Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 152: : We sent Yan Shuangying

   Although long-range troops can eat a certain number of enemies.

   But the enemy uses the same people as the pig head clan to fight in the sea.

   will eventually break through the line of defense, gradually shortening the distance with the Demon King's Army and the Bastollian Army.

   Head-on conflict is inevitable.

   looked at the enemy's corps stepping on the corpse of the companion and pressing in.

   While letting the long-range troops retreat, avoid the enemy's long-range attacks.

   While letting the melee troops come on the field, he was ready to make head-on contact with the enemy.

   The time for the head-on confrontation finally arrived.

   Seeing that the long-range firepower of the Demon King’s army has broken through, the morale of all the three-nation coalition armies has been greatly boosted.

   Everyone knows that there are more people on one's side, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the other side.

   As long as the distance is reduced, the Demon King's army will have nothing to sing.

   Thinking of making a head start, the few legions in the forefront rushed towards the front of the Demon King Army at a very fast speed.

   Suddenly, a figure stood in the way of the legion.

   There is only one person on the other side, a dark elf holding a sword in one hand and a staff in the other.

   "Is the Demon King's army poor? Only one person was sent to challenge our legion? This guy must be an unpopular person in the organization. He must be worn with small shoes often. The Demon King sent him to die."

   It's okay if the commander doesn't shout, the shout directly angered the opponent.

   The originally quiet dark elf suddenly became violent as if it had been scarred.

  While swinging the dragon crystal long sword that shone as bright as ice, he chopped the first knight and the mount into two sections, while using one hand to activate dark magic to blow away the magic forces that were too late to react.

   The commander didn't understand, but what motivated his own people instead angered the enemy.

   The dark elf shouted angrily, cursing constantly in elf language, and at first glance, it was a person with a story.

   But these are not the point, the point is that this dark elf is very strong.

   And after being provoked, he was in a violent state obviously more dangerous.

   In just a few seconds of contact, he directly overturned the knight army with dozens of people, and disrupted the magician team with dozens of people.

  Leaving him tossing in the legion, his legion was killed by him in minutes.

   The commander immediately changed his attitude and paid more attention to the lone intruder.

   ordered all the crowds to attack, take advantage of the number of people, and kill him anyway.

   Unexpectedly, this dark elf turned out to be even worse, and his actions didn't follow common sense.

   In the next second, he turned into a body.

   Surrounded by flames, he is like a demon from hell.

   The light was facing his line of sight, and the soul trembled with fright, constantly issuing warnings.

   The commander watched his subordinates and was burnt to death by the black flames he released.

   Faced with this demon, the army that he was proud of had absolutely no power to parry, and could only be trampled to death like an ant.

   Commander understands.

   This guy is not the devil's fold.

  He appears here alone because he alone has the power to destroy the legion.

   "The Demon King's army, what kind of monsters are these? We have stabbed a hornet's nest."

   The commander felt desperate, and even though the black demon slaughtered his subordinates, he turned and ran.

   But I was hit by flames in the next second.

   After a heart-piercing scream, it turned into a mass of ashes.


   When Tuyang singled out a legion, Davarishi, who was also a combat cadre, was not to be outdone.

   One person rushed into the three leading army of the Three Kingdoms, which was pressing on the other side of the Demon King Army.

  Dawarisi is wearing a dragon steel armor, and the bear claws wear a dragon steel fist blade. At first glance, he is not an ordinary bear.

   Seeing a sudden explosion occurred in the friendly army parallel to him, the friendly army was instantly beaten into an army, and the commander here did not dare to underestimate the unit of the Demon King Army.

   Even if it came alone.

   The commander decisively issued the order. Let everyone focus their firepower on this desperate war bear.

   Give priority to destroying any enemy that is close to him, and then consider attacking the Demon King's Army and the Caoret Allied Forces to make the first contribution.

   But whether it is a long-range arrow, a melee axe chopping, or even a magic master's magic, it can't help this war bear.

  The metal armor that I haven't seen before shone with convulsions under the sunlight.

   The metal is impenetrable, turning all attacks into nothing.

   It's not just that the armor is surprisingly powerful.

   The commander also saw the clue, and ordered his men to try their best to go to the gap in the armor of the war bear and attack where the war bear was not covered by the armor.

   It clearly hits, but the effect is the same as hitting it directly on the armor.

   This shocked the commander by the structure of the war bear.

