Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 103: The new army attacks Su Ye in public

Chapter 103: New Army Dimensional Strike! Su Ye Proposes in Public!

As Prince Hui Mianyu shouted and came out.

The military band of the new army should start playing.

The number of the entire military band is about 30 people. They also participate in certain military training, but more importantly, they perform art performances and various art activities of the new army.

Later, dozens of education officers felt that the work of the military band was more important than they thought, so they also had a part-time job and began to learn related instruments. At the critical moment, they also became a member of the military band.

For this military parade, Su Ye prepared three songs.

"Steel Torrent March", "Welcome March", and "Review March".

These three songs are all well-tested and time-tested.

In terms of pure BGM, it is a complete dimensional strike for this era.

The head of the military band looked at Su Ye and indicated that the warm-up should begin.

However, Su Ye did not give an order.

If he guessed correctly, the other party should have another link.

Battle reports are sometimes also a political weapon.

If nothing unexpected happens, another battle report should appear at this time.

Either it will appear before Su Ye's military review or after his military review.

Early this morning, the news of Jierhang'a's defeat came. He lost the siege of Zhenjiang and has retreated to Jiuhua Mountain Camp.

According to the characteristics of politicians in this era, he must have completely withdrawn to the camp before sending a report to the court.

Moreover, this kind of battle report is unlikely to be sent 600 miles in an emergency, and the active attack was unsuccessful.

In fact, after defeating Jierhang'a, the tens of thousands of Taiping troops did not pursue, but immediately crossed the river to the north to attack the Jiangbei Camp.

In order to resist the Taiping Army, the Qing army in the Jiangbei Camp built dozens of kilometers of earth walls on the southern line of Yangzhou, with twenty artillery positions.

This was regarded as the strongest line of defense by the Qing army.

However, Qin Rigang led tens of thousands of Taiping troops and easily broke through the earth wall defense line.

Then, more than a hundred Qing army camps were broken.

Finally, the army broke through the core of Jiangbei Camp, Yangzhou City.

The commander of Jiangbei Camp, a first-rank official, General Jiangning, led dozens of cavalry and fled.

So far, Jiangbei Camp, the three core strongholds that the Qing court had operated for three years and spent tens of millions of military expenses, was completely broken.

From Jierhanga's defeat in Zhenjiang to the fall of Jiangbei Camp, it took only a few days from beginning to end.

Sometimes the Taiping Army is really fierce.

Therefore, the two battle reports, one fast and one slow, should have entered Beijing at the same time.

The fall of Jiangbei Camp was too fatal, and it must have been rushed by six hundred miles.

Suddenly, Wang Shiqing looked at Su Ye in surprise, why didn't he appear?

The audience outside was also in an uproar. Prince Hui had already called for the appearance, why didn't Su Ye's new army appear?

Could it be that Su Ye was stage fright?

And at this moment, suddenly several cavalrymen galloped over quickly.

"Six hundred miles to rush!"

"Six hundred miles to rush!"

Sure enough, the war report has become a political weapon again.

But they probably didn't expect that Su Ye was looking forward to this war report more than they did.

The emperor glanced at the messenger's arm, and there was no red cloth tied.

Suddenly, that familiar feeling came to his heart again.

It's... coming again?

Is the terrible bad news coming again?

He didn't know how many times this had happened in the past year.

Where did they lose again? What was lost again?

The messenger quickly dismounted, climbed the steps to the reviewing stand, and then knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, six hundred miles to rush. Yangzhou fell, the Jiangbei camp was broken, and the Jiangnan camp was in danger!"


Emperor Xianfeng fell directly into the chair.

His eyes were black and dizzy.

His whole body was cold!

He knew that once the six hundred miles to rush was used, it would definitely be a big defeat.

But he didn't expect it to be so big.

This morning, I just received a report from the Jiangsu Governor Jierhang'a that the siege of Zhenjiang failed and he retreated to the Jiuhua Mountain Camp.

He could still bear this report, after all, the main force was still there.

And this time, he felt that the worst that could happen was that the Jiuhua Mountain Camp was broken.

As a result...

The entire Jiangbei Camp was broken.

Yangzhou was captured.

Yangzhou, what a strong city!

The entire Jiangbei Camp, with more than a hundred camps and tens of thousands of troops.

It was broken in just a few days?

What is Jiangning General Tuo Ming'a doing?

Is he a waste?

The Jiangbei Camp fell, and the Jiangnan Camp was in danger.

This... the consequence?

How terrible.

What about the Lianghuai salt tax? What about the grain transport?

