End of this testimonial

   Thank you for your company for so long, and thank you for your support.

   Without everyone’s support, I couldn’t have gone so far and finally finished this book.

   It is all thanks to everyone that I can finish this book.

   Of course, there are editors who have been taking care of me greatly.

   This book is the first book I finished at the starting point.

how to say. It's a bit nervous to write.

   When I first opened the book, it was only because I thought of a more interesting idea.

   [Me: The editor is great, can you write a story that uses software in reality as an ability to put it in a different world? 】

   [Editor: It's still interesting, let's write it. 】

   I will start writing.

   It was a little rush to open the book, because something happened at home at that time.

   I need something urgently to change my bad mood, and I want money.

   Although it was a bit impatient, I wrote it in accordance with the outline originally envisaged.

   The foreshadowing is also accepted, and it's still not out of shape for the time being. (Sigh of relief)

   But the shortcomings are also obvious. You can tell at a glance, I won't go into details here.

   Although the main content is not too biased, I have added a lot of daily things to this book.

   said it’s daily life, just rubbing in what I usually see and hear.

   I changed the skins of those that make people angry and happy, and wrote them in the story.

   So if you read the book, it is estimated that you will see a lot of familiar things (laughs, if you are interested, you can look for it. You should be able to find a lot).

   What kind of results will be brought by writing this way?

   is that the compactness of the story is not strong, giving people the feeling of a hammer and a stick.

   I know naturally too.

   But since the subscription started to drop, I let myself go.

   I don’t make any money anyway, just write a happy one.

   I'm not happy, so I write a fart.

   So this article is Li Muran's diary, and this statement is correct. The initial promise is fulfilled for everyone.

All changes must start from the three-month failure of full attendance (I missed one month of eating because the last book was not finished in the first month. So it was only 2 months. After the full attendance was gone, I was promoted to write Only professional ethics is left.)

   But no matter what, it's over, I will give you an explanation, and I will give myself an explanation.

   I feel much better.

  Of course I can continue to write it down, there are still many pits to dig.

   There are a lot of newcomers, and each newcomer has its own story.

   But, let's stop here for now.

   Because the full attendance is gone, my subscription is just a little bit, and my patience has also begun to decline.

   My own limits, I still know it myself.

   write it down again, it makes everyone hate it.

   There is also my computer at home, and I have daily cramps in the input method.

   My familiar words disappear every day, and if I type it faster, I make a typo. I have a headache. (This is to reinstall the input method)

   After this book, will I open a new book?

   Take a break for a while.

   Anyway, open a new book, I will definitely get an anti-theft stamp.

   That's all in my heart. thank you all.

   See you in the next book.

   Always love everyone, love the bears of parents.


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