
Chapter 219 So what?

"Those trash-like rubbish, hum! The Grand Duke was not defeated by them. If they hadn't hired dark elf mercenaries, these scum who always ride on horses and beat people with whips would have died long ago!"

After fighting his way through the mansion and returning to his underground safe room, the former member of the Grand Duke's Guard, Braverna, spent more than a month recruiting more than 300 people to form a resistance force.

However, he also understood that after the Grand Duke was defeated and became a prisoner, the new Grand Duke used the power of the church to try to stabilize the entire Principality of Aiken.


As everyone thinks, some people are useless. The key is that there are not enough supplies. Without enough supplies, it would be impossible to fight against the rebellious nobles in the Fish and Meat Township.

Especially when the rebellious nobles had the money to hire dark elf mercenaries who were so powerful that they and the entire Principality of Archon were in despair.

According to his personal experience on the battlefield, a dark elf mercenary would have no problem beating ten or even twenty of them.

And when he escaped, there was a dark elf mercenary who was staring at him. To be honest, he himself was lucky.

At least the masked dark elf mercenary didn't show his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape.

"But scolding them..."

"I understand, let's just think about how to deal with these traitors. One of our biggest difficulties now is that we don't have enough high-quality weapons to equip everyone with the simplest equipment. In this way, everyone can collect as much iron as possible. I'll think about it again Think about how to forge good weapons.”

Braver once followed the Grand Duke to the blacksmith workshop to observe how the blacksmiths made steel tools. But now...the traitors have taken over all the blacksmiths, and it is basically impossible to find a blacksmith who knows how to make iron in the principality.

So Braver himself was recalling how the blacksmith door used to burn charcoal to make iron, and then repeatedly beat it with a hammer and put it into cold water to quench it into suitable steel.

"Forging iron is not difficult, the difficult thing is who is responsible for making iron."

At the same time, Sogen, who was explaining carefully to the Grand Princess Jiaqi in the mayor's office, pointed out the shortcomings of the indigenous people's steel technology.

"Who's in charge of blacksmithing?"

"Take the Tauren clan as an example. They originally used high-grade iron ore to make steel. But they had a clever idea, which was to use urine to quench steel. Although the taste was quite bad, the Tauren still thought of it based on this. The technology of hydraulic press is used to enhance the quality of their steel. Therefore, if the blacksmith in charge of ironmaking does not even know what kind of iron ore he has, he does not even know how to perform the most basic screening. The steel that comes out at the end...is more like slag than steel."

"I understand. But I also have a worry. Some students in our college lost some machetes. Will the indigenous people figure out how to make them?"

"Your Highness, this is a matter of time. At the beginning, I deliberately sold them a technology with unstable forging process and low finished product qualification rate. Moreover, the machete used by the military academy is a product of the steel-clad technology in the factory. It is hard. Steel is wrapped in soft steel. This technique is actually more difficult than the folding and beating technique. If it is not done well, the gap between the two steel materials will cause the blade to break. At the same time, such a knife cannot be handled casually. Go and refine it in the boiler."


"As long as the temperature is high, hard steel and soft steel will melt into red-hot molten steel."

"How about a lower temperature?"

"Same. It just doesn't melt as fast."

In fact, due to poor smelting technology, Sogen knew better than anyone that the indigenous people had no ability to analyze how hot the heated iron was. The end result of such crude forging is a pile of undurable scrap iron.


"Actually, Your Highness, I still hope that the indigenous people can master the production ability of steel-clad knives."


"Knives made of steel are the least durable, and they are also the least suitable for long-term use. If the blade of a knife made of steel has cracks, it is best to reskill it directly. Otherwise, the knife will break during the next use."

"Mayor Abu, you, you are comparable to father."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

As an official of the Negan Kingdom, Sogen can only give priority to the interests of his own Kalai family. Even to the indigenous people, this is not much different from direct murder.

However, don't forget one thing. The Negan Kingdom and the indigenous people are essentially hostile, and this kind of behavior can be reduced as little as possible.

At the same time, Lengchuan City where he is located is also the largest stronghold for the westward expansion of the Negan Kingdom. Unless the biggest hidden danger that threatens his town, the Kahn Empire, is weakened, he will feel very unsafe as the mayor.

Therefore, another important purpose for him to report the situation to Her Royal Highness is to seek assistance for Her Royal Highness, who came over for an inspection.

He doesn't need money, the key is immigration. Without enough people, he doesn't know how to carry out many things. Especially now that there are only 3 troops stationed here [to be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Many soldiers, the local militia has not yet been formally trained.

In this regard, he sincerely hopes that there will be more people in the city. Apart from other things, just to farm, provide food and raw materials for light industry, he needs these people to produce the necessary output.

But compared with his idea, Her Majesty, Lai Ting Winnie, who discussed with the prime minister in the palace, did not easily allow it.

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"Your Majesty?"

"Compared to developing dense rainforest areas in the north, the coastline and prairie in the south are our development direction. After all, once the tropical rainforest is developed, the bare surface left by the felling of trees can easily be washed away by strong rain and cause serious soil erosion."

As a queen who once studied abroad and knew a lot of knowledge, but was not very good at the Kalai language, Queen Winnie was very clear about the ecological concept of the green desert.

So much so that after hundreds of years of development, the Kingdom of Negan became more and more aware of the importance of forests. Even now, the Kingdom of Negan has established a special biological academy to study how to properly develop and protect forests.

"Your Majesty, the south is where the natives live."

"So what?"

"Uh... If possible, I still hope to send troops directly to annihilate all the native settlements at once."

"Let them work harder and kill each other."

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