What about northern Jiangsu? What about southern Jiangsu? What about Zhejiang?

If these places were lost, the court would almost lose most of its finances and taxes.

Xianfeng closed his eyes in pain, otherwise he would feel dizzy.

His mind could not help but echo the words Su Ye said before, "I only want the emperor to hear good news from now on, not the news of defeat.

What about now?

What about now?

The new army was just about to participate in the review, and a huge report of defeat came.

All of a sudden, the emperor lost interest and didn't want to watch the new army's parade at all.

At this time, thousands of spectators also heard it and began to spread it.

"The Jiangbei camp has been broken, and the Jiangnan camp is in danger."

"What? That... that's tens of thousands of troops."

"Yangzhou has also fallen."

"Oh my god, what should we do?"

"Is the sky going to fall?"

In the entire southern battlefield, the Jiangbei Camp, the Jiangnan Camp, and the Hunan Army surrounded the Taiping Army from three directions, forcing them to leave.

Now that one direction has been broken, the other direction is about to be broken.

Once both directions are broken, the Hunan Army in the west will definitely be unable to support itself.

Suddenly, everyone's mind was completely affected by this battle report.

Those present were all high-level officials, and of course they knew the strategic significance of the Jiangbei Camp.

This... this is a situation of collapse.

At this time, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and it really came.

Then, he waved his hand.

A military band of more than 50 people began to play music.

"March of the Iron Torrent".

This song was not the kind of high-pitched and passionate at the beginning, but deep and distant.

And the sound was not particularly loud, so it could make people listen attentively.

The key is that it is pleasant enough to listen to, and it is a piece of music that has never been heard in the Qing Dynasty.

At special moments, one can even hear a sense of tragedy.

As the music sounded.

Everyone was stunned, and then calmed down temporarily.

Listened with ears.

Because such a piece of music has never been heard before.

It sounds good!

It is advanced.

It is magnificent.

Suddenly, everyone looked towards the source of the sound.


A special, neat sound of footsteps sounded.


Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Su Ye's new army formation appeared in everyone's vision little by little.

His new army arrived at Nanyuan at night, and then stayed in the barracks all the time.

This... is the first time it really appeared.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

This... This is an unprecedented army.

It is different from the loose military uniforms of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also different from armor.

The straight, majestic military uniforms are solemn and handsome.

Every soldier wears leather boots.

Each formation has 352 people!

All in one!

In the magnificent military music, each square moved out neatly like a square.

This is a modern military parade, which first appeared in the Qing Dynasty.

Even modern people, seeing this kind of parade on TV, are shocked as never before.

What's more, it was the Qing Dynasty in 1856.

The impact of this picture can be imagined.

I have never seen such a majestic military uniform.

I have never seen such a neat square.

Everyone's foot-lifting action is consistent.

Every hand-raising action is also consistent.

There is an officer holding a saber on the side of each square!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

There is only the sound of neat footsteps on the entire parade ground, and the footsteps of more than a thousand people seem to be only one sound.

The "Steel Torrent March" has finished playing.

More than 1,500 people of Su Ye's new army have all appeared.

There are five squares in total.

Then, the music became high-pitched and exciting.

It also became a little cheerful.

"Welcome March"

Then, the five squares of the new army began to speed up and march.

Five squares!

Five blocks!

All in one!

Just like five huge blocks, moving horizontally across the ground.

Everyone present had never seen such a military appearance.

They had never seen such a subversive army.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This... is the steel torrent.

This is the storm.

The whole audience was silent, and they dared not blink.

Just like this, 1,500 new troops, five squares, one by one, passed the center line.

Passed in front of the emperor!

The song suddenly changed again.

It became "Review March".

All the troops passed the center line and the emperor at the moment.

Su Ye shouted loudly: "Look to the left!"

Suddenly, all the new troops turned their heads in unison.

More than 1,500 new troops turned their heads at the same time, looking at the emperor in unison.

Too neat.

Therefore, the impact was huge.

The emperor stood up almost instinctively.


A loud shout!

Anyway, the goose step was too high.

Salute in unison.

More than a thousand people, in unison.

Whenever watching a military parade, this sudden action is the most beautiful and gorgeous.

Even if it only lasts for a moment.

But... it only takes this moment.

Facing this scene, the emperor instinctively raised his hand.

The emperor, who had never seen this scene before, was still stunned.

I didn't expect that the military parade could be like this.

It would be so beautiful.

So amazing.

Just like that!

In the review march, Su Ye's new army walked through the review field!


Suddenly, the entire army stopped.

