
Chapter 20: The Confrontation between Magic and Gunpowder

"Skirmish formation? It seems that the battle back then left a deep impression on them."

Under Ness's evaluation, Sogen began to analyze the Eli regular army in front of him. As Sogen listened to his explanation at this time, he quickly understood the reason why there was at least a two-meter distance between members of the regular army:

Prevent them from being attacked by concentrated firepower from the enemy just because they stand together.

But when these troops who are protected by blue shields in front of them enter. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】 meters away, the quick-draw rifle in Sogen's hand was like the firearm in the hands of other comrades, shooting wildly at the approaching troops.


"Your guns can't hit our defensive wall! Only by stopping resisting and accepting our sanctions can you gain mercy from the Golden Dragon God!"

It's a pity that the blue shield released by the general is more effective than the shield made of solid metal. Thorgen also watched the bullets he fired being bounced away one by one. He had to hide in the bunker again while avoiding the constant threats above his head. While flying spell rays, he installed a grenade launcher on his rifle.

"Wait, you continue to use rifles. All shotgunners are equipped with grenade launchers at a distance of 8 meters and blow up their backs! Sogen, you go cover Oumai and the others. They technicians can't make any mistakes."

However, under Ness's command, Saugen, who quickly came to Omer's side, watched as the shotgunners in the arsenal installed their grenade launchers and fired one after another towards the dark sky where the illuminated arrows were dispersed. A rifle grenade.

In an instant, I entered 7 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. The enemies within 10 meters only defended the front, not the rear. As a result, the grenades falling from the sky immediately blew them up and down.

"Omer, it's too dangerous for you here."

"There's nothing you can do about the danger. Not all guards can use cannons. Come! I'll teach you how to use it. This thing is called 8. I've been using millimeter-caliber mortars recently. The shooting principle is the same as the rifle grenades fired by Ness and others with shotguns. Through High-angle projectile trajectory attacks the enemy's back."


In this way, under All Might's guidance, Sogen started to adjust the spiral ruler on the mortar with various spell rays flying around his head. Then he hid in a bomb shelter in the back with Oumai and other technicians, and pulled the hemp rope connected to the mortar launch rod in his hand.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, a cannonball with a tail fin crossed the bright night sky and exploded into a brighter orange-red cloud directly among the enemy's troops.


An 8mm mortar shell had been fired recently. Sogen watched the regular army on the opposite side fall for more than forty in one go. No matter how powerful the gun in his hand was, it could never compare to the power of such a cannonball.

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"Come on! Give them a taste of the incendiary bombs!"

Next, Sogena got a mortar shell with a red mark on the warhead from Oumai. He followed Oumai's method to remove the safety of the shell, and filled the shell with the warhead outward and towards the tail towards the inside of the muzzle. Pack.


When the second mortar shell exploded on the left side of the riding general, not only Sogen, but also the guards of the arsenal witnessed the explosion of the shell, which had a diameter of at least 5 meters. . 】The sea of ​​​​fire is so terrifying.

Not to mention the unlucky general, the heart-rending wails from the enemy soldiers who were swallowed up by the flames made the one hundred and seventy-seven guards stop firing.

The terrifying aspect of gunpowder weapons from Eastern humans was so simply and crudely displayed in front of Sogen. However, Sogan's Federation was patted. He looked back and All Might nodded.

Even though he felt cruel, what could he do? They were here to encircle and suppress him. How could a brown-skinned Kale like him end up in the hands of a white-skinned Kale?

So he returned to the bomb shelter, took out another incendiary bomb to load, moved the barrel to the right, and pulled the rope.



As a result, even more cruel wails suddenly echoed throughout the battlefield. The power of mortar shells was witnessed by the death of soldiers of the regular army in the sea of ​​​​fire.

However, this was completely not enough. The third mortar shell once again crossed the night sky from the muzzle. The enemy's morale collapsed on the spot, as they originally thought that the blue protective wall could withstand the bullet attack. Although they were fighting and retreating, they could continue to release colorful spell rays through the staffs in their hands, but their protective walls had no ability to block the cannonballs falling from high altitudes.


Another sea of ​​fire, another group of walking candles.

"Everyone is here, fix bayonets! Artillery continues to suppress! Charge!"

Under the illumination of illumination arrows fired by the enemy, Naisna led all the arsenal guards to charge. Sogen naturally installed a spur on his quick-draw rifle, then said goodbye to All Might and rushed out of the sandbag bunker.

"Don't! Don't kill me..."

Seeing the right half of the very proud general in front of him being burned into coke by the hot flames, and the mount under his crotch having fallen to the ground and turned into braised horse meat, Sogen stabbed the staff on his body with the four-edged spear in his hand. Open, a prisoner of great value naturally becomes his trophy.

At the same time, he looked at Nice and the others. Fifty-eight regular soldiers raised their hands and lined up in an orderly manner to enter the detention room prepared by Deputy Director Hermione.

After the war, Sogen and other colleagues counted that 129 enemy soldiers were killed, 59 prisoners were captured, and the rest fled. As for himself, there were no casualties because of the large number of bunkers and trenches built.


"This is not easy. Now we have been discovered by the regular army. Either we move or we hire more guards to fight against Eli's encirclement."

"Members of the colony team..."

"Okay, I'll talk to them. So, Captain Nice, you are one of the few here who have fought hard battles with the human army in the East. How many regular army attacks do you think we can resist at most?"

In order to keep the arsenal alive, the sisters Farah and Hermione had no intention of surrendering to Eli. Sogen himself knew this very well. If nothing else, his income from the arsenal was 5 per month. Recently, I have been using it. Android and Apple are both available. 【To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】 Xifu. And I've been using 5【To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】【To be honest, I've been using it recently, both Android and Apple are OK.】 Xifu is in the arsenal, and that's the price of a light machine gun!

With his two months' income, he can definitely take a light machine gun into Yehliu City and shoot around everywhere.

As for the defense circle that Nice is now drawing on a map with a pen, Sogen naturally understands that several circles here are used to install cannons. However, the arsenal has limited production, and the smoothbore 8mm caliber mortar can only be made once a month.

What's more, it's better to attack directly than to defend...

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