
Chapter 231: It is never the weapon that kills, but the person

As the sun rises again, the King of the Kingdom of Golson, Decart Golson, comes to his workshop to see what kind of weapons and equipment his craftsmen have made.

"Your Majesty, please look, this is the sword-shaped spearhead we made."

"Sword-shaped? Didn't I say before that it would be enough to make a four-sided pyramid-shaped spear?"

"Your Majesty, this is the request of the soldiers below. If it is just a four-sided pyramid-shaped spear, it can only stab but not cut."

"No waste of time? This is a shorter double-edged weapon."

"Your Majesty, although the double-edged does require further processing and polishing, what we make is actually just a dagger that is less than the length of an arm. After the molten iron is poured into the mold, it can be obtained in batches to be installed on the wooden pole."

Although he didn't understand a word of the introduction of the craftsman in charge, in the eyes of King Decart, the bundles of spears in the workshop that can be used as spearmen's weapons and as crossbows to launch ammunition are the effects he hopes to have.

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After all, after the decline of the Principality of Akern, other countries came to the Principality to recruit people, trying to upgrade their weapons and equipment.

The reason... the current thirteen countries have experienced the turmoil caused by the copper shortage, and basically began to realize the reality that bronze weapons are expensive and difficult to use. The requirements for iron weapons are getting higher and higher, and even King Decarte has heard of something called steel.

According to the intelligence he collected, steel refers to refined iron, the essence of iron. A knife made of steel is better than a knife made of iron. However, until now, because the Principality of Akern implemented a salt and iron monopoly system during the reign of Grand Duke Sidney, the craftsmen who knew how to make iron into steel were basically taken away by the royal family and the church.

Most of the blacksmiths he invited back now are just small blacksmiths who usually make iron farm tools. As for the veterans... Alas!

Instead of looking for an old hand, it would be better to find a way to train a large number of novices in the workshop into old hands.

Then he looked at the arrows tied with hemp rope. Since he found a way to introduce plants like bamboo, he found that he no longer lacked materials for arrow shafts and tail wings.

Of course, the arrowheads were still made of iron, but just like everyone thought, his arrowheads were basically leftovers from smelting steel. As for whether they could be used many times, he himself didn't know.

Then he began to check the single-edged swords made by the craftsmen. To be honest, they were not very good. At least they were much uglier than the double-edged long sword hanging on his waist now, and the swords of nobles from other countries.

Especially the gray-black surface of the blade, plus the handle with a tail ring tied with rope. No matter how he looked at it, he despised this kind of sword, which had a blade that wanted to bend backwards, but was much longer than the Gladius short sword that was recommended by His Majesty, the founding emperor of the Kahn Empire, Maokoleta Rufus van Kahn, and could be used with one or both hands.

But there was nothing he could do. Compared with his contempt, the dark elf's blade was the one that chilled him. It was said that a dark elf beauty with purple hair, purple eyes and white skin used a similar one-handed sword many times to kill many soldiers from her own kingdom and other countries sent to the old capital without using the iron pipe that could make a loud noise.

Therefore, saving one's life is always the first priority compared to whether it looks good or not.

So, what King Decart didn't know was that the white-skinned Eldar beauty with purple hair and purple eyes had changed another knife in her hand.

Thanks to her own strange power, she required the blade spine of the knife to be no thinner than 8 mm, or directly used recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] mm thick. So, when she got a straight steel knife with a total length of 1.5mm, a blade of 855mm, a blade of 5mm from the widest part near the handle to 25mm at the tip, and a handle with a bowl-shaped guard of 256mm, she waved it in front of everyone.

"Your Highness, is this knife okay?"

"It weighs 2 grams, which is okay. Who made it? I want to give this craftsman more money and let him work hard."

"Uh... Abu Bian."

"Hmm? This name... Abu? The mayor of Lengchuan City..."

"It was made by his eldest son at the steel plant under the Solo Arsenal."

Upon hearing the answer from her personal maid, Princess Jiaqi nodded gently. Generally speaking, officials like Abu Sogen would theoretically send their children to some high-level college.

But perhaps Mayor Sogen's background is not very good and embarrassing. He is the illegitimate son of a one-night stand between a landlord and a slave in the United Kingdom of Eri. His children are either serving in the army or working in factories, and the rest of the younger ones are still studying.

He doesn't like high-society activities and likes to visit factories. Perhaps he is the "invisible aristocrat" often mentioned in the Old World.

"With such a father, there will be such a son. Not bad."

"Your Highness?"

"Mayor Sogen used to work in an arsenal, and he was also a designer of weapons and equipment. But now that he has entered politics, he has not continued to design weapons and equipment. However, his weapons and equipment are of good quality, and they are very popular in the Old World even in this era."

As a princess, Lai Ting Jiaqi knows the foundation of the Kingdom of Negan - military trade. So far, the Kukai pistol is not only used by the Kingdom of Negan, but also listed as standard equipment by eight human countries in the Old World.

Even the Japanese people, who are fully legal gun owners, like this semi-automatic pistol with an exposed hammer that fires 9×9mm pistol bullets.

Although the rude men among the Japanese people have expressed disdain, it must be said that Japanese women like it very much. Or is this the most commonly used 24mm pistol by the Japanese people, which has a large recoil, and their female members don't like it?

In short, no matter what, the Kingdom of Negan has never stopped the arms trade until now, and has not really cut off its ties with the Old World. After all, arms trade makes money quickly, and the Old World itself is a place of constant conflict. Weapons and equipment themselves have no worries about not having customers, let alone not being able to sell at a high price.

As long as the arms trade market is a real estate market and customers' demands always exist, the arms of the Kingdom of Negan will always bring enough benefits to the people of the kingdom.

Even if such benefits are stained with the blood of innocent people, what does this have to do with the Kingdom of Negan?

It is never weapons that kill people, but people.

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