Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 295 Return of Epic Achievement

Chapter 295 Epic achievement! Return

In fact, when Bismarck extended an olive branch to Su Yi, the British Empire was on guard.

Now that the British had significant interests in the Qing Dynasty, they didn't think anything of it at first, because they felt that the Qing Dynasty wanted something from Great Britain, so it could still be manipulated.

Prince Albert's performance was not obvious, because he is the leader of the royal family and sometimes has to abandon the utility of politicians, but the Prime Minister's performance in this regard is very obvious.

As soon as Bismarck's olive branch was handed over, the British Empire immediately smelled danger.

No, someone wants to seduce Su Yi, and someone wants to seduce China.

This is just like the ambiguous emotions of adult men and women. A completely irrelevant word, no words are even needed, half a look, half a movement, you can smell the intention.

Of course, the British Empire will not show too obvious actions on the surface, but as the host, it will try to minimize the contact between the two sides.

But even in this environment, Bismarck and Su Yi still had a brief meeting.

"Your Highness the Regent, are you a lion?" Bismarck asked directly.

This is not just straight to the point, it is straight to the point.

Because next, it is impossible for Su Yi to visit Prussia, and it is highly unlikely that Bismarck will visit China.

Moreover, Su Yi's political deduction lifted many veils and even caused Britain and France to express their wariness and even hostility towards Prussia in advance.

Even now Prussia has not defeated the Austrian Empire.

Bismarck asked this question because he wanted to test Su Yi's strategic intentions.

There is no doubt that he himself is a lion. He uses military and bloody means to unify Germany, expand in Europe, and then strive for European hegemony and even world hegemony. These are his strongest attempts.

Before, no one in the entire world could see his intentions clearly.

Neither Britain nor France were too wary of Prussia, not even as much as the Austrian Empire.

On the contrary, it was Su Yi who repeatedly published the Prussian threat theory and the German threat theory.

Even seven or eight years ago, this view was expressed, and it even seemed a bit ridiculous.

The recent fifty years of European politics have fully exposed Bismarck's ambitions and Prussia's intentions to the world.

Then, Bismarck must ask, what is Su Yi's strategic intention?

Su Yi said: "In forty or fifty years, I will not be a lion to Europe."

This meaning is also expressed very clearly. He will be a lion in East Asia.

What is a lion?

Just keep hunting and eating meat.

Bismarck said: "Prince Regent, everyone says that your deduction of fifty years of European politics offended the French. That is the opinion of fools, especially the fool of the French Emperor. The person you really offended is me, Prussia, and the future." of Deutschland.”

Su Yi said: "No, most things in this world, even if someone makes deductions and warnings, will still happen. The development of most things is not affected by personal will. It is not changed by chance events.”

For example, the trigger of World War I was the assassination of the Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

But it cannot be said that the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand led to World War I.

World War I was the result of the imbalance of European order and the irreconcilable interests of several major empires.

So a war is inevitable.

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was also the result of this violent contradiction.

Bismarck said: "But your deduction will increase the cost of our unification of Germany. For example, this political mediation would have no results originally. But now because of your deduction, the United Kingdom and France have become wary of us, and Austria It also reduces the feeling of underestimating the enemy. In order to make up for this negative impact, the originally fruitless mediation must also produce certain results. "

"Of course, this is very much in your interest, Prince Regent, and has greatly enhanced the influence of you and your country."

Su Yi said: "For this, I am very grateful to the Prime Minister."

Bismarck said: "Your Highness the Prince Regent, you are a person with great strategic determination. You are also a person who can maintain strategic inertia and strategic continuity."

Su Yi said: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, are you trying to remind me that the British Empire may not have this kind of strategic determination? Doesn't it necessarily have this kind of strategic sustainability?"

Bismarck sighed: "You are indeed an extremely wise man and can fully understand what I mean."

"Prince Regent, although the British Empire and you have very large overlapping interests, there are actually very few people who are friendly to you in the political arena of the entire British Empire. Even if Her Majesty the Queen is not friendly to your country, once Al Now that Prince Bert has left, you will be in a great diplomatic passive position, and the attitude of the British Empire towards your country will change dramatically. Even though there will still be huge overlapping interests, there is no doubt that you will fall into A chain of suspicion.”

"Or let's be more direct. Thank you very much for your frankness. Tell me directly. If you are not going to be a lion in Europe, then in Asia, at least in East Asia, you will definitely restore your dominance."

