Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 71 What? First place? The emperor was surprised (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 71 What? First place? The emperor was surprised! (Please vote for me)

Lightning and thunder!

Su Yi quickly went online.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned on the tablet, countless messages flooded in like crazy.

Su Yi was in the large group and the small group sent a message at the same time.

"The Provincial Civil and Examination Examination is over, everything went well!"

"I can feel that I may have gone crazy."

Suddenly, the group was completely excited.

"Su Ba Cun is awesome."

"The group leader is awesome."

"I'm curious, how is your room in Gongyuan? Is it next to the cesspool?"

"I'm asking weakly, is that room hidden?"

Young and bald: "Upstairs, you...what do you want to do?"

"I, I'm just curious, during the exam, was there anyone secretly staying in the dormitory at night?"

"Damn, it's so perverted, even I, a pervert, think it's perverted."

"What's the point? It's a long night, I don't want to sleep, I'm taking exams, I'm under a lot of pressure, I just want to relax."

"Then what do you use to wipe it with? Exam papers, right?"

"Hahaha, that's so interesting. When the examiner was marking the papers, he smelled like dead fish."

"Upstairs, it smells of heather."

"The heather is fresh. I've been waiting for the marking for several days..."

Su Yi decisively closed the group.

With this group of geniuses, any conversation will lead to the same direction.


Inside the small group.

Negative Bamei said: "Su Bacun, everyone can look forward to the release of the results, except you. You still have things to do."

Young and bald said: "Yes, we have to plan for the next step."

Negative Bamei said: "It usually takes about twenty days from the end of the provincial examination to the release of the results. Once the results are released, it will definitely cause a huge response."

Young and bald: "It is conceivable that the group owner will face unprecedented doubts by then, and countless people will question whether there is fraud."

Negative Bamei said: "But it doesn't matter, you won't face the test Su Bacun at this time, because at that time, the martial arts examination has already begun. Unlike the civil examination, the martial arts examination is conducted in front of everyone, and there is no way to cheat. . In the martial arts examination room, you can conquer everyone."

Ying Nian was bald and said, "Except for Su Ba Cun taking stimulants, even the gods in this world won't be able to detect it."

Negative Bamei said: "Su Bacun, so even if there is a test in the civil examination, it will be after the martial arts examination."

Ying Nian Zao Bald said: "I checked with Negative Eight Sisters. In the middle and late Manchu Qing Dynasty, there was indeed a re-examination of the provincial examination in the court."

Negative Bamei said: "We judge that in the face of countless people's doubts, the emperor may ask you to retake the exam in the court. But it is absolutely impossible to retake all three exams. There is no such time. The most likely thing is to A policy question requires you to write a policy question on the spot and then mark it on the spot.”

Ying Nian was bald and said: "The emperor doesn't trust anyone. He will come up with this policy question himself. And since the results were released, he will be thinking about what policy questions to use to test you in public, so he will probably write it down on paper."

Negative Bamei said: "Now that Yibin is very favored, she should have started to read memorials for the emperor. You have to find a way to let Yibin secretly see the emperor's policy issues, remember them, and then pass them on for you!"

"Once you get the emperor's policy question, if there are conditions, send it to us. If there are no conditions, give it directly to Qingqing Dagege and ask her to write another policy question. You memorize it and go to the court to accept it from the emperor. The test!”

“By then, everyone will be convinced and amazed.”

Young and bald: "Of course, these are all our guesses. Although the probability is high, it is not safe."

Negative Bamei said: "There will be various surprises here. For example, the emperor does not come up with the questions himself, but uses the backup questions from this provincial examination. Of course, this probability is not high."

Young and bald at a young age: "There is another possibility. The emperor is just thinking about what strategy to test you in front of everyone. It has not been formed on paper. If you want to peek, you can't peek. Or even if you peek, She doesn't want to risk telling you."

Negative Bamei: "In short, there are various risks, so we have to prepare Plan B."

Young and bald at a young age: "That is to directly avoid the possible court test you may face, and legitimately make it impossible for anyone to test you in the court, and even directly increase your reputation to a higher level, making the emperor's favor with you rise again. , directly exempting you from all tests.”

Negative Bamei said: "We can't take risks, so we focus on planning Plan B."

Young Bald said: "Of course, Plan A must also be carried out at the same time."

Negative Bamei said: "Yes, Plan AB will be carried out at the same time. After the civil and military examinations, it is the time for you to reap the results. There must be no mistakes."