The fifth square stopped right at the center of the field.

It was as if it stopped abruptly!

Everyone was stunned. What is this going to do?

Is it over?

Everyone in the audience fell into a strange mood.

Su Ye's new army is very beautiful, subversive, and amazing.


Are you saying that they surpassed Boyan's 1,000-plus Cavalry Battalion cavalry?

It's hard to say.

For Su Ye, it was definitely far more than that.

But for people of this era, it was too subversive and too advanced.

It even made them uneasy.

Perhaps, it was amazing and dazzling at first.

Even in dreams, they would think of it many times in the future.

But... it was too different from what they imagined.

The martial arts performance of Boyan's more than 1,000 cavalrymen was the ultimate they wanted, and it was more in line with their imagination of a strong army.

Even now, the image of Boyan's 1,500 cavalrymen riding and shooting out words, three circles rotating at the same time, still appeared in my mind.

Su Ye's new army parade was beautiful and neat, but it seemed more like a performance?

They didn't understand the word gymnastics yet.

But that's probably what it meant.

So many people were neat and uniform, and they must have extraordinary discipline, but other than that, wasn't it a bit like a flower stand?

No fighting, no martial arts performance.

What do you think?

Then Su Ye's new army's parade must be very good.

But, you said it won Boyan's cavalry battalion?

It's a bit unreasonable.

The emperor couldn't help but be stunned. Is this the end?

That... that's not enough.

Many people looked at the Minister of the Parade, Prince Hui Mianyu, and the Deputy Minister, Prince Dun Yixin.

The Minister of the Parade, the Deputy Minister, plus seven co-organizers.

A total of nine people will rate this parade.

Everyone thinks that the performance of Su Ye's new army is very exciting. It is amazing to be able to reach this level after eight months of training.

But... it's not enough.

You just look good, but you don't show combat effectiveness.

The 1,500 cavalrymen of Boyan's Cavalry Battalion are not only good-looking, but also murderous.

There are performances.

There are charges.

There are horseback archery.

It is more comprehensive and more in line with everyone's expectations.

Your Su Ye's new army is too subversive, too new, and even disturbing.

It even gives people a feeling that the emperor has spent more than one million taels of national treasury against all odds to train such an innovative army?

Therefore, everyone present has a rough ranking in their hearts.

Boyan's Cavalry Battalion ranked first.

Su Ye's new army ranked second.

Of course, to some extent, this is already remarkable, because they have only been training for eight months, and they were all farmers before.

Boyan's cavalry is completely selected from a hundred, and they have been practicing riding and shooting since childhood.

But this second place is not enough for Su Ye, which means that he was defeated by the Eight Banners Army.

Didn't you always say that you want to become the strongest army in the world?

Aren't you special?

When the Eight Banners rioted, you killed more than a dozen people and expelled hundreds of people from the banners.

Your new army mutinied and kidnapped the commander, but nothing happened.

It's so unfair.

Since you are the second, then follow the rules.

Hand over the dozens of leaders of the new army mutiny and kill them in public to correct the military law.

Give an explanation to the Eight Banners, the Green Camp, and the emperor.

The emperor was mixed with joy and sorrow.

What he was happy about was this new army, and the military parade was amazing.

What worries me is that it only looks good, but cannot show the combat effectiveness.

Obviously, the judgement of the ministers of the military parade will definitely give Boyan Xiaoqi Battalion the first place.

Even if the emperor is asked to judge, the result is the same.

And in this case, people will be killed.

The list of leaders of the new army who planned the mutiny is now in the emperor's sleeve.

He doesn't want to take it out, and doesn't want to kill people, but at this time, there is no choice.

Su Ye, your new army is well trained, but it is not enough to make people willing to submit.

Su Ye, how can you save this situation?


At this time, Su Ye's eyes swept across the audience.

Finally, his eyes fell on the emperor's face.

"Last year in the court, in front of everyone, I said that I wanted to train the strongest army in the world, a new army that has not been seen in a hundred years."

"Now almost a year has passed."

"This time we came to participate in the military parade and martial arts performance. It is the first appearance of the new army. You can imagine how important it is!"

"I originally prepared a gun show and a martial arts performance!"

"But... I stopped it!"

No wonder the new army's performance came to an abrupt end.

In other words, Su Ye's new army only performed half of today's military parade and martial arts performance?

"Before my new army appeared, an urgent war report came from six hundred miles away."

"The Jiangbei camp fell, Yangzhou was captured, and the Jiangnan camp was in danger!"