"Then let me deduce that North Korea is originally your country's sphere of influence, but you will definitely increase your control over North Korea."

"Now the British Empire and the United States are supporting Japan, so as a potential challenger, you will probably do everything you can to suppress Japan's development."

"In addition, in the ancient tributary system, your country has always regarded Vietnam and even the Indochina Peninsula as its sphere of influence."

"Then the regent must want to restore this relationship, but now France is getting involved in the entire Indochina Peninsula, so in the future you and France will definitely have a fierce conflict, or even a military war."

"And now the relationship between Britain and France is still very good, so when your country and France go to war, what position do you expect Britain to stand on?"

Su Ye said: "I know what you are going to say, I agree with your point of view very much, and I will have an absolute strategic understanding with you."

Suddenly, Bismarck was shocked.

Because he hasn't said it yet, Su Ye knows what he is going to say.

War broke out in Asia and Europe at the same time, directly dragging down the Second French Empire and even destroying the Second Empire.

Bismarck said: "Will you do this?"

This is a very dangerous question.

Su Ye is now an absolute ally of the British Empire, and even relies heavily on the British Empire in world order.

As a result, in such an absolutely important matter, he hooked up with Prussia.

And it was in London.

Su Ye said, "I will."

Bismarck stretched out his hand to Su Ye and said, "Talking to you for ten minutes is more than one year for others."

Of course.

For some major matters, it is normal to talk for three to five years.

And now, after just ten minutes of meeting, the two have finalized a war.

It's simply terrifying.

Bismarck said, "Then can I assume that both of us are preparing for future wars for a common enemy?"

Su Ye said, "Yes."

Bismarck said, "Then when do you think this war will happen?"

Su Ye thought for a while and said, "Probably six or seven years later."

Bismarck was silent for a long time, and slowly said, "It's hard to imagine that there is such a clear, accurate and frank political leader."

Bismarck is very versatile, but this is the first time I have seen such a political leader.

He really doesn't look like a politician, but he can give people a very strong sense of trust.

Su Ye said: "Trust is more important than gold."

Bismarck said: "I agree."

Then, he continued: "On the surface, your country and the British Empire are complementary allies, but in fact, our two countries are the real strategic allies."

Su Ye said: "Do you want to say that we were allies with the British Empire in the first fifty years, and we are the real allies with your country fifty years later?"

Bismarck fell silent again.

At this time, he was not only amazed, but also a little awed.

Every sentence he just said, Su Ye could clearly express what he didn't express, and directly analyze it.

Bismarck meant that when the contradictions between China and the British Empire were greater than the conflicts, or when the interests of the British Empire began to compete worldwide, then China would become a challenger to the world order.

And the other challenger is the unified Germany.

So, the two sides can join forces.

One in the East and the other in the West, completely subverting the world order and becoming the only two hegemons in the world.

Of course, by that time, the whole world may not be able to accommodate two hegemons.

But, things at that time, we will talk about it at that time.

Su Ye sighed and said, "This is really... too far away."

Bismarck said, "Yes, it's too far away. Fifty years later, it's too far away."

"But we still have a common interest."

Su Ye said, "America."

Bismarck said, "Yes, America. If the situation really evolves to that day, America, which is isolated overseas and has no enemies, will become the biggest beneficiary."

"So, we must find a way to suppress this country."

Su Ye said, "We can delay his strength and even take away a lot of things that belong to him. But for this country, unless there are major changes in the world, neither of us can do anything about it."

Bismarck suddenly said, "Imagine, just imagine. Fifty years later, if what we just imagined really happens, then your country will dominate Asia, and we will eliminate Russia with both hands. After finally achieving our respective goals, can we send troops to divide the entire America?"

Su Ye said, "Impossible."

Bismarck sighed, "It's really impossible."

If that day really comes, China and Germany will become the biggest enemies and opponents, and America, which is isolated overseas, can have the best of both worlds.

Bismarck said: "It's a pity that neither of us can decide what will happen fifty years from now. But one thing is certain, in addition to dealing with the common enemy just now, we can help with the navy at some point in the future."

Is this going back to history again?

The Beiyang Fleet felt that it was cheated by the British Empire, so it paid Germany to build warships.

