Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 83 Blood enters the princess! Decide the outcome! Perform a miracle

The next day, the emperor issued an edict.

All the posts of Lianshun, the governor of the Nine Gates, were dismissed and he would never be employed again.

Ruichang, the minister of the Lifan, was appointed as the commander of the infantry.

The new governor of the Nine Gates was born.

The first thing he did after taking office was to release all the people in the Yangwu Escort Agency.

Suddenly, Wang Tianyang and others could not believe their ears.

They thought they would definitely die this time. They were involved in such a big case. How could such low-level people like them get away?

But they did not expect that they would be acquitted.

The young officer who had tortured Wang Tianyang before held Wang Tianyang's hand and burst into tears.

"Wang, we were forced to do it before. Please don't hate me!"

"I am not a human being. I am really not a human being. I have seen it for a long time. Wang and others are so righteous. How could they be involved with the rebels? It's all our superiors' fault..."

The two soldiers who tortured Wang Wu and Li Xiu bowed to Li Xiu.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"After you go out, please say a few good words for us. I really can't do it to you and your son, but the superiors are too harsh. I also have a wife and children."

"I apologize to you, I apologize to you."

"I am not a human being, I am not a human being..."

The two soldiers slapped themselves in front of Li Xiu and her son.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiu was stunned, and Wang Wu was also stunned.

The escort leader Wang Tianyang said, "Excuse me, sir, what exactly is going on?"

The doctor of the Infantry Commander's Office said, "Wang, escort leader, you have such a powerful backer, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wang Tianyang said, "Sir, I really don't know, it's all in the clouds."

The doctor of the Infantry Commander's Office said, "In order to save you, Brother Su Ye directly drove the Nine Gates Admiral Lian Shun off the stage."

When these words came out, Wang Tianyang's mind almost exploded.



Brother Su Ye again?

For the sake of our hundreds of worthless lives, he actually went to fight the Nine Gates Admiral.

He actually drove the Nine Gates Admiral off the stage?

Oh my God, God!

Why? What are we worth?

We are just a worthless life.

Even if we die ten times or a hundred times, it's not enough.

Suddenly, Wang Tianyang couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't know which direction was Su Ye's house, so he knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the prison door, crying loudly while kowtowing.

The doctor of the Infantry Commander Yamen said: "Wang Biaotou, your good days are still to come."

Then, he handed over a piece of paper and said: "You are all good people in this escort agency. There are a total of 89 people, and only two were tortured into confessing. These are the names of those two people."

Wang Tianyang raised his eyebrows.

His heart trembled.

God damn it, God damn it!

Worse than pigs and dogs!

Only Wang Tianyang himself knew that the person who killed the horse bandits with him that day was Su Ye, and he pretended to be Hong Renli.

But if this confession is revealed, won't it bring risks to Lord Su Ye?

He deserves to be killed, he deserves to be killed, he deserves to be killed!

He deserves to be cut into pieces.

Even if there is no rescue this time, Brother Su Ye is still a great favor to us.

You... You actually confessed? You actually betrayed the young master?

Although it did not cause any consequences.

The doctor of the Infantry Commander Yamen said: "Captain Wang, your sister is so beautiful that Brother Su Ye would not hesitate to kill a Nine Gates Admiral for you to save you?"

Wang Tianyang was helpless and ridiculous.

It was good enough for his sister to get married.

How could she be beautiful?

The people in this world are too vulgar and mean. They don't understand the righteousness of Master Su Ye and his greatness.

They only talk about the three ways.

How can these ordinary people understand the heroic realm of Master Su Ye?

Next, after a round of greetings, Wang Tianyang and 89 others returned to the escort agency.

Sister Wang Shengnan came running.

Everyone looked at her with mischievous eyes.

"Katsuo, as expected, only a great hero like Mr. Su Yi can see your beauty."

"Katsuo, everyone else is blind and thinks you are not good-looking. Mr. Su Yi saved our entire escort agency just for you alone."

"Katsuo, Mr. Su Yi killed a nine-door admiral just for you alone."

"Katsuo, aren't you the legendary troublemaker for beauty?"

"Young Master Su Yi, you are so angry that you become a beauty."

Ordinarily, at this time, Wang Shengnan should be blushing and run away quickly.

Or counterattack directly.

But she didn't. Instead, she came directly to a man who was gossiping.


The escort tried his best to resist, but after only ten moves, he was knocked to the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Wang Shengnan's fist hit the bodyguard hard.