Young and bald at an early age: "He who travels a hundred miles is only half ninety!"

Next, the three began to discuss plan B.

This time, the discussion lasted for more than an hour.

The whole plan B started to take shape.

Next, the three of them will continue to use theories to undermine Plan B from the perspective of those who oppose it, and then continue to improve it.

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

The thunder and lightning is about to end, and the Internet speed is getting worse and worse.

Negative Bamei suddenly sent a message: "Are you and her happy?"

Su Yi: "Uh!"

Then, Negative Bamei sent another photo.

This time... it's even more extreme.

Transparent lace underwear, still no face exposed.

And this time, the pose she posed specifically was very provocative.

Eighth sister, please don't do this. Please don't tarnish our pure friendship.

I will never let our friendship be stained with a single stain.


Next, Bai Feifei took the opportunity to send some jewels to the palace.

The next day, the young eunuch Guier appeared in Lord Huizheng's house.

And Su Ye secretly met Guier in Huizheng's house.

The meeting between the master and the servant was, of course, another joyous occasion.

"The Queen has suffered a setback recently, and Concubine Yi is the most favored. No one in the harem dares to challenge her."

"The Emperor's eyes are uncomfortable and his health is not very good, so he has asked Concubine Yi to read the memorials, and sometimes he even asks her for comments."

"My Lord, Concubine Yi is getting more and more important."

Su Ye said, "How does she feel about me now?"

The little eunuch Gui'er said, "My feelings towards you are still at their highest point, because your victory last time was so shocking. However, I still don't understand why you participated in the civil and military examinations this time, but I am willing to wait patiently for the results."

Su Ye said, "Guier, I need your help with something."

Guier said, "Go ahead."

The two were like brothers, and they didn't even need to be polite.

Su Ye said: "After the civil examination list is released, the whole capital, including the emperor, will be greatly shocked. I need Yipin to help me do something. If the emperor wants to test me on the spot in the court, it will most likely be a policy question. Yipin must try her best to sneak a peek at the emperor's policy question and then pass it to me."

Gui'er was greatly shocked now.

Su Ye said: "Remember, don't tell Yipin now. Wait until the martial examination begins, then tell Yipin and let her do this. It's most appropriate."

Gui'er said: "Master, this is a huge test for Concubine Yi."

Then, Gui'er said: "Master, what if Concubine Yi doesn't agree, or the emperor doesn't write this policy question on paper, but hides it in his heart?"

Su Ye said: "Don't force it, I have another plan."

Gui'er said: "Then I understand, I know what to do, and then I will start to lay the groundwork in front of Concubine Yi."

Gui'er is smart and clever, so Su Ye doesn't need to tell him what to do.

Before leaving, Guier whispered: "Master, I feel that Master Yi has changed. I don't recognize him anymore."


The time for the results to be announced is getting closer and closer.

During this time, Su Ye continued to take stimulants.

He still trained every day to ensure that the effect reached the peak in the martial arts examination.

And this stimulant is more effective than what Fu Bamei said.

Maybe it has something to do with his personal physique, or it may be related to the fact that this body has not been baptized by modern science.

This body has never been exposed to this stuff, so the effect is fierce.

At least Qingqing really can't stand it.

Su Ye secretly met with Heigong and others again, and without saying a word, he handed over a box of gold.

"This is promised to you, worth 10,000 taels of silver."

Heigong and others risked killing Jingtai's family to help Qingqing clear her suspicion.

Su Ye promised in advance a reward of 10,000 taels of silver.

However, at this time, these elite Nian Army felt strange looking at Heigong.

They love money very much, but... this way of collecting money is very strange.

He thought for a long time.

Heigong pushed the box of silver back.

"We promised to be loyal to you. If we charge money for every thing, it means we are hired." Heigong said: "Then when you become rich in the future, there will be no place for us. What we want is long-term wealth, not temporary wealth."

Su Ye stared at Heigong for a long time and said: "Are you sure you don't want to accept this box of gold?"

Heigong said: "No!"

Su Ye pushed the gold over again and said: "I will not take back what I give out. But next time I won't give silver, but I promise that there will be a place for you by my side in the future."

Heigong knelt on one knee and said: "Thank you for your reward, master."

Su Ye said: "Next, you have to do the next thing. Of course, you don't have to do it, but you have to be prepared, and you have to start planning the route and planning everything from now on."