"Half of Jiangnan is about to collapse!"

"How can I still have the mood to review the troops here, and how can I still have the mood to perform martial arts here?"

"Here in the capital, no matter how good and gorgeous the performance is, is it useful?"

"Can you kill the enemy thousands of miles away?"

"When I asked to build a new army before, I told the emperor that after the new army was established, I hope the emperor will only hear the victory report and never hear the defeat report again."

"Although I asked your majesty to give you a year, it has only been eight months since the training."

"But I can't wait, and the country can't wait either."

Everyone felt that Su Ye was going to say something, and immediately held their breath. won't.

You can't be that crazy, right?

"If the master is humiliated, the minister will die!"

"The war situation in the south is precarious, and Jiangnan is about to collapse. I request the emperor's order to go to war!"

"I will not perform the other half of the military parade."

"Today's military parade will be held in the capital for the first half, and in the Yangzhou battlefield for the second half."

"Invite the troops on the battlefield and march immediately!"

Su Ye suddenly knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, I ask for your permission to march to recapture Yangzhou and save the Jiangbei Camp!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Are you crazy, Su Ye?

There were tens of thousands of people in the Jiangbei Camp, and they all lost in just a few days.

Dozens of miles of high wall defense lines, dozens of artillery positions, and dozens of strongholds collapsed in an instant.

More than a hundred camps were all broken in two or three days.

The Jiangbei Camp was built at a cost of tens of millions of taels of silver in the past few years.

It was all broken in four or five days.

You want to recapture Yangzhou with less than two thousand troops?

How terrifying?

How shocking?

Your new army has only been trained for eight months. What's the difference between this and hitting a rock with an egg?

The emperor was also deeply shocked and speechless.

Princess Shou'an was in the barracks behind. After hearing Su Ye's words, she understood what he said about being strong enough.

This reason is indeed strong enough, but... do you want to die?

At this time, Boyan Nemohu said coldly: "Brother Su Ye, are you going to retreat to advance?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

Oh, it is very likely that this is the case.

Su Ye felt that he could not win this military parade, so he proposed to go to the south to fight and recapture Yangzhou.

This slogan is big, sounds scary, and is enough to move people.

But the emperor will definitely not allow it. Your new army has just been trained for eight months and has not yet been officially formed. How can you be sent to such a dangerous battlefield?

After the army is formed, you must be allowed to practice suppressing bandits first, and then go to fight the rebels after you grow up enough.

Bullshit retreat to advance.

I have been waiting for the Jiangbei camp to be broken. How long have I waited?

Fighting with you Boyan so fiercely and fiercely is also completely to block this progress.

Recovering Yangzhou is simply a debut battle tailor-made for the new army.

The merits are huge, but the difficulty is not as high as imagined.

Even if we win the military parade here, it is not thorough.

How can it be as satisfying as the real military achievements?

Boyan Nemohu felt that he knew Su Ye, and he was the best at playing with people's hearts.

Suddenly, Boyan stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, Su Ye obviously wanted to escape the punishment of the new army mutiny, so he proposed to go to the south and recover Yangzhou. Please understand, Your Majesty, this person is extremely cunning, especially good at playing with people's hearts."

Su Ye knelt down without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, I have made up my mind!"

"I am willing to issue a military order. If Yangzhou is not recovered, I will never return!"

"If Yangzhou is not recovered, it is up to Your Majesty to deal with it!"

"The military situation is urgent. Please go to the battle immediately!"

The emperor said: "Su Ye, there is no joking in the army. Are you serious?"

"Let me tell you clearly that I feel good about your new army. Even if you don't go to the battle, whether to severely punish those dozen people is not impossible to discuss?"

Su Ye said: "Your Majesty, it has nothing to do with this!"

"Your Majesty, I will tell you the truth. I don't want to participate in this kind of military parade at all."

"Military parades are either to boost morale before the battle or to celebrate after the victory!"

"The battle outside is a mess. What's the point of making the military parade here so grand?"

This sentence is almost a slap in the face.

"I know that everyone thinks that my new army performed very well, even amazingly. But isn't it all just for show?"

"Brand new uniforms, leather boots, and brand new military bands, all fancy, do they have combat effectiveness?"

"War is the only criterion for testing an army."

"If you can fight or not, then fight!"

"In this way, the new army can convince the people and make everyone happy and submissive. Otherwise, even if the military parade is performed to the sky, what's the point?"

When the emperor heard this, his face turned pale.

Su Ye's words were not pleasant to hear, but to some extent, they were also deafening and touched his heart.