He was soon beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his nosebleed violently, and one of his teeth fell out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, big girl, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"Please forgive me, forgive me..."

The escort desperately begged for mercy.

But it didn't work. Wang Shengnan didn't say a word and just beat him.

She beat him for five minutes.

"Cry..." Then she said one word.

Meaning, if you cry loudly, I will forgive you.

So the escort burst into tears.

Only then did Wang Shengnan let him go.

Next, he came to the second escort who was gossiping.

He raised his fist and beat him up again.

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth.

These escorts were no match for her.

They were all beaten to the point of screaming and howling, with blood on their faces and bruises on their noses and faces.

"Young lady, we are praising you, you, don't be so funny..." said an old woman.

Wang Shengnan looked at her and saw that she was a woman and too old to be beaten.

So, she rescued the old woman's son and pressed him to the ground and beat him up.


Several men were beaten to tears and were let go.

I believe that from now on, no one will dare to tease her again.

Wang Tianyang didn't care and just laughed.

My sister's reputation doesn't matter, but Master Su Ye's reputation is important.

It's better to beat these people up.

"Girl, go close the door." Wang Tianyang said.

Wang Shengnan stepped forward and closed the door of the escort agency directly.

Wang Tianyang's face suddenly became extremely serious.

"Our Yangwu Escort Agency is in decline, losing money, and almost bankrupt, but why has it not disbanded? It's because of loyalty."

"If there is a bite for me, there will be a bite for you."

"This time, eighty-nine of us were arrested and taken to the military commander's office. We were beaten for five days. I don't know how much punishment I suffered. I was burned with a branding iron three times."

"For five days, no one confessed a word. Good job, good men, good heroes."

"But two people confessed and betrayed our benefactor."

"You betrayed me, Wang Tianyang, it's nothing, but if you betrayed the benefactor who saved us that day, are you still human?"

"Since you are not human, you don't deserve to live."

"Liu Gou, San Sheng, the two of you come out."

Two of them walked out trembling and knelt down instinctively.

Wang Tianyang took out a dagger and said slowly: "It's not me who wants to kill you, it's God who wants to kill you. Today, because of such a little torture, you betrayed your benefactor. Then in the future, when there are greater benefits and greater torture, won't you betray more thoroughly?"

"Everyone present today must take action, one knife each, and execute these two traitors."

"Clean up the house!"

"Starting tomorrow, we will follow the noble to do great things."

"I, Wang Tianyang, have no other skills, only one, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty."

"I will not bring any disloyal and unrighteous people to my master."

Then, Wang Tianyang came to the eleven-year-old Wang Wu and said: "Xiaowu, good job, good job, not only do you not confess yourself, but also shout to set an example, so that everyone will not confess. This first knife, you come!"

Wang Wu glanced at his mother, and Li Xiu nodded.

Wang Wu stepped forward, he wanted to close his eyes, but forced his eyes open.

Pick up the dagger and stab it hard into the body of the first traitor.

Then, Wang Wu's mother Li Xiu stabbed him for the second time.

Wang Shengnan stabbed him for the third time.

Everyone in the entire escort agency stabbed him once.

The two traitors were completely executed.

It was both a family rule and a token of surrender.


That night.

Wang Tianyang talked to his sister Wang Shengnan.

"Sister, I know you are smart, you are very ambitious, you are good at martial arts, and you hate that you are not a man."

"But you are a woman after all. Tomorrow I will take you to see the master and let you be his maid."

"You must not be angry, and don't feel that you are treated unfairly. You really need to control your temper."

Wang Shengnan doesn't like to talk. Basically, she doesn't refute or pay attention to ordinary people laughing at her.

But... when she explodes, it will be too late.

She likes to solve problems with violence the most.

She raised her fist and beat you to death, until Biqing's face turned red and one or two teeth were broken, and she kept beating you until you kneeled down and begged for mercy and cried loudly, and then she would stop.

So, her catchphrase is: Cry!

If you cry, I will spare you.

So, this is a long-legged girl with social phobia and violence.

Wang Tianyang begged: "When I go to the young master's place, I really beg you to control your temper. If you wave your fist at the young master's house, then... then all the hundreds of people in our escort agency will have no way to survive."

"Good girl, did you hear that?"

Wang Shengnan frowned and turned away.

Wang Tianyang had no way to deal with her temper.

He couldn't beat her, and she didn't listen to him.

She didn't like to talk, and there was no way to communicate at all.

Now she is twenty years old, and she has no intention of getting married.


