
Chapter 211: The Powerless

Just as Grand Duke Aken said, Sogen, who came to Gualegu Echu City, was enjoying the knife-cut noodles made by Si Rui in a temporary tent.

It must be said that as one of the professional chefs in the guild, Sogen was looking at the white noodles in the bowl that were as delicate as hair and not lacking in toughness as his lunch. He was somewhat impressed.

"How is it? This is my newly invented peanut and dried bean curd noodle soup. The taste..."

"You cook it yourself, what can we say? We will wipe out all your noodles without leaving any."

Although Si Rui borrowed a cooking trailer next to the tent, even the cooks of the troops stationed here couldn't help but learn a trick.

Obviously, the abandoned Gualegu Echu City is the town that Sogen is going to take charge of. As the mayor here, Abu Sogen needs to spend the next 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ][To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】 During his tenure of 10 years, he wanted to turn Gualegu Echu City into a city that could accommodate at least 3 million people.

Therefore, he had no time and energy to regret that he had "accidentally" made Beth pregnant again. Taking advantage of the fact that some teachers and students from the military academy had come to Gualegu Echu City to conduct practical teaching and military combat courses, his biggest job now was to command the engineering team to clean up the ruins, clean up and rebuild the sewer pipelines.

After all, it was not a good thing to always live in tents. The feeling of sleeping in the open air was not what the people of the kingdom who had already lived a modern life should enjoy every day.

So during the seven days he came here, he rarely acted as a "temporary priest", constantly summoning meteorites to bombard the abandoned city.

Anyway, in his opinion, it would be better to have a large-scale demolition than to let them live in the indigenous stone houses.

Tear down the entire city, recycle a lot of useful building materials, and finally slowly build a town.

Although such steps are a bit rough, he would rather enjoy the feeling of building everything by himself, laying every brick and tile by himself.

As for the original palace of the Kahn Empire, sorry, he doesn't like it.

The current engineering team has more than 30,000 cavemen, working in three shifts to clean up the ruins.

"Mayor, do we have to clean up zombies for the natives now?"

"Of course. However, the zombies on the ground and underground can be frozen and then transported to the western region by trucks."


"Now compared to the pile of ruins in the city, our first goal is to build a port. Since the natives in the past have the ability to build a trading town, we can do it too. What's more, there are veins under our feet that have not been fully excavated by the natives and can still provide silver mines."

Compared with gold, the value of silver may not be that high. Among the natives, silver can only be used as the raw material for tableware or jewelry of some nobles at most.

And because of the problem of silver rusting and blackening, even the nobles among the natives have members who hate silver. As a result, gold became a treasure sought after by the natives (the same principle applies to the human race and the United Kingdom of Eri, or even the demon race in the Old World).

It’s just that the Kingdom of Negan is different. Thanks to the basic monetary policy of silver standard, the value of silver in the Kingdom of Negan is actually more important than gold.

Especially silver is an industrial metal, which has special significance for the industry of the Kingdom of Negan.

At the same time, while eating, Sogen also heard that the eldest princess seemed to be undergoing military training in the northern wilderness. Of course, he didn’t think of letting his son meet Her Royal Highness, especially since his three sons who were about to enter the age of marriage were all studying in the affiliated college of the arsenal and were going to work as employees of the arsenal in the future.

Marrying Her Royal Highness... No one is stupid, the biggest problem is Her Majesty the Queen. Even if everyone is sure that they must marry into the royal family, who is willing to give up their political rights easily.

As Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Negan, the eldest princess, Lai Ting Jiaqi, is a special aristocrat without political rights. After all, the constitutional monarchy laws of the Kingdom of Negan have strict regulations, and members of the royal family have no political rights.

Therefore, the man who marries this princess will actually be no different from the current husband of the king in the future.

So not everyone is willing to be a hollow noble without any political rights, or even the right to vote. After all, with fame and corresponding status, the desire for power is born naturally.

Just like the husband of the king, even if he does not touch politics on the surface; but what he does in secret is not related to politics?

Among the political factions of the Kingdom of Negan, the source and the most prominent representative of the militant faction with the most aggressive attitude towards the outside world is the husband of the king.

At the same time, the eldest princess, Jiaqi, who still has no time and opportunity to contact the opposite sex, is quite puzzled by the machete seized in her hand.

Although the weapons and equipment of the natives are as strange as they are, she is very curious about the machete with a triangular blade and a handle that is getting wider and wider.

Perhaps she had little contact with them, or perhaps she had not seen the more bizarre swords of the United Kingdom of Eri. In general, the machetes she had seen or even used were either gradually narrowed scimitars or straight knives with the same width of cutting edge from beginning to end.

Of course, as a cook responsible for cooking, she herself was used to straight blades. After all, the knives she had been exposed to since she was a child were straight blades, and compared to scimitars, straight knives were easy for beginners to master quickly, which made her and her father praise them.

"Your Highness, what are you looking at the native triangular machete for? This thing can only be used as a machete to clear weeds, and it is not as good as our standard waist knife."

"I don't know why, I always feel that this machete looks like something. But... I can't remember it no matter what. Anyway, send this back to my father to see, he should be able to remember it."

[The book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here. 】


Although she was not happy to hear the tone of her personal maid, she also understood that her father would definitely despise her.

You know, in his eyes, the scrap iron made by the natives themselves is not necessarily a raw material that can be sent to the steel mill for recycling. She even heard that the natives can make steel, but they have to thank a certain mayor for reselling backward technology at a high price.

Of course, whether it is true or not, it is not easy for her, a powerless person who cannot interfere too much in politics, to know the truth...

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