In history, the Beiyang Fleet spent a total of nearly 40 million taels of silver, and after the Beiyang Fleet was established, the entire Qing court was complacent and felt that it could rest easy.

Because it was the first in Asia and the eighth in the world at that time.

But soon, this first in Asia was taken away by the Japanese.

No strategic sustainability.

And Su Ye's goal is to build the world's third navy within 20 years, or even within 15 years.

The cost required is also astronomical.

So, it is impossible to completely hand it over to Britain, and it is indeed possible to cooperate with Germany in some aspects.

"Okay." Su Ye said, and then stretched out his hand to Bismarck again.

Bismarck sighed again.

I really didn't expect that such a big achievement would be achieved in a meeting of less than an hour.

Of course, the two people only made a verbal agreement, and even did not sign a secret agreement.


He had an instinctive intuition that these agreements would be concluded.

Now, everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed.

Chancellor Bismarck suddenly said: "Prince Regent, I have a certain understanding of your country's political ecology. Your emperor is already ten years old, right?"

Su Ye said: "Yes."

Bismarck said: "That means he will be an adult in six or seven years. I have no worries about your wisdom, but now it seems that you are too upright for a king."

Su Ye said: "Prime Minister, are you worried about me?"

Bismarck laughed and said: "You can think so. After all, the political ecology of our country and your country is completely different. Your Majesty and I have no essential contradictions, let alone survival contradictions."

Su Ye thought for a while and said: "Prime Minister, in fact... I am still a little worried about you."

Bismarck's face changed after hearing this.

Obviously, he heard Su Ye's hidden meaning.

"Of course, don't worry. That's a long, long time in the future." Su Ye said, "You will face the same problem as me."

Bismarck said, "Since it's a matter of the future, don't worry about it. It's already great to do things well in the next five or ten years."

After an hour and a half, the two met.


The mediation meeting between Austria and Prussia lasted for more than ten days.

It really attracted worldwide attention.

Not only Europe was paying attention, but even the United States, thousands of miles away, was paying attention.

Twelve days later.

The Four Kings' Meeting ended.

All mainstream media appeared.

Countless flashes flashed.

This scene will also become the front page headlines of countless newspapers around the world.

Among the four kings, Su Ye and Prince Albert stood in the middle, and Austria and Prussia stood on both sides.

Although Bismarck did not attend the Four Kings' Meeting publicly, he could decide half of the content of the entire meeting.

Letting Su Ye stand in the middle was also his decision against all odds.

Prince Albert, of course, would not be the bad guy, so even if Austria was dissatisfied, it would be difficult to change.

Since Su Ye wanted world status and world reputation.

Then Bismarck was happy to help him.

And the entire Four Kings Conference seemed fruitful.

Both sides made relatively large concessions, as if the clouds of war were really suppressed.

But everyone knows that if it can't be suppressed at all, it can only be delayed at most.

But it looks good on the surface.

And it sounds very good when it is spread out.

The regent of China actually mediated the war between the European powers.

The biggest helper here is of course Prince Albert.

And the other helper is Bismarck.

And the root of all this comes from the complete defeat of the Russians on the Heilongjiang battlefield.

Su Ye stepped on the shoulders of Tsarist Russia and brought the entire country to the world's main stage.

Of course, it also gained great hostility from the French.

But Su Ye wished it was so.

The deeper the hostility now, the more initiative Su Ye will have in Korean and Vietnamese affairs.

The British Empire will not be able to blame Su Ye at that time. The responsibility lies entirely with the French side. It was he who took the initiative to stir up hostile relations.


A few days later.

Su Ye is about to return to China. Due to some changes, the visit will last longer than expected.

However, this visit is more than fruitful.

It is simply an epic diplomatic achievement.

At the time of parting.

Prince Albert came to see him off. When he hugged Su Ye, he suddenly said: "Prince Regent, I don't care what you and Bismarck have agreed on, but I want to ask you, will you always maintain friendship with the British Empire?"

Su Ye nodded seriously and said: "Yes, as long as the British Empire does not do anything to our country, then our country will not do anything to hurt the British Empire."

"I always regard the relationship with the British Empire as the most important, now and in the future."

"Especially my friendship with you."

Prince Albert said: "I believe you."



Su Ye officially left Britain and returned to China.


Note: Finally finished writing, thank you everyone. I'm back home now, and I'll be able to resume updating at normal word count tomorrow.

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