The next day, Wang Tianyang brought Wang Wu and Wang Shengnan to Su Ye's house.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

Su Ye came out, and Wang Tianyang knelt down immediately, desperately calling out to the girl Wang Shengnan, asking her to kneel down.

Xiao Wangwu also knelt down immediately.

Although Su Ye was wearing a mask that day and not today, Xiao Wangwu still recognized him.

This... this is his idol.

His belief.

So, he knelt down immediately and looked at Su Ye with admiration.

And Wang Shengnan stood there straight and motionless, not kneeling at all.

Wang Tianyang was so scared that he was about to cry, and he regretted bringing this girl with him.

At this time, Wang Shengnan opened her eyes wide and stared at Su Ye blankly.

Su Ye also looked at her.

Wang Shengnan, who had never blushed before, became redder and redder.

In the end, she, who never bowed her head, lowered her head.

At a loss.

He desperately grabbed his clothes and looked at his shoes.

Then, he folded his arms and instinctively drew back.

She is clearly 1.8 meters tall, a violent girl with long legs.

At this time, he was as shy as a little quail.

Wang Tianyang was stunned.

This girl has never been like this before.

Even though he is a man and relatively slow, he can still see it.

This girl like me is very passionate.

In twenty years of living, she had never been like this, which made Wang Tianyang feel that this girl really had a male personality and would not like men at all.

The result... you won't like it.

Your vision is as high as the sky.

This time you like me, you just... look so worthless.

Sister-in-law Bai Feifei saw it from the side and immediately sighed: Well, another one has fallen.

Then, she stepped forward and took the overwhelmed Wang Shengnan away. After leaving Su Yi's sight, she took a deep breath.

He covered his shocked chest, which kept rising and falling.

"Is your name Shengnan?" Bai Feifei said.

"Yeah." Wang Shengnan whispered.

Then, she raised her head and looked at Bai Feifei for a long time and said, "You are so beautiful."

Bai Feifei said: "You are also very good-looking."

Wang Shengnan shook his head.

Bai Feifei said: "You are really good-looking, but they don't know how to appreciate it. But don't worry, your second master will like your appearance and your height very much. I also like you very much, and he will also like you very much." your."

Wang Shengnan said: "Really?"

Bai Feifei said: "Of course it is true. How can I not know what your master is thinking?"

"Come on, I've known for a long time that you were going to come into the house, so I prepared several sets of clothes for you."


Su Yi said: "Tianyang, you should have heard that I want to organize a new army."

Wang Tianyang said: "I heard about it, little man."

Su Yi said: "Now the whole capital is full of rumors, saying that I am arrogant, saying that I am too ambitious, and saying that I can break the sky."

Wang Tianyang said: "That's because they don't know the young master's ability. The young master is a great hero. That's a good saying. A sparrow knows the ambition of a swan."

Su Yi said: "I want to regard you as the seeds of this new army, so the days in the future will be very hard, and you will go through life and death, and you will be wrapped in horse leather."

Wang Tianyang kowtowed and said: "Sir, a villain is not afraid of death, but a slave is afraid of being ignorant and being trampled under his feet for the rest of his life. It is better to die vigorously than to live an ignoble existence."

Su Yi said: "Okay, from now on, you are mine."

Wang Tianyang was so excited that he was trembling all over, kowtowing with all his strength and bleeding: "Slave Wang Tianyang, pay homage to the master!"

"From now on, those who live and die are the master's ghosts, and death is the master's ghost!"

"From now on, there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire. With the master's command, I will go through fire and water."

Xiao Wangwu looked at Su Yi expectantly.

Su Yi stepped forward, stroked his head and said, "From now on, you will study hard and practice martial arts with me."

Xiao Wuyi was stunned and didn’t know what it meant.

Wang Tianyang said: "Silly boy, the master wants to train you personally, but you still won't kowtow!"

Wang Wu kowtowed loudly and loudly, as if the floor tiles were about to be cracked. Su Yi was so startled that he couldn't stop him.

"Thank you, master, thank you, master!"

After finishing kowtow, my whole body felt dazed and dizzy.

This stupid kid must have a concussion.

Wang Wu's mother Li Xiu came to her mother Tong Jia, knelt down and said, "Greetings to the old lady."

Tong Jiashi looked at the scars all over her body and said heartbrokenly: "It's so injured, call a doctor quickly, call a doctor quickly."


Several servants were added to the family, and it suddenly became lively.

Liu Hongmei is fierce and smart, but she has a loose mouth and keeps chattering.

