
Chapter 183: In troubled times

"This knife is for you."

"Shopkeeper, there's no need for this. After all, I've been a soldier, so I'm unlikely to accept a new machete easily if I'm used to the knife I've been using before."

That's what he said, but from Tu Luo's words and his performance just now, Tu Lan couldn't sense what was wrong with him at all.

Especially his thrusts, which were obviously refined to some extent, were able to easily pierce or directly break the throats of the natives.

And the next action, what do you mean by not being sloppy at all? This is. Perhaps the masters outside don't care much about the weapons in their hands, because the famous saying that fallen leaves picked at random can kill can be used on him.

"It seems that I will give you ten natives in the future."

"Isn't that necessary? It's harder to catch a native than to kill one."

"How difficult is this? The company has employees with priest backgrounds, but few of the indigenous people know magic, and they don't know what modern advanced weapons are. Give them an extra thousand years, and they are no match for us. . Moreover, the indigenous people have another opponent besides us.”

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】


"For the indigenous people, only the area around the city where their palace is located has no zombie invasion. Their so-called Nine Kingdoms are basically backward city-states that are about to return to the Stone Age."

In order to destroy the indigenous Kahn Empire, not only the Congress itself, but also the civilian armed forces who have actually prepared their butcher knives also use how to maximize the efficiency of looting as their concept of action.

I have to say that I learned a saying when I was on Gem Island: If you fall behind, you will be beaten. In the New World, it is completely reflected in the Kahn Empire.

The Karn Empire, whose development level is obviously inferior to that of the Negan Kingdom, would have definitely become the target of complete conquest by the Negan Kingdom if it had not had a basic advantage - population.

So since there is no way to eliminate the Karn Empire in a short time, then don’t ask why the Negan Kingdom treats every subject of the Karn Empire as wandering prey and every piece of land as a hunting ground.

In this way, even Turan himself realized the importance of an opponent. With a qualified opponent, the Negan Kingdom will not relax from top to bottom.

The principle that forgetting to fight will lead to danger is not only reflected in the United Kingdom of Eri in the Old World, but also applies to the Kingdom of Negan, which has mastered many advanced technologies.

The reality of being advanced and lagging behind and paying attention to the law of the jungle is so cruel.

"Knocking them back to the Stone Age... I don't really believe it. At least the indigenous people I have contacted now have translators who have learned our language by themselves. The reason why the trade with us is so fruitful is also their contribution."

Speaking of this, Tu Luo admired him very much. How did the indigenous people become self-taught? When he first learned the official standard script, he had to learn it with great pain and suffering.

However, he couldn't help it. The cultural knowledge of the United Kingdom of Eri is sealed away by a handful of druids, and is offered as a reward for becoming a member of the Kalai clan of high-ranking druids.

Over time, the United Kingdom of Eri has been filled with illiterate people who are illiterate and don't even know how to speak. This has not changed until it was invaded by the Eastern human country's culture and even its political and military invasion.

Otherwise, the United Kingdom of Eli would have perished long ago, and countless members of the Kalai clan would have become slaves of the subjugated country, waiting to be sent to the slave market to be sold as slaves.

"There are indigenous people who know our language...although it is beneficial to our trade, but...well..."

In fact, Turan himself was hesitant about the next action while taking Tulo back to the office.

Because the company will have to go to one of the indigenous strongholds next month to carry out cleanup activities. Needless to say, the indigenous people who see them will definitely be killed without mercy. And in order to ensure the effect, she would surround the stronghold to block any possible indigenous calls for help or the appearance of reinforcements from outside.

Anyway, after the cleanup, the natives in the stronghold will either die or be captured directly as prisoners. As for the translation among the indigenous people...

Get rid of it.

After all, indigenous people who speak their own language are a hidden danger no matter what. These translators will definitely tell their compatriots what they see and hear, thus promoting the unpredictable cultural development of the indigenous people.

At the same time, the young emperor Luqman found himself learning the release of healing spells from the omniscient and omnipotent Lord through killing. In addition to being used to treat the wounded, making guys like Viscount Golson extremely shocked and continue to be loyal to him, he also found that his treatment could actually restore some people who were about to become zombies.

"Everyone, listen, we will pay more tributes in the future and pray for blessings from the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord. Duke Morat, who slaughtered the royal family, is a model destined to fall into hell and endure endless disasters!"

In the church near the palace, Luqman was treating the wounded due to combat and making them absolutely loyal to him, while at the same time he was preaching to everyone about his family beliefs and his resentment towards the powerful Duke Morat.

Of course, his eloquence is not the most important thing. The key is that his magical power is much more powerful than Duke Morat, who has soldiers, money and power. At least Duke Morat was unable to turn back the victims who had just been infected by the plague and turned into zombies. He could only choose to massacre indiscriminately or bury them alive and burn them collectively.

"Your Majesty, can you share this power of yours..."

"Of course. As long as your faith is pious enough."

Hearing the answer of this little emperor who was just like his grandfather, Viscount Galson, who had been pulling together forces behind the scenes to send troops to fight against the little emperor, had a bitter look on his face. Because everyone knows that piety is very difficult to systemize. In addition, the Karn Empire now exists in name only. Against the background of zombie invasion and major princes proclaiming themselves kings, most people are more concerned about whether they will survive to see the sunrise tomorrow than so-called piety.

If a small noble like him doesn't have enough followers, he will be surrounded by all kinds of bandits, pirates, water bandits, and Roadhogs every minute he walks outside. As far as he knew, even the most ordinary serfs would engage in attacks on lone nobles as long as they had the opportunity.

The reason is that the nobles are rich and have enough stuff to buy a hundred serfs like themselves back home.

In troubled times, regardless of status, everyone is a group of vultures who will kill each other...

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