
Chapter 18 Illegal private arsenal

"Do you understand?"

After finishing a lot of things, Nice felt exhausted. Although the roommate in front of him could be considered literate, he had not received any serious cultural education after all, and he had serious problems in understanding.

"Isn't this just like the blacksmith shop in Yehliu City?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Dong, Dong, Dong...

But at this time, there was not much time for Sogen to think. The sudden ringing of the bell made Sogen and Nice pick up the weapons in their hands, put on their masks again, and ran from their dormitory to the previous reception room.

At the same time, not only the two of them, but also the guards who came to the reception room saw a group of humanoid creatures holding spears and covered in black on the crystal ball on the table on one wall of the room, approaching the direction of the arsenal from the south.

"Everyone, please enter the defense position outside the factory as soon as possible, and never let these savages get within 50 meters of the arsenal."

"What? Savages?"

Listening to what Director Farah said to the guards in the reception room as soon as he came in, Sogen was completely confused. Since he could only find a job in the arsenal, Sogen followed Nice to find a fortification with sandbags in the south of the arsenal and waited for orders.

At the same time, he looked around. The white-skinned Kalai, who normally thought that he could solve all problems with magic without using guns, was holding various types of firearms like him.

However, when he pointed the muzzle of his quick-pull rifle at the black humanoid creatures coming from outside, he found that these guys called savages were basically holding wooden shields, holding a short spear of about 1.4 meters in their hands, and only wearing some tattered clothes that should be made of tree bark.

"Nice, how can these savages..."

"Don't ask so many questions. If they continue to approach the distance of 50 meters, just shoot."

For Nice's answer, Sogen looked confused. According to what Nice said before, shouldn't the arsenal, a place that can produce various weapons and equipment, be very hidden? How could it be easily discovered by these savages?

In short, Sogen had all kinds of questions and puzzles in his mind, but compared to this, the savages in front of him seemed to have discovered some treasure, and they strode towards the arsenal with a dark green outer wall.

"Fifty meters! Everyone! Fire!"


Although some of their companions started shooting at the savages who rushed in like a general. But Sogen, who missed the first shot, had to pull the bolt habitually to load the next bullet.

So, he didn't fire many shots, and ended the battle before he finished a five-round magazine. Because after the first batch of these savages were knocked down by various firearms, they ran away one by one.

So when he returned to the reception room, Director Farah also spoke very frankly.

"The Gem Island where my arsenal is located originally has a large number of savage tribes. Therefore, my sisters and I chose a place with fewer savages to build an arsenal under the commission of the colonists."

"Wait, Director, you said colonists?"

"Yes. Your name is Nice, right?"


"Gem Island, as the name suggests, means there are a lot of gems here. The colonists who came from Yehliu City in the northwest came for treasures, and they built colonial towns on this island in the past fifty years. Therefore, battles between colonists and savages and various monsters occurred from time to time. This arsenal of our sisters came into being in this way."

"But why is it that here in the arsenal... we only see various gunpowder weapons that imitate the Eastern human forces, and there are no original weapons like our Kalai people."

When Nice said this, the guards of the arsenal nodded repeatedly. Director Farah shook his head gently and continued to speak.

"Because my arsenal is private, not the arsenal of the United Kingdom of Eri. Moreover, our customers are not only the colonists here, but also visitors from far away. Let me make it clearer, that is, the money earned by this arsenal mainly comes from the outside world. Nice, you can come here, isn't it also guaranteed by some members?"

Guarantee of some members?

Now let alone Nice, Sogen quickly understood why this arsenal, from the boss to every employee, was called by very simple names and signed on various documents. Moreover, he carefully observed everything with words in the reception room, all of which were written in words from the Eastern human forces.

In other words, the arsenal opened by Farah and Hermione sisters is an illegally operated private arsenal in the United Kingdom of Eri, and it is also an arsenal built and operated by itself without any approval!

However, this has nothing to do with him.

"Does that mean we will face the siege of Eri's regular army at all times?"

"This... your name is Sogen, right? That's right. But you probably don't take Eri seriously. Some of your members have even assassinated high-ranking officials of Eri, or have been rebels and attacked Eri's towns. It's just that I don't care, and I don't want to investigate your history. Anyway, I will give you a set of uniforms, and you will all wear masks with your names on them. If nothing else, this place has many inconveniences. But don't worry, in return, I will ensure that your accommodation conditions and salary are better than outside."

It is true that an illegally operated arsenal is definitely not doing any legitimate business. Therefore, as the factory director, Farah will definitely ensure that the employees working here are absolutely loyal and have enough work motivation.

So after getting the new brown uniform, boots, gloves, protective gear and customized white hood, Sogen was helpless. However, when he passed the production area with Nice, he found that the employees responsible for production had the same skin color as him.

And as he walked, boxes of large wooden boxes filled with quick-pull rifles attracted his attention at the first time.

"Please don't block the way, we need to send this batch of guns out as soon as possible."

"Oh. Sorry..."

It's a pity that Sogen stood still and hindered the work of the employees here. At the same time, he saw that these assembled guns were just like the firewood he had chopped before, and they were neatly nailed with nails after being covered with wooden boards.

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After watching for a whole day, Sogen found an opportunity and deliberately sat in front of the employees who were taking a rare break to enjoy dinner. The technical employees who took off their masks and hoods looked confused until Sogen took the initiative to take off his mask...

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