Li Xiu doesn't like to talk, is hardworking, smart and showy.

Wang Shengnan, who has long legs and a supermodel figure, is intimidated by everyone. Only when he saw Bai Feifei did he dare to say a few words. He was extremely close to her.

She was like a blank sheet of paper, eager to see Su Yi, but every time she saw him, she was at a loss and had no place to put her hands and feet.

And Xiao Wangwu seemed to have entered another world.

Every day when I walk, I feel like I am floating in the sky.

Li Qi became the general manager of the family, and everything was in order.

Su He felt that such a day was so beautiful. He was born to like liveliness. Now there were so many people, and everyone called him "Old Master". He suddenly found the feeling of being in charge of others.

And he likes all the new people in the family.

Needless to say, Li Qi was sweet-talking and smart. No matter what Su He had to do, he would handle it properly.

Liu Hongmei, the little pepper, was the most lovable, coaxing the old man into grinning from ear to ear.

The key is that every time he brags, Liu Hongmei cooperates with her eyes wide open and shouts: "Really? The old man is so awesome."

And this little Wang Wu is smart, loyal and obedient.

Su He likes to take him out for walks and shopping, and buys all kinds of snacks at every turn.

Only Wang Shengnan, although he is not easy to contact, as an old man, he always has to give a few words of encouragement.

Once, Su He thought of a good dialogue and wanted to shorten the distance between the two and break the awkward situation.

"Girl, do you know Wang Baochuan? She is the same as you..."

As a result, Wang Shengnan ran away directly.

Su He was stunned. I...did I say something wrong?

I thought about it for a long time and wanted to praise you, but I thought about the allusions in the opera for a long time.

What a pity, what a pity.

I wanted to shine the moon in my heart, but the moon shines on the ditch.

In short, the family is happy.


However, Su Ye's training of the new army was very unsuccessful.

After Lian Shun stepped down, it caused an uproar.

The Manchu and Mongolian dignitaries strongly resisted.

Su Ye drove the Nine Gates Admiral Lian Shun out of office, which completely stimulated the Manchu and Mongolian nobles.

You, Su Ye, are a hotshot, we are not jealous, we don't flatter you, and we don't block your way.

Everyone has been in power for many years, who hasn't been popular?

But you just became popular and dared to attack the old nobles, which everyone can't stand.

You haven't even become an official yet, but you dare to attack the governor of the Nine Gates.

What will happen when you become an official?

Then don't blame everyone for blocking your path to advancement.

So, countless impeachment memorials flew into the palace.

All opposed Su Ye's training of a new army.

Impeached Su Ye for being young and frivolous and trying to change the laws of his ancestors.

When the sky is crazy, it will rain, and when people are crazy, they will suffer disasters.

Not only the top military officers in the capital, but also the generals of Heilongshan, Shengjing, and Xining, have submitted memorials.

Generals and governors from all northern provinces have submitted memorials.

Then, everyone was waiting for the reactions of two people!

Senggelinqin and Shengbao!

These two are the top military generals of the Qing court.

Especially Senggelinqin, after completely destroying Lin Fengxiang's Northern Expedition Army, he has become the leader of the Qing military generals.

Finally one day, Senggelinqin and Shengbao jointly submitted a memorial.

Opposing Su Ye's training of new troops and subverting the laws of ancestors will have disastrous consequences.

Shaking the foundation of the Eight Banners will have disastrous consequences.

The emperor felt great pressure, so he issued an order to discuss Su Ye's training of new troops publicly at the grand court tomorrow.

This is an even worse signal.

Because often the emperor will only bring up the grand court after he has made up his mind.


There was still no lightning or thunder.

But Su Ye once again waited for the active period of sunspots.

Or this period, it was very active. It's just that sometimes the activity is not enough, the signal is too weak, and it is impossible to access the Internet.

Su Ye, Fu Ba Mei, Ying Nian Zao Bal, and Red Flags Planted All Over the World, the four people discussed again.

"The situation is more pessimistic than we thought. The training of a new army is still too subversive. The emperor was almost persuaded by me at that time, but then he cooled down."

"Now all the civil and military officials in the court are opposed, especially Senggelinqin and Shengbao came out to oppose, which is even more fatal. These two people control the last powerful armed forces of the Qing court. The emperor has to pay attention to them."

"Tomorrow the court will publicly discuss my training of a new army. This is not a good signal."

