the planning of this software definitely didn't think about the name of the software seriously.

   just followed the trend and didn’t care how users felt after reading the software’s name.

  Or the software supplier does not pay attention to the different world market from the source.

   This is the first time that Li Muran saw the new software. The first reaction was not happy, excited, and wanted to try the functions of the new software as soon as possible. And so fiercely complaining about the name of the software.

   Next, I will introduce the performance of these blue and even purple quality software.

   The function of WeChat is similar to that of the normal version, and it is still used for communication.

   can send text, language, even live snapshots, and send pictures.

   can form a group, and then multiple people can communicate together.

   When using WeChat, you need to share the software with specific people first, just like using 163 mailbox.

   At level 1, the maximum sharing limit is 40 people.

After    is shared, people other than Li Muran can also use WeChat.

   The effect is similar to that of opening the attribute list.

   is a floating translucent frame. The interface is the same as the genuine WeChat.

   You can adjust the transparency, choose to only let you see it, or let others see it.

   WeChat conversations are communicated in real time, and there are reminders with sound.

   does not need to be like 163, you need to open the mailbox to notice.

   WeChat can be kept open all the time, just start the background operation.

   WeChat also has no chat limit. You can also send voice directly, or even capture and send pictures on the spot.

   looks better than the 163 mailbox.

   But the mailbox can send attachments. WeChat has not yet opened this function.

  163 email can save the file for a long time, which is convenient for review.

   WeChat can only save information for about a week. Moreover, the content of each message is limited, which is less than that of the mailbox.

  Because 163 is a point-to-point transmission of information, the confidentiality is also higher.

   Finally, 163 mailbox is only white quality software, while WeChat is purple quality.

   The system points spent to install the software vary greatly.

   So the analogy between the two softwares is not correct.

   still can only say that each has its own merits.

   When there is no WeChat, 163 is the best long-distance information transmission tool.

The emergence of   163 made the information transmission of the Demon King Army reach an unprecedented height.

   It is well known that if you can disseminate information quickly and accurately, you can grasp the first opportunity and make correct judgments in the first time.

   can not only facilitate life, especially on the ever-changing battlefield, the accuracy and speed of information, but also has the strategic significance that can guide the direction of war and determine the life and death of both sides.

   It was also because of the appearance of 163 that Li Muran and Bella could leave the Demon King City and travel to the human country with confidence, and finally saved Bastola.

  The way to transmit information over long distances is to have such a high value.

   And now with WeChat, the Demon King Army’s information transmission methods are faster, and the content of the information transmitted is richer and diversified.

   Imagine building a group during a war and pulling all commanders into one group.

   can communicate in the first time, grasp the dynamics and needs of all parties, and take corresponding actions immediately.

   Really manage the strategizing and win the battle thousands of miles away.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that you are playing the game with the whole picture open.

   and WeChat can also send photos.

   In this way, a more intuitive description of the on-site situation can be made.

   is more accurate and shocking than text description.

   WeChat is a software that can raise the battle of the Demon King Army to a new level.

  Because of the high evaluation of WeChat, after installing the software, I will share it with everyone immediately.

   I also thought that everyone would think of something with Li Muran, and would be excited to study the strategic usage of WeChat.

  Unexpectedly, it was the same as when 163 was first launched. Everyone came to chat with WeChat.

   Any short stories from parents are posted on WeChat.

   I usually don’t dare to say it, and I’m sorry to say it on WeChat.

   Someone used WeChat to confess that they wanted to give birth to a big Ivan for someone who is unkind!

   Some people use WeChat to complain about the harshness of the leadership. Whenever they joined the Demon King’s army, they were put on small shoes. Whenever something happened, they would vent their anger. The leader is a dog.

   One by one became the kind of online tiger, offline kitten keyboard man.

   gives people an illusion that their personality has changed.

   "This kind of incident is reported online. Don't complain online. Don't use WeChat to confess. It seems so insincere. Come face to face."

   There are also people who use WeChat to exchange their pants to wash their pants without leaving the smell of urine.

   The ratio of AC vodka to water. Ask how to mix with water so that you can drink for a long time without feeling too bad.

   Communicating that carrots are delicious when they eat the sharp side or the leafy side first.

   Exchange cleaning tips...

   Exchange bone maintenance methods.

   Someone even wrote a story about an unfortunate girl as the protagonist. It has been serialized to chapter 18, and it is written that the girl was kidnapped by the terrible Demon King's army. After being kidnapped, it is still incompatible.

  This...what and what is it all about?

   Not only is the topic of the conversation irrelevant, but the content is so unreliable that it can’t be reached.

   It's so bad for them to talk with gusto.

   The one who writes a long comment under the maintenance of bones, do you really understand the maintenance of bones?

   Isn’t this the one who brought up the topic of peeing?

   This guy is an inconspicuous cloud user.

  A man who pees his pants, knows how to care for the bones of a fart.

  Don't believe others.

   "WeChat is not for you to chat. Don't tell me anything that has nothing to do with business in public channels."

   That's the way the company group is used as a chat group.

  Looking at the content of these chats, Li Muran is called the first two.

   The content is enough to make people a headache.

   This WeChat has no blocking function yet.

   "Please pay for VIP to activate the blocking function, or upgrade the software."

   buy nm!

   Li Muran spoke smoothly in C language.

   This different world version of the software is another defective castrated version.

   can't block the information prompt.

   It kept beeping, beeping continuously.

   Those **** have stayed up all night since they had the lights.

  A night **** of war who is incarnate surfing at They have overcome the darkness and are happy, but Li Muran will be driven crazy by the beeping WeChat at night.

   can't sleep at all.

   In desperation, Li Muran had no choice but to use tough methods.

   asked Howard to publish the "Notice on the Rules for the Use of WeChat in the Demon King Army".

   standardized the use of WeChat, and Li Muran gained a moment of tranquility.

   It seems that while science brings convenience to people, it is true that it also brings trouble to people.

   Bilibili is an entertainment software.

   The function is similar to the original software, mainly for watching videos and watching live broadcasts.

   But this different world version of Bilibili has a similar positioning and starting point.

   Li Muran not only intends to use Bilibili to watch videos, but also to watch other people's live broadcasts. More ready to earn RMB by live broadcast.

   And this Bilibili is what Li Muran said to Tinali before, it is tailor-made for Tinali and is specially installed for her.

   Without Tinari, Li Muran would not spend 10 upgrade points to watch the video.

   is too much. Such a waste.


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