Heigong said: "Please give your orders, master."


When Su Ye came back from outside the city and passed the outer city overpass.

I found that there were so many people here that I couldn't get through. I didn't know what to watch.



Countless applause.

Countless men watching were staring.

Su Ye was tall, and he just stood on tiptoe and saw it.

Then, he was also amazed.

There were actually two women performing in the street.

A young woman and a young girl.

Their skills were amazing.

Their figures were amazing.

Especially the young woman, she was an absolutely rare beauty, even Su Ye was amazed.

Her spicy taste, coupled with her tall and straight figure, was very charming.

One was dancing with a gun, and the other was dancing with a sword.

Two people were fighting.

The fight was full of dangers, as if she would die at any time.

Such a beautiful woman, with such a figure, could be called a stunner, but she was performing on the street, what a pity.

Su Ye looked for a while and turned away.

Instinctively felt that he should stay away from these two people.


The time for the announcement of the results was getting closer and closer.

At this time, another major event occurred.

The Empress Dowager collapsed.

This day finally came.

The entire capital and the entire court had been preparing for a long time.

The Empress Dowager lasted longer than expected, but she didn't make it after all.

The emperor acted very sad, but not that sad.

Everything was done according to the usual etiquette.

Although the Empress Dowager had favors for him, she was not his biological mother after all, but Yi's mother.

As an adoptive mother, she was very caring to Yi Zhu when she was still Concubine Jing. But... she was Yi's biological mother after all.

And after Emperor Xianfeng Yi Zhu ascended the throne, every time Yi came to see his biological mother, he talked privately for a long time.

Even Xianfeng felt that every time the adoptive mother looked at him, her eyes were strange, and the relationship was relatively distant, otherwise he would not have waited until she was seriously ill to make her the Empress Dowager.

It's just that several Heshuo princesses who were in charge of Mongolia needed to come to Beijing.

In short, the Empress Dowager's death did not bring too many waves, and the attention was far less than that of the Shuntian Prefecture County Examination.

The entire capital was waiting for the results of this county examination.

Or, everyone was waiting for Su Ye's county examination results, including the emperor.

For Zhang Yuzhao's first place, of course many people had expectations, such as Shen Tingen's family, and many of Zhang Yuzhao's admirers.

But for most people, the only suspense was Su Ye's results.

You suddenly dared to participate in the civil and military imperial examinations. Since you are not afraid of being embarrassed, we want to see what kind of stuff you are?

Then, the public opinion of the entire capital seemed to fall into another kind of silence.

It seemed that everyone was waiting for the results.

Moreover, Su Ye's several exams in the Imperial College were also talked about over and over again.

And with fermentation and processing, the rumors became more and more outrageous, and he was just short of being rumored to be illiterate.

Once the results of the county examination came out, as everyone expected, he ranked last.

Then don't blame countless saliva sprayed on your face, Su Ye.


The marking of the provincial examination is almost over.

There are two examination papers in front of the chief examiner Lin Kui.

One of them should be Zhang Yuzhao's. It's not that he cheated, or that he recognized the handwriting, after all, it was copied.

The main reason is that Zhang Yuzhao's recent writing style is still somewhat obvious.

Moreover, Lin Kui and almost all the examiners present smelled that this is Zhang Yuzhao's examination paper.

It sounds a bit like cheating, but there is no way. You can't let people abandon their own writing style.

In fact, because of the disaster, Zhang Yuzhao's policy questions this time are not the same as in history.

The original policy questions were more stable, while this time's policy questions were more sharp.

The advantages are more obvious.

But, the disadvantages are also more obvious.

He should thank the change of the chief examiner, from the Han to the Manchu.

During the Qing Dynasty, Han examiners all adhered to moderation, so they did not like articles that were too sharp. This was the caution of the ruled.

But Lin Kui was a Manchu, and he had once been the first in the second class. As a member of the ruling class, he naturally liked this kind of sharp article.

So Lin Kui, as the chief examiner, was actually beneficial to Zhang Yuzhao.

"My Lords, the first place is in these two test papers, choose one!"

"Is it the first place on the left, or the first place on the right."

The one on the right was Zhang Yuzhao's.

There were six people present, the chief examiner, the deputy examiner, and four co-examiners.

The deputy examiner hesitated for a while and said, "Although the one on the right is sharp, like a sharp sword. But... I think the one on the left is better, it is natural, and the sword has no edge."