Fu Bamei said: "Yes, the emperor has already made up his mind, but he is embarrassed to veto you himself, so he vetoed your decision to train a new army through the mouth of the court."

Yingnian Zaobal said: "But he will feel guilty, so he will give you a higher position. So can we settle for the second best, not to train a new army, get the military power first, and then talk about it. The old-style army is the old-style army."

Fu Bamei said: "No, absolutely No. The New Army is Su Ye's banner. In this era, if the banner is not clear, the struggle cannot be won. Being vague, this is fine, that is fine, that is a politician. "

Red Flags Planted All Over the World said: "Fu Ba Mei hit the nail on the head. A clear banner will suffer at the beginning, but it will guarantee an excellent foundation. From now on, the New Army is Su Ye, and Su Ye is the New Army. Even if the emperor sends someone else to command the army, he can't take away your military power. "

Fu Ba Mei said: "Yes, this is crucial. The New Army is Su Ye, and Su Ye is the New Army. "

Yingnian Zaobal was silent for a while and said: "I was wrong. I am indeed a corrupt bureaucratic thought. You are right. "

Su Ye said: "Now there is an opportunity in front of me. The emperor's dearest sister has an inflamed wound, a high fever, and is dying. "

Fu Ba Mei said: "Not enough!"

Yingnian Zaobal said: "Not enough. "

Yes, not enough!

Even if Su Ye rescued, he would receive great gratitude from Emperor Xianfeng.

But it is still not enough, because this is a private affair.

Training a new army is a big deal, a public matter.

Su Ye said: "Now the whole court is against me training a new army, and the emperor feels great pressure. But he is very moved by what I said, and he also fantasizes about having such a new army. But he doesn't dare to believe how powerful the new army I said is, and it's not worth it for him to take such a big risk and agree to this matter despite the opposition of the whole court."

Fu Ba Mei said: "And now the new army has not been trained, not even a prototype, you can't prove yourself, and you can't make the emperor excited."

Su Ye said: "Yes! At this time, at this time I need to perform a miracle."

"Miracle?" Fu Ba Mei said: "Even if you use penicillin to save Princess Shou'an, it is not a miracle. At most, they just think you have high medical skills, but this is not a good thing for you. Medical skills have a negative effect on you and will weaken your heroism."

Su Yi said: "Now it is said that I am resurrected from the dead, and it is the descending of the civil and military stars, which is a great auspicious sign. At that time, the Queen Mother actually wanted to borrow my auspicious sign to let her live a little longer. But she was reserved and said nothing in the end."

Fu Ba Mei trembled and said: "I... I roughly know what you want to do."

Su Yi said: "In ancient times, after every beheading, someone would use human blood to treat tuberculosis. I melted penicillin in my blood, and then injected the blood into Princess Shou'an's body, and then saved her. Is it a miracle?"

"Auspicious blood, saving the princess. Does it mean that I am an auspicious sign, and that the rumor is true."

"Then is the rumor that I saved the Qing Dynasty also true."

"Then is it worth trying for me to train a new army?"

Fu Ba Mei said: "Use superstition to impact the emperor's mind, let him go crazy, and be willing to fight for this auspicious sign. Fame, a gamble. "

Yingnian Zaobal said: "Yes, absolutely! But we have to make it bigger, more mysterious, and more intense. "

Su Yi said: "I went to pray in front of the ancestors, I burned incense and fasted, I went to the Temple of Heaven to meditate, I went to the Imperial Temple to kowtow, creating a mysterious atmosphere, in short, the sense of ritual was full, so that the emperor could get into the play. "

Fu Ba Mei said: "There is another key issue, blood type! In your world, blood type cannot be tested. If there is a hemolytic reaction, the consequences will be even more disastrous. "

Su Yi said: "No, I just visited Princess Shou'an yesterday. The imperial physician was bleeding her for treatment. I secretly took some. Although the blood type cannot be tested, it can be checked whether my blood and her blood will have a hemolytic reaction. As a result, there was no hemolytic reaction. "

Fu Ba Mei said: "I will pull a doctor of medicine in. "

Soon, the small group added a person: Doctor Zhao.

The avatar is the Doctor Zhao in "Ode to Joy", played by Wang Kai.

Haha, generally those who use this as an avatar are not very handsome.

"In fact, under the basic conditions of the late Qing Dynasty, blood type can be barely detected, but it is too complicated and the group leader cannot operate it."

"But you have done the hemolytic reaction test, which is not difficult. If there is no hemolytic reaction, and the amount of blood you inject into her body is not large, there will basically be no serious negative effects."

