Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 166: : It’s capital that beats you

   "Li Muran, I feel a little tired."

  Understand, Li Muran understands everything.

   Li Muran also felt such a strong sense of helplessness for the first time.

   Despair is like a mountain, weighing heavily on one's own life.

   I really want to let go of my hands and lie down like this. It's definitely easier to wait for death.

   If you die, you can be free from endless torture.

   "I'm such a useless devil, sorry for dragging you back."

"Don't talk about words that are full of feelings. You are not a useless demon. I was dead without you just now. You are my most important demon. After crossing into this world, I did not encounter any good things. I am so happy that I met Bella. Without Bella, I would not be where I am now. Most of my efforts are for Bella. Bella, I will always believe in you."

   Li Muran shouted while using a shield to block the virus demon's attack.

   "Li Muran!"

"Hold on. I haven't given up yet. As my master, you are not allowed to fail lightly. Just like usual, continue to rely on me and trust me. I haven't helped you become a big devil, the ideal I want. Life in China is far from being realized. We still have a lot to do."

   The Virus Demon also shouted.

   "I am still in the mood to talk about love here! Talking big, I think what else you can do?"

   "I'll do it for you."

   Li Muran's chest is bursting with dazzling light, this is a special effect only available when the software reaches its full level.

   Bella asked in surprise.

   "Li Muran, what did you do?"

   Although Li Muran kept oozing sweat on his forehead, the corners of his mouth were bent high.

   "I have put together all the results I have accumulated so far, and I have bet on all my wealth...This is my last ripple."

   At the same time that Li Muran issued a victory declaration, everyone in the Demon King City also fell into panic.

   Because everyone discovered that many things suddenly disappeared.

   Refrigerators, TVs, generators, and computers in Devil’s City.

   Even Li Muran's Harley, Heidou's handheld, and even Tinali's clothes disappeared.

   This frightened everyone. Tinali ran out even more naked.

   Fortunately, he ran fast.

   Although everyone thought this was a chain phenomenon after Li Muran's accident.

   It's the same reason as if the host dies, the magic will fail.

   But Li Muran did not hang up.

   These phenomena are all deliberately caused by Li Muran.

   These things were bought by Li Muran with RMB, and Li Muran has the ultimate ownership of these items.

   Just now, Li Muran thought of a way to pool money.

  The way is to sell these things at a discount to Pinduoduo.

   Pinduoduo can not only buy things, but also open stores and sell things.

  Although they are all discounted, it is like selling items in a game shop, which is much lower than the purchase price.

   But after all, it can be sold and exchanged for money.

   It's a pity to sell the things I have saved for so long, my heart is bleeding.

   This is tantamount to rewinding the development that the Demon King's army has finally obtained in one go.

  Technology and living standards instantly regressed by 2-3 years.

   But I can't take care of that much anymore.

   It's important to save the emergency temporarily, otherwise Bella will have something to do, and it will be too late to regret it.

   Only when people are there, there is a future.

   There are only people, and the money is gone, just make more money.

   After the big deal, work harder, just work harder.

   When the last generator is also pawned successfully.

   The money was finally made up.

   The final proficiency of the hospital software is also filled.

   Software upgrade, reaching the highest level 5.

   The extremely evolved light shocked the audience.

   Although I don't understand what happened, the virus demon is shocked.

   I didn't expect the enemy to have a counterattack under such desperate conditions.

   Instinctively tells the virus demon to do something bad.

   The Virus Demon concentrated the virus on Li Muran's protective cover.

   6 arms also hit Li Muran together.

   The fist wind swept the virus-laden air and directly formed a huge tornado.

  At the same time, all the zombie soldiers, regardless of Layla and Ainz in front of them, rushed to Li Muran and Bella madly to support the virus demon, regardless of the destruction of their bodies.

   Seeing that the defensive shield is about to break.

   And the five-level hospital software has lived up to expectations.

   did not let Li Muran waste huge resources to upgrade it.

   "Diagnose, give me the vaccine. Give me the strongest vaccine this time!"

   Following Li Muran's order, a new vaccine appeared.

   The whole body of the nursery is shining with golden light, which tells people that it is extraordinary from the image.

   came out, appeared... it is a golden vaccine with extremely high rarity.

   This vaccine can effectively protect against most viruses, even viruses that are about to mutate.

