
Chapter 239: What direction will the future develop in...

It was just that it was a month later that the Kingdom of Golson received such news than the Principality of Akern entered the countdown.

In this regard, Decarte Golson of the Kingdom of Golson did not have too many thoughts. Because the Principality of Akern was too far away from his kingdom, he had no way and ability to reach out there now.

Especially his own five northern countries were becoming more and more restless, and even some armed elements called the Hunter Corps appeared to harm his border areas.

"These guys are one thing on the surface, and another on the bottom. Do you really think they can pretend that nothing has happened and nothing has anything to do with them? Humph, delusion!"


"These five countries are bullying the weak and fearing the strong. None of them dared to continue to cause trouble for the dark elves, and they put the knife against my neck. Hehehe... Padsefino."


"Are there soldiers on our border?"

"Uh... Father, the border areas are all the territories of small nobles. We, we..."


Maybe he had never thought about it before, but now King Decarte is at a loss.

Because the entire Kahn Empire has been implementing a system of feudalization since its establishment. Although the major princes are rising now, few people really take Emperor Tony, who is still thinking about how to piece together the Kahn Empire, seriously. Even the entire empire is basically in a state of de facto independence.

But King Decarte finally realized a serious problem, that is, feudalization and feudalization, his kingdom still has a group of vassals, and a larger group of vassals of vassals.

In this way, his ability to manage the entire kingdom... If his fist is not strong enough, will the nobles below also be like him, and expand their own army to create a small independent kingdom?


Absolutely not!

The army of the entire kingdom can only be loyal to him, and he must not allow the famous saying that my vassal's vassal is not my vassal to continue to be reflected in him.

And he also wants to understand another thing, why the Principality of Akern was able to be prominent during Sidney Akern?

That's because Sidney Aken almost took control of the entire principality, and used the salt and iron monopoly system to firmly tie the principality, forcing the principality to work together from top to bottom.

Under the traditional feudal system, loose countries will only be completely crushed in the face of crisis. For this reason, he wants to change!

"Father? Father?"

"In this way, don't worry about the border, just see if these small nobles have the ability to hold on. If they can't defend their own territory, don't blame me for governing them directly."

Obviously, King Decarte wanted to take back every piece of land that his ancestors had granted. After all, the ancestors did not have the ability to rule so many territories at the beginning, so they had to let a group of covetous subordinates come forward to receive the reward.

Now, he should also test whether these small border nobles can wipe out all the disobedient guys on their land like his ancestors who were granted titles.

Otherwise... humph! He really wants to know whether the principle of father being a hero and son being a waste can be best tested here. At the same time, he didn't have to find excuses to deal with these guys who he basically never knew what they looked like, let alone whether they paid taxes to the kingdom and provided troops for fighting.

So, as a small baron in the northern border area of ​​the Kingdom of Golson, the now 30-year-old Mark Baleston was facing a choice.

His small villages had a total population of more than 5, and there were no less than 3 bandits from the north of the northern border. In this regard, he looked at the farmland being cultivated outside, and then looked at his men who were always around him.

Even if he turned all the members of his Norson Village into militias and had to come out to fight bandits... who would guarantee that Norson Village would have food to eat next year?

If everyone had no food to eat, then he, the baron, would probably have to flee. If he fails, he will have to consider going up the mountain to be a bandit.

"Alas. This won't work. Otherwise... I'll find Lord Viscount... No! Lord Viscount, that bastard is still waiting for me to come!"

Whenever Mark Baleston thinks of his direct superior, he is annoyed. Because his superior, the Viscount, is also mentally ill recently, or for some other reason, he has to make him pay more for building an arsenal to several barons.

Even though he later heard that he could use people to replace the cost, there are only a few people in his small village? And he also took some of his people out to work? If it weren't for the fact that the Ascetic Church was determined to promote monogamy, he would have agreed to the suggestion that a man marry several women as wives.

However... even if his suggestion had to be implemented on his own small territory regardless of the interference of the church and other local forces. He could guess how much the people below would complain about, and all kinds of unpredictable serious consequences.

So he was like other small nobles who didn't have much money and even fewer soldiers. Cheap mercenaries or so-called hunting regiments were his wise choice.

Although he himself was aware that the loyalty of these guys could never be guaranteed, his ancestors were mercenaries who served the first King of the Kingdom of Golson when it was first established.

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He had an idea. If he could allocate some uninhabited land to build a new home for some displaced mercenaries...

Yes! That's it!

Anyway, there are not many people here, and there are many wild mountains and wilderness. Take some land and exchange more people for working and paying taxes for him...

Obviously, the little baron who was isolated from the news was lucky. The people of the Principality of Akern fled their country in large numbers. Although the distance is a bit far, it doesn't matter.

As long as you can survive, no matter how humble the work is, there will always be someone to do it.

What's more, his work here is much simpler and safer than the rumored zombie fighting.

However, compared with his plan, Marquis Usoda, who is still defending zombies on the northern border of the Principality of Akern, is facing a new problem. That is, the Unbending Butterfly Organization has repeatedly destroyed his defense line, so that wandering zombies appear from time to time inside the defense line.

Although it was not difficult for him to deal with a few scattered zombies, the people and even some soldiers under his rule fell into a new round of fear.

At the same time, he also discovered something. That is, the Unbending Butterfly Organization is suspected to be able to recruit dark elf mercenaries to destroy their food and drinking water warehouses.

"Alas. These dark elves again."

At this time, Marquis Usoda was no longer as arrogant as before. He could not beat the opponent he could not beat. The appearance of the dark elf mercenaries made him wonder what direction the future would develop in...

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