
Chapter 35: Fighting without Vision


"Did the guard in the white mask just stare at me?"

"Well... maybe not. After all, these guards are different from ordinary militiamen. Their combat effectiveness is obviously much stronger than that of the militiamen."

"How strong is it? One person can defeat a hundred humans?"

"Not only that, those who wear masks are all specially selected armed guards, elite warriors stationed in important areas."

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Ever since she left Yehliu City and officially entered the War College in Solo City, Beth began to study spells seriously. Although unlike the fair-skinned classmates in her class, she does not know magic. But since the establishment of the Negan Dominion, the female leader has clearly abolished slavery in law, and she has been allowed to enter the War College to study magic.

But unlike other classmates who are already good at magic, she is a brown-skinned Karai who really learns magic from scratch. And while she was studying in the academy, the fact that she could use spells not only silenced the white-skinned members who were still biased, but also confirmed a more serious fact.

The reason why the establishment of the United Kingdom of Eri has been excluding, enslaving, and prohibiting brown-skinned Kalai from receiving education is that brown-skinned Kalai can actually easily master the power of driving himself through systematic study and his own serious mental efforts. Soul Power Psychic Spells.

And also through the control of educational rights, the traditional forces in power in the United Kingdom of Eri are always highly vigilant about anything from the brown-skinned Kalai members that threatens their rule.

Even at all costs, they try to eliminate "alien" like Sogen in their infancy, lest beings like Sogen become the hope for the brown-skinned Kalai members to rise, or become the leading force to resist their own rule.

In this regard, she is no longer equipped with a pistol and has embarked on a path of relying on her own magic power to fight.

But she also had a question, why did the traditional white-skinned Karai members have to turn their brown-skinned Karai into slaves? And completely block the right to receive education, visit the Golden Dragon God Temple, etc. at all costs?

Don't these traditional guys think that their brown-skinned Kalai will worship the Black Dragon God and seek salvation and freedom from him to fight against their slavery and oppression?

In short, she couldn't think of the answer here, and rather than thinking about such questions, she would rather fulfill her duties as an emergency medical soldier.

After all, she is different from other students. She has to use it frequently and continuously deepen her impression to ensure that she is proficient in using magic power.

Practice makes perfect, it’s such a simple truth.

But she still had a question in her heart. Just now she heard someone calling Sogen very clearly. Moreover, after Sogen left the wine shop, the family had no contact with him for quite some time. He never wrote any letters to Sogen. Even when his mother went to a designated place to pick up goods, her mother never met Sogen again.

Obviously, Thorgan didn't know Beth's doubts. Especially when he was in the arsenal, he often wore a mask and kept a low profile as if he was passing by in a hurry.

If they hadn't seen the nameplate on his chest from the front, basically no one would have realized that behind the mask there was a brown-skinned Karai who knew how to use various spells and was the illegitimate son of a local noble.

Therefore, Saugen is an expert in archery and gunnery. He quickly hid behind the city wall under Envi's instructions and launched mortar fire back at the designated target location.

"The first 5 [to be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on both Android and Apple.] meters, and the right 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on Android and Apple.] meters!"

Unlike before, Sogen, who was shooting a large-angle parabola with obstacles for the first time, immediately made adjustments. When he watched other colleagues loading an 8-mm high-explosive bomb that had been fired recently with a mortar, and then retreating with his colleagues, he pulled the rope in his hand.

"Can this be hit?"

Listening to her classmates' questions, Beth couldn't help but want to say something. But when the words came to her lips, she still held back.

Because the greatness of Eastern humans is not just as simple as developing the compass, movable type printing, papermaking, gunpowder, and even wireless communications. They even have tableware such as chopsticks and spoons, which makes the Kalai clan feel advanced. the power of.

Compared to the traditionalist forces who were unrepentant and vigorously rejected and boycotted, she herself was surprised that the Negan Dominion was able to learn from all aspects.

Even though the United Kingdom of Ery has a history of tens of thousands of years, the people in power at the top have never thought about popularizing their own cultural knowledge, and even used their own cultural knowledge to become a monopoly material, only in a few cases as a kind of external reward.

In other words, the top leaders of the United Kingdom of Eri believe that their cultural knowledge is like the treasures depicted in the treasure map and needs to be strictly protected to prevent any contamination or change.

The result is just like the masked guard who pulls a rope and fires cannons. Since you are not willing to take the initiative to let the people below learn cultural knowledge belonging to your own country, then don't ask the people below why they want to learn cultural knowledge from Eastern humans.

"One more...wait! They want to retreat!"

"Then give them another shot, Envi, coordinates!"

Since he couldn't see what was happening outside, Sogen could only fire the mortar under the command of Fisa and the coordinates provided by Envi.

However, this also reminded him of the huge combat role of mortars in actual combat. Because the Kalai clan used to fight with bows and arrows in direct or projectile mode, and projectiles like him happened from time to time in the past insurgency campaigns.

After all, projectile attacks are safer than direct attacks, and the enemy is unlikely to detect your detailed location at the first time. At most, you can only launch a round of arrow rain or directly summon meteor showers to bombard a large area.

Of course, he can't achieve precise strikes with mortar projectile attacks now. He just uses the advantage of 8mm mortar shells with sufficient charge and an absolute killing radius of more than 22 meters to roughly kill the opponent.

So when the gunfire outside stopped, he started to go to the city wall with Feisa and the others. Except for those lying on the ground receiving treatment or being put directly into bags, they discussed the battle situation with the surviving militia and collected some important special spoils.

"Beth, what do you think of these masked guards? They should be able to attack with spells... Why haven't they used them at all..."

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