
Chapter 12 Please rest in peace!

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ] I have been using 86 recently I have been using it recently I have been using it recently I have been using it on the 3rd of the month

United Kingdom of Eri, southeastern coastal city, Yehliu City



Accompanied by a huge explosion, all members of the Ideal Country Organization, who were wearing light golden shields and red steam coming out of their bodies, rushed into the city in a dignified manner.

Although all the employees in the wine house had prepared various bunkers, and every brown-skinned Kalai member appeared in public wearing a hood and mask, at least more than 300 enchanted warriors almost stepped on the bodies of the brown-skinned Kalai slaves who were responsible for clearing the road and continued to advance. "Stop these lunatics!"

The troops of Yehliu City failed in the border war with the Eastern humans four years ago. None of them used bows and arrows, but all used their own spell abilities to continuously shoot at the members of the Ideal Country Organization.


"Die! You bastards riding on our heads! Turn into nothingness completely under the power of the true God! Hahaha!"

Whenever these enchanted warriors laughed wildly, ignoring the various spell rays hitting their bodies, and wantonly ejected fireballs from their mouths one after another that were enough to create a 5-meter diameter explosion zone, not only Sogen who got the new gun, but all the witnesses who felt the power of the flames trembled.

For this reason, Sogen, as the only rifleman here, began to debug the quick-retracting rifle in his hand.

Especially after installing the optical sight that he had deliberately disassembled before on his 27-mm, 3.8-kg quick-retracting rifle, his mission - hunting down the leader of the ideal country organization officially began.

"Have you found him?"

"Beth, I'm not that fast. And they didn't think of releasing a shield that could block bullets for you?"

"The question is, how many Kalai have you seen using guns?"

Just as Beth, who was temporarily acting as an observer with a telescope for me, said, due to the laws of the United Kingdom of Eri that strictly prohibit gunpowder weapons and related explosives, there are not many Kalai in the United Kingdom of Eri who can guess that the other party has a gun.

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Not to mention that he is holding a quick-pull rifle in his hand now, and after firing, he only needs to push and pull the bolt on the right side of the bolt.

In this regard, Sogen found an unlucky guy who was not noticed by his companions, confirmed that he was in the crosshairs of the optical sight, and immediately pulled the trigger.


As the gunshot sounded, the target's right eye in the sight burst into bright red blood. Then his right hand pulled the bolt, pushed it back, and the next bullet was loaded.

It must be said that such an operation is really quick and simple. Combined with the low-pressure 7×57mm rifle bullet fired by this gun, he felt that he did not feel too much recoil impact.

"Not bad!"

No wonder the humans in the East are used to fighting with guns and artillery weapons instead of continuing to use cold weapons. Shooting with a bow and arrow... even the most experienced archers would have been beaten by the human army in the border war.

You know, according to his own practice, a rifleman only needs one month to learn how to use a rifle.

"Why did you shoot?"

"Beth, try your hand, you know? And I also took advantage of the explosion outside to shoot."

In fact, as Sogen said, although the block became tattered again in the battle between the enchanted warriors and the white-skinned warriors of Yehliu City; but he had great awe that the gun in his hand could easily kill any member of Kalai.



When the warriors outside were hit by a fireball head-on, the explosion caused by the fireball instantly engulfed the warriors who were hit and the surrounding brown-skinned slaves who dared not run and could only stand there stupidly because they lost the command of their masters. Sogen felt more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Because everyone knows that these slaves were brought here by some white-skinned members from other villages to work after the previous attack.

But the facts proved that the bells on the slaves did not remind the masters to remember to take them to a safe area for refuge, but they were buried with their masters under the bombardment of the enchanted warriors.

Ring, ring, ring!

As a bloody bell flew to his side, Sogen picked up the bell with a look of resentment.

In order to show his superior status, the white-skinned Kalai repeatedly ordered these brown-skinned slaves that whoever forgot to hang the bell when going out would mean death!

However, even if they brought the bell, wouldn't they, the brown-skinned Kalai slaves, still die?

Just like the original owner of the bell in his hand, he listened to the master's orders and never left his workplace on his own initiative, and cleaned up the rubble on the ground.

So he was blown away by the fireball of the enchanted warrior because he never left on his own initiative.

Why is it so difficult for the brown-skinned Kalai members to find a place to live and work in peace? Why do they have to die for all kinds of wrong reasons?

"Sogen, Sogen."


Following Beth's call, Sogen broke off the bell tongue in the bell and threw away the bell and the bell tongue.

"Is the one holding two machetes in his hand the leader?"

"Let me see."

After feeling sad about the bell, Sogenna picked up the rifle again and quickly found a magic warrior with two machetes following Beth's guidance.

Compared with other members who simply bombed with fireballs, Sogenna saw the leader, the officer who said he was not good at the beginning, roaring while picking up a knife to kill everyone who blocked his way.

At the same time, it was very difficult for him to accept that even if the machete had been chopped down on his head, those slaves who were afraid of the white-skinned Kalai and dared not move, and let the bells on their bodies keep ringing, still had no idea of ​​running away, and were knocked to the ground by the machete.

Indeed, according to the druids, as long as the slaves do their duty as slaves in this life, they can become the upper class in the blessing and praise of the Golden Dragon God in the next life. But this is definitely not a reason to stand there and be killed without moving!

So, although the leader who raised the machete was also a brown-skinned guy, he still pointed the muzzle of the rifle in his hand at the leader of the ideal country organization, which was only about 100 meters away from him.



After the gunshot, Sogen listened to the mechanical sound of his bolt pulling, which was very crisp, just like the leader he shot down. But he was helpless and very sad.

Because he shot the brown-skinned Kalai members who were also oppressed. Although he knew the tragic experiences they all had in the Utopia organization, he was very reluctant to see the scene of them being slaughtered indiscriminately.

So, please rest in peace!

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