  The defense rate is as high as 99.999%.

   Finally, the vaccine came to the front of the virus.

   There is no time to be moved by the sss card draw.

   Li Muran picked up the vaccine again and injected it into his body.

   also gave Bella one. Bella also ignited fighting spirit and vaccinated like Li Muran.

   The next second, the 360 ​​barrier shattered.

   Li Muran and Bella were directly exposed to the virus tornado.

   "Hahaha. Now, you are finished."

   The most difficult place for these guys is the defensive cover.

   is the kind of inexplicable thing that invalidates the attack method that the virus demon is most proud of.

   You must know that viruses have no dead ends, and ordinary methods cannot defend against them.

   But that **** defensive cover completely isolates the virus that can attack without dead ends, leaving no gaps in it.

  Because of this difficult, it can be said that it is a very targeted skill, the virus devil can not kill them in the first time.

   was also forced to play hand-to-hand combat with them, which he was not good at.

   Now the defensive cover is gone.

   They no longer have the capital to jump in front of the virus king.

   The Virus Demon finally got back on track and killed them with his signature ability.

   Before the virus demon was half laughing, he suddenly couldn't laugh.

   The two are all right.

   was directly exposed to the virus and was not corroded by the virus.

   The skin did not turn green, nor did it die directly or become a zombie like other people.

   Both of them remained the same.

   "This, how is this possible?"

   Just look at the two people's whole body shone with a thin layer of light.

   And that thin layer of light replaces the defensive cover, blocking the virus and placing the virus into the human body.

   "Although the effect is not as good as a defensive cover, it will not last long. However, it is common sense that the virus can be effectively protected from the newly inoculated seedlings."

   Li Muran's mouth bends.

   "It is not only a temporary defense against viruses. This seedling also has the effect of strengthening the body and improving physical attributes."

   This is the golden vaccine of rarity sss.

   Isn't it normal to combine the effect of vaccines against viruses and the effect of contraindicated drugs to enhance the properties for a short time?


   Li Muran sent out a signal.

   At the same time, he threw the golden vaccine to Bella again.


   Bella, who was regaining her morale, took the vaccine while she immediately took action.

   Bella threw the vaccine up and waved Gorehowl at the same time.

  Bloodhowl smashed the vaccine, sprinkled the vaccine liquid on the shovel, and at the same time slashed towards the virus demon in an overwhelming manner.

   The shining red blood roar was also covered with a faint white light, drawing a red and blue arc in the air.

   In the next second, the same two-colored strong sword wind blows out from before Gorehowl.

  The huge sword wind collided with the tornado set off by the virus demon, cutting the tornado in half.

   The virus demon was taken aback by this posture.

   "Yes, it's Tucker's famous skill... The three swordsman styles. Why, why do you too."

   While talking, he panicked and blocked his 6 arms in front of him for defense.

   Jianfeng is like a huge blade, slashing across the virus demon king.

   When the sword wind blew, the virus demon was still standing there. But his younger brothers who were aggressive and wanted to rush up were neatly cut into two sections.

   When the master made a move, the little soldiers were all given for nothing.

   Although the Virus Demon King was not cut open by the sword wind.

   But he didn't feel that well either.

   The six arms he used to defend have been severed.

  The arms are like scattered petals, falling to the ground with blood.

   "Yes, damn!"

   The virus demon screamed, released the virus again, and injected it into his body.

   This time, his wound did not heal.

   not only did not recover, but there were burn marks where the arm was not cut.

   The burning is slowly eroding his body, a chain reaction occurs like a lighted cigarette, and the other parts that were not injured are also carbonized quickly.

   "Why, how is it possible? Why does the virus invade my virus devil's body."

   The virus demon's body has been corroded by the virus.

   This is simply a big joke.

   For a long time, the virus demon has been releasing viruses to erode the bodies of others.

   I didn't expect that this time it was his turn to experience the desperate pain of watching his body corrode.

   This is what happens after all.

   "You, what did you do?"

   is nothing more than a vaccine.

   Viruses can erode the body.

  Magic modified vaccine can kill the virus.

   And the virus demon's body hides a large amount of virus. After being exposed to the golden vaccine, the virus is killed in a large amount.

   Therefore, the body has the same phenomenon as an ordinary person being invaded by a virus.

