
Chapter 167 Such a long name has no meaning at all

"This zombie! Let me try!"

Accompanied by a female Kalai priest holding a staff, she radiated a blue healing spell ray to the zombie about 5 meters away outside the wall of Ruyi Town.

The zombie surrounded by blue light suddenly exploded and instantly turned into a wreckage with some type of dirty liquid flowing.

"Hiss... Can the healing spell kill zombies directly? This... This... I just tried it out of pure boredom..."

"So, do you know what your boredom means in the future?"

Faced with such a reality, Sogen, who listened to Beth's teasing, could imagine that zombies would become an important blade for the Negan Kingdom to clear all obstacles in the New World.

Although to this day, no antidote specifically for zombies has ever appeared in either the Old World or the New World. The way everyone deals with zombies is basically to kill them, or to kill them in various ways. But zombies themselves are just a carrier, and what really works is actually the zombie plague virus contained in their bodies.

According to the comprehensive analysis of Her Majesty, the Queen, Leiting Winnie, the first biologist of the Kingdom of Negan, the zombie plague virus is definitely a man-made biological weapon. The first initiator who developed and put it into actual combat, the Sheep-Headed Man, is the first loyal servant of the demon clan in the Old World. Including Her Majesty herself, no one believes that the Sheep-Headed Man, who is usually busy worshiping and offering loyalty, can do this by himself. If there is no help from the demon clan, it is difficult to explain why the Sheep-Headed Man has never had a Sheep-Headed Man zombie.

Especially the fugitives who established their own country in the northwest corner of the New World, who now call themselves citizens of the Blue Flower Republic, were forced to cross the ocean under the siege of the zombie army led by the Sheep-Headed Man, and ran to the New World on a raft from a peninsula in the northeast corner of the Old World.

Therefore, it is always a good thing for the Kingdom of Negan to have one more way to clean up zombies.

Of course, in the current situation, the Kingdom of Negan is too lazy to send troops to deal with the zombies that approach its border from time to time. After all, now the people of Negan Kingdom can go out and play the game of killing zombies because of the legal reason of carrying weapons.

As far as he knows, some people still use the so-called sports rifles that can be loaded one by one to kill zombies. For this activity, which is euphemistically called "coming of age ceremony", not only Sogen, but even the officials in Congress have issued orders to prohibit it.

For no other reason, it is dangerous.

Although the movement speed of zombies is very slow, these things classified as undead creatures contain extremely dangerous and deadly virus transmission ability. Since the old problem of low fertility rate in Negan Kingdom has always made everyone very sad, Congress has issued orders to prohibit it as long as it can avoid the death of the people.

In addition, there are more boys than girls in Negan Kingdom. If the younger generation really has no place to vent their energy and hopes to stay in a safer place, they should find a partner and get married as soon as possible.

Anyway, Sogen himself has heard of various typical cases, and various energetic young men have basically become extremely calm after getting married.

As for the reason, Sogen himself knows it.

Other male compatriots understood it even better.

"In this way, we can use less machine guns or even cannons to deal with them."

"Sorgan, at this point, are you still thinking about this? We have beam launchers."

"The problem is that the cost is high. The Minotaur also sent experts to discuss it together, but the result is still stuck on energy supply and heat dissipation."

Although men, women, and children in the Kingdom of Negan know that beam weapons will sooner or later replace gunpowder weapons, practice has proved that the Kingdom of Negan has never been able to easily get rid of the increasingly cheap gunpowder weapons. In addition, the potential of the caseless ammunition of the Kingdom of Negan has not been fully explored, and the vitality of gunpowder weapons is estimated to be longer than everyone imagines.

For this reason, the Efa heavy machine gun naturally exists in the army of the Kingdom of Negan in the form of a vehicle machine gun and serves as the main long-range infantry suppression firepower weapon. As for the Warrior three-barrel beam launcher, so far only the Air Force, which is rich and powerful and has been given priority in funding, has begun to equip its ships.

"In fact, if we switch to plasma weapons, the same problem will be faced by Eri and the others."

"Well... okay. As far as we can see now, the situation in the town is okay. Then... let me see, what is the name of the indigenous country in the south?"

"The Kingdom of Olawaril."

"These indigenous people obviously have no culture, but they have to give such a long name..."

"The founding emperor of the Kahn Empire was called Maokoleta Rufus van Kahn."

"Except for taking up more space when chiseling tombstones, such a long name has no meaning at all. Don't tell me Kahn is just a surname..."

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"That's right."

"Why do Eri, the humans in the west of the Old World, and these indigenous people like to put their first names in front and their surnames in the back?"


Beth was helpless when she heard Sogen's complaints.

Let’s not talk about the human side, let’s talk about the United Kingdom of Eri. Originally, everyone had only a first name but no last name. Later, because of the emergence of magic power, the white-skinned Kalai, who monopolized the magic power, added various titles and appellations after his name in order to show his uniqueness. Over time, such titles and appellations eventually evolved into last names.

Of course, as a pariah, Sogen hated the surname problem caused by the clan surname system more than anyone else. Therefore, he has always supported the surname system of the Kingdom of Nigan and took the initiative to become one of the staff of His Royal Highness King Gru.

"So sometimes I admire the Iron Fist Empire. They have clearly prohibited all people in their territory from putting their first names first and their last names last. Anyone who dares to violate this will be dismembered in public on the charge of conspiracy to split the country, and their family members will be immediately demoted to slaves, and their status will be restored only after four generations."

"No wonder there are fugitives coming to the northwest corner of the New World to establish a country."

"But they are obviously fugitives, but they insist on using the Iron Fist Empire's name system, and even the official text is the same as ours. It seems that they are definitely not stupid, and they have their own ideas."

Thanks to the fact that everyone is illiterate, borrowing mature foreign texts as their official texts is not the exclusive domain of the Kingdom of Negan. The Blue Flower Republic and the Sun Wheat Empire, both of which were established by fugitive slaves from the Iron Fist Empire, are the same. Of course, they must have maintained extremely bad diplomatic relations with the Iron Fist Empire.

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