The emperor closed his eyes.

Now that things have come to this, should we risk it and give it a try?

Or, let him fight a battle and give it a try.

Let this new army have a taste of war. There should be many troops in the Jiangbei camp to protect the new army.

In case of danger, get out as soon as possible.

As for what Su Ye said about recovering Yangzhou and saving the Jiangbei camp, it's just a matter of hearing it.

Even... I don't even dare to listen to it.

Since Su Ye has said so much, it's better to let you hit the wall.

At least this loyalty and this ardent desire to fight are good.

The emperor opened his eyes and said slowly: "In this case, then you can give it a try!"

Su Ye bowed and said: "Minister, thank the Lord for your grace!"

Then, Su Ye said: "Before going to the battle, I have another request."

The emperor said: "You say."

Su Ye said: "I have admired Princess Heshuo Shouxi for a long time. If I can really recover Yangzhou and save the Jiangbei camp, I ask the emperor to help me and grant me marriage."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar again.

You are so bold.

Propose to the emperor in front of everyone?

And Boyan Nemohu's face changed. Of course, he knew that his mother had entered the palace to ask for marriage.

Once the Khorchin Prince's Palace opens its mouth, the royal family will hardly refuse.

However, now Su Ye has taken the lead.

At least, it is also a sniper.

What to do? What to do?

If the Prince of Khorchin had not proposed marriage, it would have been fine. But if they had already proposed marriage, but it didn't work out and Su Ye snatched her away, that would be a huge joke.

Then they would just wait for Su Ye to return after being defeated, or fail to recapture Yangzhou? Failed to propose marriage?

This would be too passive.

Even if the proposal was successful, it would make people feel that it was not won fairly.

Suddenly, Boyan Nemohu gritted his teeth, stepped forward and knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, I will also go to the south to fight."

"If the master humiliates the minister, the minister will die, and I will go through fire and water, and I am willing to share the worries of the emperor!"

"If I win by chance, please grant me marriage!"

"I have admired Princess Heshuo Shouxi for a long time, please help me."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was completely shocked.

So exciting, so wonderful?

I thought I was here to watch the military parade today, but there was such a big show?

We know that Princess Shouxi has a very good appearance and is known as the jewel in the crown of the royal family.

But the two favorite ministers of the emperor actually asked for marriage in public?

Now, Princess Shouxi's reputation for beauty will spread to the sky, right?

The emperor was immediately in a big headache.

But facing two favorite generals who asked for battle, and they were young people, saying that they admired Princess Shouxi, although they were a little reckless, the young people of the Manchu and Mongolian ethnic groups did not have as many rules as the Han people.

Facing such a motivated mood, it is not easy to discourage.

But now Boyan also asked for battle, which is a bit troublesome.

If Su Ye is allowed to fight, then Boyan cannot be stopped from fighting.

Otherwise, people will say that our elite Eight Banners have no way to serve the country.

And Boyan's cavalry battalion's martial arts performance just now was really wonderful.

To be honest, it is more in line with the emperor's wishes, and it feels like dreaming back to the Eight Banners cavalry and archery sweeping the world.

This is the strong army that the emperor wants.

Su Ye's new army is too subversive.

"Good, good, good!" The emperor stood up.

"When the country is in turmoil, we need good generals. Now the war situation is dangerous. Both of you are not afraid of death and have volunteered to fight."

"I will fulfill your loyalty and courage."

"When you return victorious one day, I will personally grant you a marriage!"

The emperor's words were not final, but he said that he would return victorious.

So, even if he won one battle, it would still be a victory.

As for the great achievement of recovering Yangzhou, he didn't even mention it.

To avoid embarrassment at that time.

As for who Princess Shouxi would marry? Of course, whoever had the greatest military achievement would be married.

Su Ye bowed and said, "I thank the emperor for your help!"

Then he drew his saber directly!

He shouted loudly: "All the new soldiers are here!"

"Stand at attention!"

More than 1,500 new soldiers stood at attention in an instant.

"Turn around!"

All in unison, all turn around!

Su Ye jumped on his horse, and Wang Shiqing saw it and followed suit.

"Let's go!"

Su Ye gave an order.

Instantly, more than 1,500 new soldiers took steps.

March south in order!

Leave the training ground!

Leave Nanyuan.

Keep marching south!

Everyone was stunned. This... they are going to march right away?


Note: The second update is here. After getting up today, I ate two buns and started writing immediately. I finally got more than half an hour early.

Benefactors, can you continue to give me monthly tickets? I will continue to work on the cakes!

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