   Could it be that its body is unsuitable for growth, but that it cannot be beaten by iron?

  What is the situation with this Demon King Army?

   How can such a weird monster be raised?

   was showered by various attacks, and the war bear seemed like a deserted land, neutralizing all attacks and rushing into the legion.

   First, the cavalry at the front seemed to be hit by a truck.

   The person who was pretended directly turned on his back.

   Then the infantry who was a meat shield in the back was also knocked off indiscriminately.

   There were also infantrymen who were knocked into the sky, fell off after two laps, and broke their necks directly.

   is as miserable as the scene of a car accident.

   This didn't do anything, just a simple collision knocked out the infantry and cavalry that the regiment was proud of.

   Cavalry and infantry can't withstand the impact, let alone the archers and magicians behind.

   Let the war bear rampage in the legion for two rounds, and everyone will be killed.

   I can't beat it, but I can't resist it.

   This thing cannot be hit.

   Battle achievements are important, but fate is more important.

   Realizing that his strength is not an opponent, the commander who is very agitated at ordinary times turned around and ran away.

   "Retreat, strategic avoidance."

   Other soldiers also scattered and fled.

   The one who ran is called a quick one, everyone still ran away well-trained.

   Seeing that the human soldiers stopped fighting and ran away.

   The war bear roared as if being irritated.

"That's not right. Why did Master Tuyang fight until the end. I didn't do anything, and this guy ran away. Doesn't it mean that I can do without Tuyang? Stop. You are not invading our Demon King's army. Do you continue to fight."

   "Boss, the bear is roaring, is it talking?"

   "Follow him. This kind of monster will be handled by the general behind. We are not opponents, we know ourselves."

   "It's worthy of being a master at the rudder, the boss's sense of crisis is still leveraging."

   The army is aggressive on the surface, but when the situation is wrong, it runs faster than anyone else.

   This style, no matter how it feels, is like a certain blue-skinned Djinn friend of the Demon King's army, and he is also a **** of oil on the soles of his feet.

   There are similar people everywhere.

   Although the three-nation coalition forces are large in number, they come from different forces.

  Different forces are divided into the Central Army and the private soldiers of the local lords.

   Therefore, the combat effectiveness, combat literacy, and ideas of different legions are not the same.

   does not seem to be particularly united.

   really unlucky. Why did you let yourself run into such a legion?

   They are hard steel, Davarihi is not afraid.

   But when they ran, they still ran away, and it took a lot of effort to chase them.

   chasing them, I am afraid it will delay the fighter plane and let other enemies take advantage of it.

   After simple thinking, Davasili screamed in the WeChat group and decided to attack other legions.

   Without destroying more enemies, the Demon King's Army and Bastola will not be able to survive the crisis.

   Davarishi stood up and looked around, then got down again, and hurriedly rushed to the nearby legion.

   Anxious is like a salesman who is approaching the Jedi, anxious to complete the quota.

   "That's you. Fortunately."

   While in Davarishi, regardless of the fleeing enemy, when he rushed directly to the nearby formation.

   The commander of the disintegrated legion also happened to be riding a horse retrograde through the neighboring legion.

   "Brother, I brought you the general of the enemy. You have the credit for the battle."

After    finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

   After learning the lesson just now, this time Davarishi rushed into the human legion, and did not entangle them any more, and directly used the big move.

   The transformed Dawahiri transformed from a small armored vehicle into a full height.

   looked up and covered the sun, there was the tall giant bear on the third floor.

   The commander of this legion swallowed.

   "I really thank you."


   The first few legions didn't seem to advance very smoothly, and they were obstructed to a considerable extent.

   But this is not a big deal.

   These are the expected developments.

   The commanders of these regiments did not know that they were actually cannon fodder.

   They were just moved by military exploits and so-called justice rhetoric, and passionate Pengbai fools.

   is an abandoned child used to probe the enemy's strength and weaken the enemy's spirit.

   Although it is said about this war, there is a huge difference in the number of people on both sides.

   But you know, the Demon King's army has attacked the maze and took away the existence of the treasure.

   How can such an existence be not powerful? How can you not beware.

   The Demon King's army allied with Bastola must have a different strength than the Demon King's army that lives in caves and can't afford to eat.

   War pays attention to knowing oneself and the enemy.

   So we need to use some people to find out the reality of the enemy.

