
Chapter 37 Being Recognized

The origin calendar has been used recently [To be honest, it has been used recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】May 266 has been using day recently.

Southwest of Eri United Kingdom, Yehliu City, law enforcement team office

"Hengurid, you see, this is a report that our ranger went to Jewel Island and wrote for us at an extremely dangerous cost. Solo City, which is across the sea from us, is producing gunpowder weapons every day. The Negan Dominion defends itself with force."

"I know, what next?"

"Have you never thought about asking the Negan Dominion to give up its autonomy and accept the rule of the Elder Hall and the High King?"

"So what if you have thought about it? Rosama, the level of their pass defense and armed defense is such that even the elders don't know whether they should attack it personally."

In Hengulid's office, Arch Druid Rosama felt extremely headache after listening to Hengulid's words. For no other reason than that, the Negan Dominion has not stopped its military construction while taking advantage of the frequent civil strife in the United Kingdom of Eri.

Even at all costs, they used the gunpowder weapons that once defeated the United Kingdom of Eri to fight against the Hall of Elders and the High King.


"Don't even think about it. The weapons and equipment in Solo Arsenal are not toys. They were not used when they were at their weakest. Now you want to fight, it's difficult! And the High King himself is hesitant. Negan's leader is his brother. My sister’s daughter, a member of my own family.”

"This is not a family matter."

"The question is, do you think the brown-skinned Karai on Gem Island will recognize our rule? You must know that the current leader of the Negan Dominion is the niece of the High King, a purple-haired, purple-eyed, white-skinned Karai. If we overthrow her by force , then the brown-skinned Kalai on Gem Island will move towards a true path of armed independence.”


"Rosama, let me ask you a question. Do you want the leader of the brown-skinned Kalai to be a white-skinned Kalai, or a brown-skinned Kalai with a slave experience?"

"White-skinned Karai."

Rosama herself was very helpless about this problem. The white-skinned Kalai, especially the druid with a rather noble bloodline, is the best to talk to. Change to brown-skinned Kalai...

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Even Rosama could guess how difficult it was for these slave-born members to speak, and they even started fighting without saying a word. Especially in the Druid group to which he belongs, how many of them can calmly communicate with brown-skinned Kalai on an equal footing?

Using force was the outcome that Rosama could best predict. After all, in the report in his hand, there is a temple of the Black Dragon God in Solo City.

In other words, the Negan Dominion is actually a place where the Black Dragon God is worshiped, and is no longer a world favored by the Golden Dragon God.

And he, Rosama, has always had a question, that is, in today's era of rising alien forces, is the threat of heresy really more serious than the danger of annihilation of the country and the annihilation of his own nation?

In short, he looked at the map behind Hengulid. To the southwest of Yehliu City was Solo City across the sea. With the city of Solo eager to become a fortress, attacking Solo City across the sea would simply cost the soldiers their lives.

At the same time, he still couldn't figure out a question: why Eli's protective spells always failed to protect against flying cannonballs.

"Why? That's because the shell is not a pure physical entity impact damage. The high-pressure and high-heat reaction generated by the explosion will obviously cause the target inside the protective cover to feel squeeze-type invisible damage."

On the outer shooting range of the arsenal, Enwena was very diligent in explaining this to a group of girls from the War College. Sogen, who didn't want to talk to Enwei, turned his head away, especially since there was a face he recognized among the girls.


"Nais, that Envi..."

"Uh, this...how do I put it? There is also a war academy in another city east of Solo City. I...uh...hiss...let's put it this way! Have you ever seen a place full of women?"


"Ah. You didn't know much before..."

Although Nais was not sincere in every sense of the word, as Nais told it, Thorgan heard something that he didn't know how to evaluate.

That is, there is a serious problem of too many boys and girls on Gem Island, and even the leader herself has to agree to the polygamy law, taking the lead in having four girls share one husband.

"Huh? This, this, this..."

"Enwei is over five hundred years old now, and he is not married yet. If you don't mind, or are interested, you can date them."


Admittedly, when he looked at the thirty or so girls from the War College who had been approved to visit the arsenal shooting range, he had that momentary thought in his mind.

But Enwei's proactive attitude and the look of disgust on the girls who disliked him meant that he had absolutely no intention of approaching them to communicate with them.

Let me state in advance that he definitely does not think that any of them are bad-looking people. On the contrary, what he sees now is a group of graceful beauties. After all, on the human side, the Kalai clan, called elves, are where handsome men and beauties gather.

However, he accidentally glanced at Beth through the mask, and Beth's surprised eyes made him understand that he had been recognized.

So after talking to Ness, he had to come to Beth.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's you."

"I don't know who you're talking about. But you're welcome to visit our Solo Arsenal."

"Okay. Then can you show me how to operate the weapons and equipment here?"

"No problem."

Facing Beth, who was wearing a blue sleeveless skirt and high-top boots, and had a figure that was no less good than other girls, Sogen nodded and personally demonstrated to the girls how to operate a 2mm caliber machine gun.

So after a 5-round drum was installed, several pottery jars thrown into the sky suddenly appeared on the shooting range. Sogen habitually aimed quickly and blew up all the pottery jars with extremely accurate shooting skills.

This time, not to mention Beth, even Envy and the others were collectively dumbfounded. The pottery jar thrown out was a little bigger than a brick, and it was 2 meters away. 】 meters high, without any magic, all the spectators who witnessed it could not believe that Sogen could accomplish all this with his own shooting ability.


"If the drum could be bigger and hold more bullets."

Although it was just her own talk, Beth heard Sogen's request for further improvement of weapon performance very clearly. At the same time, she also realized what this brown-skinned Kalai who fell into her house and worked as a laborer for a while had found in the arsenal.

Of course, at this time, Sogen was still obsessed with thinking about what aspects of the weapons and equipment he was operating needed to be improved, and he didn't realize what expression Beth was looking at him with.

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