
Chapter 10 Enchanted Warrior

"Hengurid? Luo Shan, you..."

"I learned about you from Hengurid. But I don't want to hand you over to him. And the fact that you didn't kill Hengurid shows that you are not like those guys in the Utopia Organization."

"What's the point of killing or not? The warrior named Hengurid is still a little disciplined."


"Luo Shan, don't you know what we are in their eyes?"

Faced with Luo Shan's question, Sogen himself did not answer directly. However, he knew in his heart that his current identity was very embarrassing.

In the United Kingdom of Eri, it is a basic iron rule that the white-skinned Kalai members who can cast spells are on top and the brown-skinned Kalai members who can't cast spells are on the bottom.

A guy like him, who can cast spells and has brown skin, is destined to be unrecognized in the United Kingdom of Eri.

"Luo Shan, something happened outside!"

However, Sogen's thoughts were interrupted by a report from a brown-skinned female employee, so he followed Luo Shan from the basement to the first floor of the wine house, and a scene that he couldn't believe happened in front of him.

The roads outside were full of people running wildly, and among these people, there were unfortunate people who fell in a pool of blood from time to time.

"Kill them all! Leave no one alive! These bastards riding on us are only worthy of being sacrificed to the true God!"

With such a roar, more than 20 gray-clothed Kalai soldiers holding various guns and with red eyes appeared in front of Sogen.

"Is it them?"

For the gray clothes he had seen before, Sogen squatted by the side of a window in the wine house at the first time.

Although he didn't want to face it, he looked at the soldiers of the Ideal Country Organization using the weapons in their hands to bloodbath the people outside, and his heart was helpless.

"Feel the wrath of the true God!"


The sudden explosion wave not only made the people outside bloody, but Sogen looked at these former teammates again. The red light from their eyes and the flames burning everywhere told him a fact.

"They are possessed by the devil."

When Beth took out her pistol to cover the evacuation of the white-skinned Kalai members in the bar, she said this softly, and Sogen looked unbelievable.


No. Could it be that there are other brown-skinned Kalai members who can cast spells besides him in this world?

"Sogen, do you know why you are still alive now? You are not like them, completely controlled by the devil."

"Luo Shan, I can guarantee that they were definitely not like this when they were in the training camp. None of them can cast spells."

"In recent years, many brown-skinned Kalai who can use spells have emerged in Eri, and without exception, they are all crazy guys with bloodshot eyes."

Speaking of this, Luo Shan came behind Sogen with a long-pole gun with a thicker barrel and only one section of handguard.

At the same time, Luo Shan explained little by little about why a Kalai who can cast spells like him would be executed.

The cause of the incident was the war on the northeastern border of the United Kingdom of Eri four years ago. In the border war with humans in the Eastern world, the rumored devils spread their own magic power among the oppressed brown-skinned Kalai tribe.

As a result, these tribes soon formed armed organizations one after another to resist the United Kingdom of Eri under the instigation of the demon power. Therefore, the Supreme King of the United Kingdom of Eri directly ordered to strangle every armed organization supported by the demon power.

It was just that for reasons known to everyone, the white-skinned Kalai, who controlled the upper military and political power, took advantage of this opportunity to carry out an indiscriminate bloody suppression of the brown-skinned Kalai, who was already displeased and disliked.

Although he realized that his order was inappropriate afterwards, the Supreme King immediately changed his policy. However, the wrong suppression has led to more and more armed forces organized like the ideal country, and the gunpowder weapons obtained through various channels have made the rebel forces of the United Kingdom of Eri stronger and stronger.

"The question is, look for yourself, what are they doing?"

Under Luo Shan's instructions, Sogen saw that the members of the Utopia Organization had a layer of light golden shield on their bodies. No matter what type of spell beam the white-skinned warriors who rushed over urgently fired, the shield would bounce off 100%.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Sogen, who had been trained before, shook his head repeatedly to deny it, and these Utopia Organization warriors who suddenly had powerful spell power installed bayonets on their guns.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

"Everyone draw your sword. We must not let them continue to move forward and continue to massacre the people of Yehliu City!"

At this time, Sogen suddenly heard a very familiar voice among the warriors outside. The warrior who had been his hostage, Henguride, pulled out the scimitar on his waist, and the silver bracelet on his left hand also began to generate a light golden shield.

"Just you? The power bestowed upon us by the true God is the most powerful in the world anyway. You bastards who can only abuse and kill us, feel the blessing from the true God!"

As one of the gray-clothed soldiers threw aside the gun in his hand and the bullet bag he was carrying, the witnesses at the scene, including Sogen, watched as the more than 20 soldiers were covered by blood-red energy one by one, and claws emitting blood-red mist began to form at the positions of their hands and feet.

"It's over, enchanted warrior."

When Hengruid said such a term, not only did the eyes of more than 20 Utopia warriors turn red, but pairs of horns began to form on their heads, and clumps of orange juice began to form from their long open mouths. Red fireball.

"Get down!"

When he saw that something was not going well, Luo Shanna immediately pushed Sogen to the ground. In an instant, Yehliu City, which was originally ruled by night, was suddenly illuminated by orange-red bright light. The strong shock wave coming from outside the wine house made Sogen scream wildly.

"Cough cough cough..."

After the shock wave passed, Suogen discovered that Luoshan, who was holding him down, was coughing up blood. As for the wine house that had become dilapidated a long time ago, a large piece of it fell down in random directions. In response, he directly released an indigo blue healing ray to Luoshan.

"Roshan, Roshan."

"Ahem! This... haah... sure enough, luckily you are here with me. Help me up and see how they are doing."

At this time, Luo Shan used the gun in his hand as a crutch and watched his wine house turn into rubble. Sogen came to the nearest bar employee, Luo Shan's daughter, Beth, who was wearing a red dress.

"Wake up."

Now that his affairs had been made public, Luoshan naturally began to release healing rays to get Beth up.



"Dad, I..."

It's just that compared to the father and daughter who were fine, Sogen saw the last gray-clothed warrior still standing walking toward him...

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