   It is not a pity to sacrifice some abandoned children. It is better to say that this is also the result the coalition wants.

   These people are originally not obedient lords of the country, or generals with rebellious intentions.

   is a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of those in power.

   Politically, it is difficult to deal with with other reasons.

   But if they are killed by the enemy in a war, it is obviously more beneficial to those in power.

   There is also the human coalition seemingly harmonious, but in fact they are not so united.

   The Three Kingdoms smiled on the surface, but in fact they had their own ghosts in their hearts.

   When facing the Demon King Army and Bastola, everyone is allies.

   But after the war, everyone is still a competitor and an enemy.

   Ordinary people can only see the first level of war, and those in power in big countries have already begun to consider a new world pattern after the victory over Bastola.

   Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits, the best result is not only to eliminate the Demon King's army, defeat Bastolas, but also reduce the strength of the other two countries.

  Thinking about it, it makes sense that some legions with similar attributes have been inexplicably arranged on the forefront of the battle.

   And when they realized their value, they tested the Demon King Army's details.

   The real troops of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces are about to come on stage.

   Paladins, Royal Knights, brave men, and the four famous heavenly kings from the holy kingdom.

   The cannon fodder in front was beaten to pieces.

  As expected, the Demon King's army who has overcome the maze and obtained the treasure is really strong.

   Although it is said that the cannon fodder troops, which are already one-tier in strength, are defeated, it is normal.

   But it's almost time to play the real trump card of the Three-Power Allied Forces.

   cannot be underestimated.

   And the strength of the Demon King Army exceeded expectations.

   Continue to consume like this, the Three-Power Allied Forces are afraid of overturning.

   If it really overturns, it will be more troublesome than consuming the power of other countries.

   The commander in chief gave an order.

   Let the successor troops attack.

   This time, the main force of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces began to face.

   All of a sudden, a black wall of people surged from the other side of the plain, aggressively killing the Demon King's Army and the Bastola line.

The picture of    can only be described as magnificent.

   Seeing the main force attack, the coalition forces who were beaten badly first cheered, and did not realize that they were actually being calculated.

   If the enemy is not on Captain America, we promise not to send Yan Shuangying.

   But the enemy army is pressed in, and the Demon King's army must also put out 120 points of energy to fight against it.

   In addition to the magic artillery unit that is already in battle, the new firearms unit, the long-range sniper unit, the magic swordsman cavalry unit, Davarishi and Tuyang.

   Li Muran, Bella, Ainz, Carl, Black Bean, Christian, Bronze Hammer, Holy Light Three Stupid, villagers of Yoshui Village, and even Tinari will play.

   Next, there is no trickery, only hard steel, which is a collision of strength.

   Victory or defeat in one fell swoop.


   "You may be able to defeat some miscellaneous fish. But don't think that you can easily defeat my troops. I am different from those guys. I am one of the four kings of the Holy Kingdom."

   The burly man wielded his warhammer, lightly attacking the magic swordsman.

   turned around and waved, the huge stone pillar protruded from the ground immediately.

   once again raised his hand, instantly flying sand and stone.

   The stones whipped up the tornado, so that the magic swordsman could only defend and could not attack smoothly.

   Obviously, the strength of this army is much stronger than the enemies it has encountered before.

   The equipment deployed by the soldiers of the previous regiment was very mixed. Just looking at it gives people the feeling of a private soldier of a local lord, a miscellaneous army.

   But all the soldiers in this legion wear standard metal armor. U U Reading

   Armor is not only well-made, it gives people the feeling of high-end equipment, but what is more surprising is that the workmanship of all armors is the same, even the positions of the lines are the same. .

   can achieve uniform specifications, just by this point, you can see the strength of the opponent.

   In addition to always doing strange things, it only took more than a year to raise the science and technology tree to a very high level, Li Muran's Demon King Army.

   There is such a hidden human country in this world.

   Seeing the same level of work surprised the magic swordsmen.

   It's not just the well-made standard equipment of these enemies.

   They are also very strong.

   can use skills one by one, can strengthen the body, can use swordsmanship, and also use magic.

  According to the average combat power of human soldiers, they are definitely the elite of the elite.

   Although it is not too difficult to overcome.

   The Demon Swordsman is still crushing against them.

  One-to-one, the opponent can't match the Magic Swordsman in terms of strength or equipment.

  The magic swordsman can defeat the opponent completely.


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