   For the vector of the virus...the golden vaccine of magic change is the biggest virus.

   "No, it's impossible. I can't accept it."

   The virus demon roared and released a large number of viruses again, attacking Li Muran and Bella.

  The effect of the gold vaccine is rapidly declining.

   Li Muran also has no extra power.

   It's a bet on the winner or loser.

   Li Muran threw the last golden vaccine to Bella.

   "Bella, it's up to you. Let me see the strength of the demon I trust the most. You are the demon I am most proud of."

"As long as Li Muran trusts me, I will explode ten thousand times more strength. When Li Muran believes in me, I will never lose to anyone. Because I am Li Muran's demon king, how can I look at me at the most important secretary? Failed when I did!"

   Bella shouted, and waved the vaccine-sprinkled **** roar at the virus demon.

   The Virus Demon was also hysterical, and while setting off a virus tornado, he rushed towards Bella.

  The master makes a move, and one move sees the winner or loser.

   After the calcium carbide fire, a corner of the virus demon's chest was dug out, the area where the heart was completely disappeared, and the surrounding area was rapidly carbonizing.

   The virus demon who vomited blood let out a self-deprecating laugh.

   "Unexpectedly, my dignified ten demons were really defeated by your hands."

   Li Muran looked at the virus demon whose soul fire was about to extinguish.

   "Senior, you are wrong. It is not us who killed you."

   "It's not you, who is it?"

   "It's capital."

   The virus demon was defeated by money.

   was killed by Li Muran with money.

   The virus demon seemed to understand, and slowly fell down.

  Looking at the fallen Virus Demon King, Li Muran didn't feel particularly grateful. On the contrary, there were some mixed flavors.

   Such awesome high play is still not the opponent of rookie players who rushed to big members.

   really complied with the phrase, ‘as long as you top up, you’ll get stronger. ’

   As long as the money is in place, even if you are a newcomer, you can immediately have a +999 Dragon Slaying Sword, which will kill the big guy who has been living for tens of thousands of years.

  Charging money is the ultimate meaning of becoming stronger.

   Capital is really strong.

   Capital is the most dangerous.

   Li Muran, who understood the truth of the world, felt an endless emptiness while relieved.

   After the virus demon fell, his abilities gradually disappeared.

   The virus storm is getting smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   The defensive shields covering Bastola and Deathsong Forest weakened.

   Although it is full of cracks, it has reached a critical state of strength.

   But finally persisted to the last moment, did not collapse.

   The silver light shining on Li Muran and Bella also disappeared.

   The effect of the medicine passed, a huge sense of fatigue continued to flow up, and the side effects of the medicine began to occur.

   Li Muran even lost the strength to hold Bella up.

   But happy, Bella was not seriously injured.

   The Virus Demon is really very low in force, which is what makes Li Muran feel most fortunate.

   "Li Muran, I did a good job. Hee hee, just praise me and say it again. I really like it."

   "As soon as you make a little achievement, you will be proud. You are still early from the big devil. Bella is still the crumb devil."

   "That's not what you said just now. I hate it, I hate it. Let's talk about it."

   "No. I never said that."

   "You are a tsundere. Stinky tsundere."

   The pouting Phantom Demon began to act like a baby.

   It's a real loss that she still has the physical strength to hammer Li Muran. UU reading

   Is this physical stamina at the expense of intelligence?

   Li Muran was already aching all over, and his discomfort was no less than magical pain. Don't talk about resistance, it's hard to understand.

   Now there is really no fight back. A baby carrying a fruit knife can end Li Muran's sinful life.

   After the virus demon fell, the army of zombies he transformed was like a puppet with a power failure, falling straight down.

   is surrounded by weird corpses with disgusting colors and deformed bodies.

   This made Li Muran feel like he was sitting in a morgue in a biochemical research room.

   The tense nerves relaxed, let alone, it was quite frightening to see.

   The zombies have lost their combat effectiveness, and Layla and Ainz don’t have to toss.

   Two people came over and helped Li Muran and Bella up.

   "Congratulations to Li Muran and Bella, you two are too strong. You actually defeated the Ten Demons. It feels like a dream. Although Liches never dream."

   "I know Li Muran can do it. Li Muran is the one I like. As long as Bella, it's just under Li Muran's command. Let me come and I can do it."


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