"So, this plan is feasible!"

Su Ye said: "There is no time to lose, I will go to the palace immediately at night!"


Princess Shouan's situation is getting worse and worse.

The high fever never subsides, and she is getting weaker day by day.

The emperor is anxious and has already imprisoned three imperial doctors.

This is the person he loves most in this world. He has obviously improved before, but now he is going to lose him again?

It is too painful to lose again.

Even this painful emotion has affected Su Ye's training of the new army.

Su Ye's words are so exaggerated that he is very moved.

Moreover, Princess Shouan was saved by Su Ye.

But now Princess Shouan is going to die. Is God proving to him that Su Ye's path is not feasible?

Princess Shouan was already dying, and she was running out of time.

Almost all the doctors said that the princess could not be saved.

Please prepare yourself, Your Majesty.

Princess Shouan was also prepared, and she comforted the emperor.

"I'm going to see my father, and don't be sad, Your Majesty. I will bless you and the Qing Dynasty in the underworld."

The emperor burst into tears.

"Su Ye..." Princess Shouan whispered.

Su Ye stepped forward, tears in her eyes.

"You are great, help your emperor well, we are a family, we have the same ancestors." Shouan held Su Ye's hand regardless of the difference between men and women.

Su Ye could no longer hold back, and knelt in front of the bed, crying loudly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I don't want Princess Shou'an to die. She...she is also my sister."

The emperor cried and said, "God wants to take me away. My internal organs are burning. If I can save my fourth sister, I will do anything."

Su Ye said, "There is another way. I want to try it."

The emperor said, "You are not good at medicine. What can you do?"

Su Ye said, "My resurrection from the dead is regarded as a good omen. The Empress Dowager summoned me that day because she wanted to prolong my life in the name of auspiciousness and borrow my blood. But the Empress Dowager was reserved and didn't say it out loud."

The emperor knew this very well.

Su Ye said: "I am not afraid to tell the truth. I don't have deep feelings for the Queen Mother, so if the Queen Mother doesn't mention it, I will pretend not to know. But... for Princess Shou'an and the Emperor, I am willing to give everything."

"I want to give my blood to Sister Shou'an and inject my blood into Princess Shou'an's body."

"If I am really auspicious, maybe I can save her life."

The Emperor said: "Nonsense, the name of auspicious is just a lie by the quacks."

Su Ye said: "I want to try, is it not possible? I just want to try, what if it works?"

"Your Majesty, let me try."

"Princess Shou'an was rescued by me personally, and I don't want her to leave."

"Please let me try."

Suddenly, Princess Shou'an was very moved, and a little hope appeared in her eyes.

Everyone wants to survive even if there is a glimmer of hope.

The Emperor was immediately very moved, and Su Ye would stand up at every critical moment.

Even regardless of the consequences.

Doesn't he know that the hope for this so-called auspicious blood is extremely slim?

If he fails to save Princess Shouan, it will bring him unwarranted disappointment, which will be bad for his future.

But he still rushed out.

The emperor said: "Okay, then...then you give it a try!"

Su Ye said: "Before that, I will burn incense and fast! First, I will go to the Temple of Heaven to worship, then go to the Imperial Ancestral Temple to worship, and finally meditate in front of the ancestral tablets, asking the ancestors to show their spirits and bless me, and then take out my blood and inject it into Princess Shouan's body."

The emperor said: "Okay!"

Next, Su Ye began to burn incense and fast.

He went to the Temple of Heaven to worship with great respect and piety.

Finally, with the emperor's special permission, he came to all the tablets of the emperor of this dynasty and knelt down to meditate.

Ask for the blessing of the ancestors.


The next day!

The grand court meeting began to discuss Su Ye's training of the new army.

And Su Ye also finished meditating and went to Princess Shouan's room.

At this time, Princess Shouan had a terrifying high fever and was completely unconscious.

In front of the emperor, the imperial physician, and several people, Su Ye took out a dagger and cut his wrist.

The hot blood flowed into a bottle, a full half pound.

And this bottle had already been smeared with enough penicillin.

Shake the bottle to let the penicillin completely melt in the blood.

Then, in front of the emperor and everyone, Su Ye used a special hollow needle to inject his blood into Princess Shou'an's body.

Will a miracle happen next? Wait and see.


Note: The second update is here. Today's update is 17,000. My benefactor, if you have a monthly ticket, can you give it to me?

I'll eat something and then continue to code tomorrow morning's content.

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