
Chapter 223 The less reaction there is, the more it shows the other party's sophistication

But compared to Tulo, who had time to hug Miley and happily give birth to offspring. Sogen of Lengchuan City saw one red dot after another representing the enemy on the projection screen of the city hall, as well as the real-time footage of the invasion of the indigenous troops shot by the outer patrol troops.

Obviously, the troops formed by the indigenous people did not retreat because of the so-called zombies. On the contrary, in order to find treasure, the indigenous people risked never returning to the old capital.

However, these indigenous people from the already fragmented Kahn Empire did not know one thing, that is, teachers and students from more than one military academy came to the vicinity of Lengchuan City for military training.

Therefore, as a cook, Her Royal Highness, Lai Ting Jiaqi, was on standby at any time with a scorching sun submachine gun. Although she did not have to go to the front line of the trench, she could clearly see a large group of indigenous people wearing armor and holding various cold weapons in the kitchen camp because of the higher terrain.

"Your Highness."

"You don't have to worry about me. They don't have any members who can cast spells. And with just over 500 troops, if things don't work out, don't we still have cannons to back us up?"

Just like what the princess said to her maid, since it was a real-life combat training at the military academy, the academy would definitely have some "safety assurance measures".

Especially the 55mm caliber truck guns she had often seen before. According to her own observation, there were at least three of them. And what kind of power would a 55mm caliber shell fired by such a truck gun have...

When she followed her mother to inspect the army, the Secretary of War was very proud to guarantee that it had a range of more than 2 meters and an absolute death radius of 45 meters. Moreover, during the previous visit, a 55mm caliber shell that had been used recently could create a 5-meter diameter and 2-meter deep pit on the ground. The scene made her realize the horror of modern military weapons.

Even a magic user like her who had been gifted since childhood, she herself did not dare to face the bombardment of a shell head-on. As for the second sister who was more talented than her, since she was appointed as a priest of the Black Dragon God Temple, it was said that the second sister could not be afraid of anti-tank mines.

Regardless of the facts, she, as an elder sister, would never volunteer to try it easily. If she really wanted to try, she would rather find the natives in front of her who were only 3 meters away from her position to conduct experiments.

But she herself guessed the result, the natives who used cold weapons would be torn into pieces in the explosion. But before that, her classmates and instructors would definitely not take action easily.

If they really wanted to take action, these natives would be less than 5【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】 meters away from her position. 】 meters away, there would be no gunfire. And in order to let the natives move forward with peace of mind, everyone squatted in the trenches and waited for the natives to enter the shooting area.

"Alexster, do you think the mound in front of you..."

"Come closer, and then... archers will line up and shoot at the back of the mound."

Of course, the natives are not fools. Seeing the mounds in front of them connected in a line, they must have realized the dangerous atmosphere, and the obvious new city wall behind the mounds indicated that the abandoned city had been occupied.

But these teams who ran out to search for treasures had no choice. After saying goodbye to their hometown, their livelihood depended on treasure hunting. Returning empty-handed was completely unacceptable.

Therefore, when they reached a distance of 8【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.】 meters, Jiaqi saw a round of arrows released from the timid team of the natives. However, the earth slope in front of the trench not only blocked the sight of the natives' attack, but also the arrows had to be thrown at a tricky angle to hit the companions squatting in the trench.

So after the rain of arrows, Princess Jiaqi did not see a single wounded person. Some companions even started to fiddle with 6mm mortars and installed grenade launchers on the Laure semi-automatic rifles.


As the standard general-purpose machine gun of the navy, army and air force of the Kingdom of Nigan, the Lewen general-purpose machine gun was also ready in the hands of the machine gunners. As long as the natives stepped into the 5m death line, the rain of bullets would be the final outcome of the natives.

"No reaction."

"Hmm... disperse. I don't know if the other side will collect our arrows and shoot them back at our heads with their own bows."

Even if the natives' caution was correct in theory, when they 8m. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available.] Many people approached the position formed by less than 4 military academy students in twos and threes, but they were quite scared deep in their hearts.

The less reaction there was, the more it showed the other party's sophistication.

In fact, the word "experienced" is not very suitable for a group of military academy students. However, the army of the Kingdom of Nigan relies on real combat records to prove its strength. Therefore, relying on the experience taught by the instructors, the military academy students watched the natives step into the 5-meter death line, and immediately stood up and quickly set up their guns, and pulled the trigger to start the attack.


As the gunshots rang out one after another, the natives became corpses one after another under the penetrating blows of the bullets, and although Princess Jiaqi did not have to go to the front line to fill the trenches, it was impossible for her to really stay in the back and watch the show.

She was born with strange strength and brought boxes of ammunition boxes to the front line. At the same time, after delivering a round of ammunition, the scorching sun submachine gun in her hand fired another round of shots at the natives who were fleeing in a hurry.

5【To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】 meters away, for the Sun SMG with a magazine capacity of 5 rounds in her hand, it is not a problem at all. In addition, the 6×2mm pistol bullets she fired are also steel core bullets, which are quite targeted to hard targets.

The result is just as she saw. Under the muzzle of the Sun SMG, no matter what type of armor the natives wore, they all fell down without exception, turning into a hornet's nest that kept spraying blood.

No wonder the former employees of the Solo Arsenal dared to openly resist the encirclement and suppression of the regular army of the Eri United Kingdom. Not to mention the problem of artillery, modern firearms alone are not easy to mess with.

Unless you can open the atmospheric shield to resist long-range physical attacks at all times, otherwise the bullets that suddenly come over will be your death warrant.

She even heard that the heavy sniper rifles with a caliber of 3mm have entered military service. Firearms of this caliber not only simply fire steel core bullets, but also high-explosive ammunition is completely possible.

At that time, she would also fire the anti-aircraft machine gun that has been using 3×99mm machine gun bullets recently. She couldn't imagine how terrible large-caliber firearms were.

After all, the 6×56mm rifle bullets fired by the current Lewen general-purpose machine gun also fired one shot, and the natives who were shot would burst into blood and other debris into the air.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Even if the ammunition I fired was not as explosive as the lead core bullets of the Japanese, the armor-piercing steel core bullets were still a killing weapon...

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