
Chapter 242 Give me something to eat...


After the great division of the Kahn Empire, the border areas between the vassal states in various places will become more and more lawless unless there are key places with heavy troops stationed.

Not to mention the foreign bandits making trouble, the local poor will also go up the mountain to become bandits under the pressure of survival.

As a result, this has led to a problem that the Kingdom of Nigan would never have. The trade routes between the vassal states are full of crises. If the caravans want to make money on the trade routes, they have to find trustworthy guards to escort themselves.

As a result, the commodity economy in the Kahn Empire has not improved at all under the pressure of banditry, and is forced to be in an extremely backward primitive market state of barter.

This is why the rich and powerful forces in the Kahn Empire, and even the forces with troops, are not willing to accept salt as the base currency, and have to maintain the gold, silver and copper coin trade policy that has been proven to be difficult to develop further.

Therefore, in the eyes of Princess Jiaqi, the ignorant Kahn Empire should not appear in the New World at all, and the natives of the Kahn Empire should fight more civil wars and return the occupied land to the Kingdom of Negan.

After all, the people of the Kingdom of Negan will increase, while the population of the Kahn Empire will plummet. With this increase and decrease, the Kahn Empire should also understand that it is time for it to disappear in the dust of history and should completely disappear from this world.

The world of the survival of the fittest is not suitable for the weak to survive, and eliminating the weak and keeping the strong will always be the first rule of this world full of struggle.

Bang! Da Da Da...

"Who is shooting?"

"Your Highness, please stay in the car and don't go out, just watch from the window here."

Accompanied by a burst of gunfire, the five native captives lying in a pool of blood quickly attracted the attention of Princess Jiaqi and her personal maid.

But the scene of shooting captives like this is actually not a rare thing.

After all, since their classmates have captured captives, they will definitely not bring them back and shoot them casually.

As for why it happened... the reason is very simple, they were not obedient, and the captives were not obedient and tried to make some resistance. In this regard, as long as they felt that they were in danger, the captives would often end up with one or a round of bullets.

Don't say that the teachers and students of the military academy of the Kingdom of Negan are cruel and tyrannical, this is the best way to warn.

"You despicable guys, if you have the ability, don't use magic. You are like a woman, wearing a mask and hiding behind a stone to cast spells, without any courage of a man."

But at this time, there was still a captive who was not convinced, and he lowered his head and cursed. As a result, with the help of the translation spell, this native male with a helmet on his head and armor on his body was kicked out by the military academy guarding him.

Then another military academy student walked towards the captive while pointing his Laure semi-automatic rifle at his head.

"What kind of bravery do you think men have?"

"Humph! Of course, it's fighting face to face with the sword in hand!"

Although the situation was very unfavorable to him, facing the dark elf mercenaries who were also wearing masks, the captive was naturally stubborn and completely unconvinced.

"Hehe... Do you think I look like a man?"

After saying that, the military cadet who pointed his rifle at the captive's head took off his mask and showed the captive with blond hair, blue eyes and white skin, and a very delicate female Kalai Eldar face.


"Usually, useless men will waste their time on eloquence, so... Since you are so good at eloquence, I will cut off your limbs? Anyway, with such a good eloquence, limbs are simply redundant for you."

"No! By the way, pity me and give me something to eat..."

Listening to the noise outside, Princess Jiaqi shook her head and continued to make delicious sweet cakes for everyone.

She was not surprised by such things. If these natives were really capable, why would they be captured and show off their verbal skills?

Since they were captured, if they didn't have the ability to escape prison with 100% success, they would have to wait for their fate. Otherwise, it would be a small matter to have to bear the consequences, and all kinds of torture would be an unbearable nightmare.

And this suddenly spineless captive was definitely not the first one. As for whether he would be the last, it would depend on the overall ideological level of the natives in the Kahn Empire.

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At the same time, she suddenly understood why her father and the instructor repeatedly taught her not to give any property to the natives easily.

For example, food.

If these natives knew there was food, they would eat the food they gave them, imagining whether they could rob them at night.

So, sorry.

Even if a captive was being served by a girl with a gun butt, she would not feel pity for the abuse the captives were suffering.

You will suffer the consequences if you do evil, it's that simple.

No wonder the Iron Fist Empire in the Old World has a rule that even the United Kingdom of Eri finds difficult to enforce, which is that everyone within the Iron Fist Empire must name themselves in a standard and normal way.

Even the Kalai family of the United Kingdom of Eri is used to the style of putting the name first, followed by a string of Christian names and honorific titles, and finally the surname; but as the first-class overlord of the Old Continent, the Iron Fist Empire has such a rigid rule in law.

All violators will be regarded as conspiring to split the Iron Fist Empire, subvert the imperial regime, blaspheme the imperial culture, despise the Iron Fist army, and other crimes, and will be executed by being torn in half.

Of course, the Iron Fist Empire's ruthless style has naturally been protested by the United Kingdom of Eri. However, the United Kingdom of Eri, which has even struggled to defeat the army of the Black Crow Principality, one of the vassal states of the Iron Fist Empire, how can it have the confidence to continue protesting?

So much so that in recent years, the United Kingdom of Eri has changed its past defense policy and started to conduct deeper trade exchanges with various Western human countries in the northwest.

No matter what... the Iron Fist Empire is too powerful, and it has the ability to make it difficult for the United Kingdom of Eri to deal with it head-on in terms of military, politics, religion and culture.

What's more, the Iron Fist Empire has too much foundation, and the Holy Church, which has been supporting it behind the scenes, is extremely powerful. No one knows why the real controller of the Holy Church, the God, has to force the Iron Fist Empire to force the world to be civilized by force.

But for now, she, the crown prince of the Negan Kingdom, is still living happily in the New World.

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