"I also think the one on the left is better and more righteous."

"I also think the one on the left is better, the questions are convincing. The one on the right is like a sharp sword forcing me, making me uncomfortable."

"I think the one on the left is better, and in the first and second exams, he is better than the one on the right, without any dispute."

"The left is better."

Except for the chief examiner Lin Kui, the other five of the six people present thought that the one on the left was better.

It is better than Zhang Yuzhao's test paper on the right.

Then, the five examiners looked at the chief examiner Lin Kui. In such occasions, the chief examiner almost has a certain veto power.

Lin Kui picked up the test paper of Zhang Yuzhao on the right and said slowly: "I admire this candidate's article very much. It is so sharp. Young people should have such momentum."

"When I read articles, I value momentum more than skills. The skills of this test paper are nothing more than top-notch, and the momentum is also top-notch."

After hearing Lin Kui's words, the deputy examiner wanted to speak immediately.

Lin Kui stopped him, then picked up the test paper on the left and said: "But I feel the same as you. I think the test paper on the left is better. Whether it is the first, second, or third round of questions, it is indisputably better."

Six to zero!

There is no dispute.

Because this is the fact.

Several of the smartest people, with known test questions, have prepared for several months. It would be a joke if they still can't do it.

Lin Kui said: "Then it's settled. The left is first and the right is second."

Then, it is to find the original test paper and check it to confirm that the two test papers are correct.

Then, under the witness of everyone present, open the names.

Open the second place first.

Zhang Yuzhao!

Sure enough, it was Zhang Yuzhao. After this person was severely injured, his writing style became more obvious.

But everyone present was even more surprised. This provincial examination was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and there was actually someone who surpassed Zhang Yuzhao.

Of course, it’s not surprising to be better than Zhang Yuzhao, but the key is to surpass him in all aspects, surpassing him in the first, second and third games.

Moreover, the six examiners are one-sided and there is no dispute. This is very difficult.

Under normal circumstances, it would definitely be controversial, and it would take a long time of discussion, or even a long quarrel, before the number one choice could be decided.

Suddenly, everyone was full of expectations for this first place.

Who is it?

Such a great talent?

Suddenly, a fellow examiner said, "During the grading process, did you probably find Su Yi's test paper?"

"Some of them were so unsightly that I threw them to the ground. I don't know if they belonged to Su Yi."

"There are always a few people who are paid to be imperial students. It is not easy to find the worst one among a bunch of bad test papers."

Then everyone laughed.

It's obviously not that funny, but it's good to cheer for.

After all, this difficult Shuntianfu Provincial Examination is coming to an end, and there was no glitch in the process, let alone any fraud.

Everyone landed smoothly.

Everyone instinctively stopped talking, held their breath, and stared at the examiner's hand to see who the first place was.

In front of everyone's attention, the examiner Lin Kui revealed the name of the first place.

The name inside was revealed.

Xilin Jueluo Su Yi!

Suddenly, the whole place fell into deathly silence.

Several examiners even rubbed their eyes vigorously.

Am I hallucinating because I'm too tired?

After rubbing it several times, I found that it was still Su Yi.

Oh my god?

What happened?

Linkui's hands began to tremble, how could this happen, how could this happen?

"My lords, am I dazzled? This, is the first place Su Yi?"

No one answered him, and everyone's heart was trembling.

"Is it the same name? Will there be another Su Yi in this provincial examination?"

It's still possible to have the same name as Su Yi, but with the surname, it's completely impossible.

"Is it possible that there was fraud and missed questions?" an examiner asked.

"It's completely impossible." Linkui, the examiner, said: "There were many different people who asked the questions in the three exams. In the end, the selection was compiled and the moment it was not revealed, no one knew the questions, and I didn't know either. Where did I miss the question? "

"If I missed the question, it would be more than one person."

"Then, why is this? Isn't Su Yi ignorant and incompetent?"

Lin Kui's eyes were dizzy. He only knew that something big had happened.

This rural test went smoothly from the beginning, but just after he relaxed and felt that he had finally landed safely, a fatal blow came at the end.

He could not imagine what an uproar this list would cause once it was released.

Countless saliva will kill him, the examiner.

If I had known earlier, I really shouldn't have taken this job.

Trouble, big trouble.

Lin Kui took a few steps back, sat on a chair, and took a sip of tea.

