
Chapter 14 So Fast


"Okay. Instead of thinking about Hengureid, you should think more about how to learn all the words in the dictionary as much as possible."

In this way, no matter how reluctant and embarrassed Sogen was, Luo Shan relentlessly forced him to read and write. A week later, the groggy Sogen was fully dressed. He was happy that he finally had a task to do and no longer had to continue studying.

However, the next commission actually required him to follow Luo Shan and the others from the underground passage of the wine house, and walk into a splendid big house decorated with gold and silver jewelry everywhere.

"Hey. Who is the visitor?"

At this time, a warrior wearing a black mask and a long sword on his waist immediately stepped forward and raised his left hand to stop him.


"One, two, three, four. That's right, come in. Put your firearms in that storage box. You will only be allowed to bring swords and other cold weapons in the following gatherings."

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】


After Luo Shan finished speaking, he asked Saugen, Jasmine, and Beth to put the firearms they carried into a tin cabinet. And Saugen, who had no idea why everyone had to wear a mask, looked around and found that the attendees here were all wearing masks of different styles and moving together. As for the orange, white and red mask he is wearing now, it is obvious that it is the same as Luoshan's family of three, only the clothes on his body are different.

"Luoshan, why did you bring me here?"

"This is our assembly building. Every practitioner involved in the assassination must meet here, have lunch and keep in touch."

He said so, but Sogen looked confused. Logically speaking, shouldn't those of them who are killers or assassins hide in some deep mountain forest or remote place?

Confused, Thorgen saw that these guests who should be killers or assassins were more polite than the other, bowing to each other to thank each other or talking and laughing. In response, he stared in Luoshan's direction, while Luoshan and Jasmine were busy chatting with another guy wearing a green mask and a white dress as white as sea salt.

"Do you think it's weird?"

"Beth, in our business... we shouldn't be sneaky..."

"So you don't know what an assassin is at all. A real assassin doesn't really live a primitive life in the wilderness. A place like your original village is the easiest place to be wary of. Just imagine, If there is a grenade hidden in the pillow you sleep on every day, will you be woken up by surprise? "

"I probably won't be able to sleep all day."

"That's it."

Although Beth still felt bad about herself, Saugen now understood why Luoshan wanted to open a wine shop and let some fair-skinned Karai members work as waiters.

So he looked at the total of about fifty participants in the venue, who were either dressed as seriously as samurai or as elegant as nobles.

Then he discovered that there were various signs written in oriental human scripts in the venue. Although he, an illiterate person who was learning how to read, could not understand the meaning at all, he could confirm it in his heart.

That is, even if the guests at the scene cover their skin with clothes, he can guess that the guests basically have the same skin color as him.

Of course, this is just his own judgment. After all, everyone dressed more closely and deliberately kept their identities secret.

"Everyone, please be quiet. It's time for us to talk about Yehliu City."

As a result, Sogen watched a lecturer wearing gray armor standing on the podium at the venue and began to talk about the demonic forces in recent times.

After the collapse of the Utopia organization, the security situation in Yeliu City did not improve. On the contrary, thanks to the bad influence of the Utopia organization, the white-skinned people in Yeliu City began to flee in families, dragging their families with them.

It is very regrettable that such an escape has led to the coveting of bandits and robbers from all walks of life. Therefore, the assassins in Yehliu City are not allowed to carry out theft activities against the members of the White-skinned Kalai, lest the White-skinned Kalai carry out indiscriminate military suppression.

"What does their life and death have to do with us?"

"Sogen, we have to live and do some serious business. We can't mess around."

Just like Luoshan said, the one who can provide them with more economic income is the fair-skinned Kalai. So even if the white-skinned Karais are hateful, the money in their pockets is not hateful at all.

"Therefore, I also know that it is difficult for everyone. Therefore, the superiors have given instructions that we can freely hunt the bandit gangs around Yeliu City and allow us to freely handle the loot."

"I'm talking about the boss, compared to their trophies...oh, I understand! I understand!"

"Don't worry, we will make sure it's clean."


Understand what?

Thorgen had no idea what these masked assassins were talking about, but at this moment he suddenly heard an unusual sound coming from outside...


"do not move!"

With a burst of explosions, a group of druids holding wooden staffs and wearing emerald green uniforms suddenly broke in outside the venue. All the participants raised their hands in cooperation.

In response, Sogen, who followed Luo Shan and the others and raised his hands, didn't understand what was going on. But at this time, a druid holding a staff with blue, purple, green and white gems on the top walked in. Sogen looked at him with a majestic look and knew in his heart that now was not the time to ask.

"I am the archdruid, Rosama. According to the intelligence, there are cultists who believe in the power of the demons gathering here. So, please do not make any kind of resistance and cooperate with our inspection."

When the brown-haired and white-skinned Kalai druid named Rosama said such words, all the masked visitors in the venue remained non-resistant and began to accept the inspection of the druids.

However, when one of the visitors wearing a brown mask was approached by the druid, Sogen, who was about to welcome another druid to come for inspection, saw that the visitor suddenly grabbed the druid's staff. With a pull, a grab and a buckle, a dagger was placed on the druid's neck.

"So fast."

Looking at such a smooth action, Sogen, who blurted out, was at a loss. And none of these druids had time to react, just...

He Sogen seemed to feel a very familiar feeling, especially the blood-red smoke on the body of this visitor.

"Don't come over, if you don't want to see him die now, then retreat as far as you can!"

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