After a long while, he finally said: "Gentlemen, if this storm doesn't go away, the few of us here will probably lose our support. In serious cases, we may even have to move our heads."

Historically, the Shuntianfu rural examination fraud case three years later was not serious, but it directly killed a bachelor.

Several examiners present also had pale faces, and they suddenly felt sad.

It is said that rural examination examiners are in a good position, especially those in Shuntianfu Township Examination.

But if something goes wrong, it will cost people's lives.

"Otherwise, will he fail the exam?" one examiner asked.

Lin Kui said: "Everyone is paying attention to Su Yi's test papers, including the emperor. He has been waiting for the results, so he must read Su Yi's test papers. If you dare to fail this kind of test paper, you will not survive." Are you tired?"

"Then, how many places behind him should we move him to?" another fellow examiner asked.

Linkui asked: "Is there any difference?"

Yes, is there a difference?

First place, third place, fifth place, tenth place?

As long as Su Yi is in high school, it will cause huge controversy.

Lin Kui said: "This matter has exceeded our ability. I will go to the palace to see the emperor and let him decide."

Then, Linkui said: "During this period, no one is allowed to leave the Gongyuan, and no one is allowed to reveal any information."

"Gentlemen, we are all in the same boat now. We must die together! We must live together!"

Then, Linkui picked up the official hat and looked at it for a long time, as if he was about to wear it soon.

Put on your official hat.

He took Su Yi's examination paper and Zhang Yuzhao's examination paper and carefully put them into the box, and then rushed out of the Gongyuan. He didn't even have time to sit in the sedan chair. Under the protection of dozens of buglers, Lin Kui, the examiner, rushed towards the palace.


Yibin had noticed early on that the emperor was a little anxious today.

Take a look outside for a while.

I'll ask in a moment.

"Is there any news from Gongyuan?"

"Has Lin Kui entered the palace?"

But the answer is no yet.

Even the emperor was a little impatient and couldn't read the book.

The result of the Shuntianfu Provincial Examination was too much of a suspense for him.

He doesn't expect Su Yi to be in high school, as long as he doesn't count down and doesn't look too ugly.

Otherwise, the Manchus will scold and so will the Han.

I'm afraid I'll become a laughing stock.

"Why didn't I think of this at the time? I really shouldn't have agreed to let Su Ye participate in the civil and military examinations." The emperor said this countless times in his heart, and tonight he couldn't help but say it beside Yipin.

And Yipin was helping the emperor read the memorials with great interest.

At this time, she had already tasted the taste of power.

At this time, she looked more plump and more beautiful than before.

Power was like a love potion for her.

Of course, she was also looking forward to the results of the provincial examination, or to be more precise, Su Ye's results, but she didn't show it on her face.

Yipin saw the emperor's anxiety and added: "At this time, the examination hall should have finished grading the papers, and they should come to see the emperor. The results will be announced tomorrow at the latest. In the past autumn examinations, they have never been delayed so late."

At this moment, the voice of eunuch Zenglu rang outside.

"Your Majesty, the top candidate is here!"

The emperor paused. Is he finally here?

"Call him in."

And Concubine Yi immediately retreated, left Sanxi Hall, and hid in the back, but still listened to the movement inside.

A moment later, Lin Kui, the chief examiner of Shuntian Prefecture's provincial examination, came in and knelt down to pay his respects.

His face was pale, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

The emperor said: "What's wrong, are the results out?"

Lin Kui said: "It's roughly out. This is the result of our grading. These are the first and second place examination papers. Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

The emperor frowned. Don't you know what I'm thinking, Lin Kui?

I'm not very interested in the first and second place. I only care about Su Ye's result. Will he be a laughing stock?

The emperor said calmly: "How did Su Ye do in the exam?"

Lin Kui didn't dare to answer for a moment.

The emperor said: "Just answer if I ask you to answer. What are you hesitating about? Did you do poorly? How badly?"

Lin Kui trembled and said: "The six examiners unanimously agreed that Su Ye... won the first place in this year's provincial examination."

The emperor's hand trembled, and the examination paper almost fell to the ground.

What? !

I didn't hear it wrong.

Or are you, Lin Kui, confused?

Su Ye is the first place?

How is this possible?


Note: The second update is here, and 14,000 words are updated today.

My lords, if you have monthly tickets, please give them to me, okay? I really beg you, so that Gao Dian can rest assured and continue to write desperately.

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