
Chapter 415 How to view time travelers

Unlike the Iron Fist Empire, where every ten soldiers had four submachine guns, the Orchid Republic’s army actually only had two submachine guns for every ten soldiers; but the Orchid Republic had a special assault force, all of whom were armed with submachine guns.

He saw these assault soldiers now, and even the Matt submachine guns in their hands were equipped with bayonets.

Combined with the fact that each of them had at least ten grenades on average, there was no problem in attacking the Orcs in the jungle, let alone the town of the Kobolds.

After all, the Matt submachine gun weighed 3.5 kg empty, with a total length of 72mm (with the butt pulled out, including a 228mm long barrel, without a bayonet), and the fully automatic firepower provided by the 32-round magazine was enough to make Beth feel that he was not easy to deal with.

Although the maximum scale range of this submachine gun that could only fire continuously was only 2 】 meters, plus its open bolt, the bolt is exposed to the outside, which has a negative impact on accuracy.

However, submachine guns have never been long-range precision shooting weapons, but are good partners for close-range rapid suppression. However, with the development of the times, the requirement for accurate shooting of submachine guns has emerged under the practical activities of military and police in various countries.

For this reason, the Orchid Republic has another micro submachine gun that fires 7×2 mm pistol bullets, which is a special weapon for single-shot precision shooting.

However, due to the existence of the Orcs and other different types of opponents, the Orchid Republic purchased the 9×9 mm pistol bullets from the Negan Kingdom as its standard pistol bullets.

Da Da Da...

Therefore, most of the Orcs with holes in their bodies can only open their red eyes and feel the close-range attacks from the 9×9 mm pistol bullets.

To be honest, these Orcs are already lucky. If it were the Rimai people, almost every household would have a smoothbore shotgun, and the shotgun shells fired from these shotguns are not something that can be laughed at.

Being hit by a standard 6×6mm shotgun bullet within a distance of meters is like being torn apart by 7 rounds of 9×9mm pistol bullets. It is definitely not a pleasant thing.

The Japanese people have a world-famous manual lever shotgun, which has a speed that completely crushes rotary firearms. The original purpose of the lever shotgun named Nash and the first record are demon creatures.

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For this, the Orcs probably have to thank the generosity and kindness of the army of the Orchid Republic for being willing to use submachine guns to fire a large number of pistol bullets to kill themselves.


Anyway, as long as the Orchid Army, which has installed bayonets on its submachine guns, can ensure that the three-man combat teams are within the range of mutual support at any time, and they have a light machine gun and a grenade launcher for every ten soldiers, the tens of thousands of Orcs are definitely no match for the nine hundred Orchid Republic soldiers with logistics airships.

At the same time, Queen Winnie in the Solo City Palace has already known about the brave Wayne, and chatted with her eldest daughter, Princess Jiaqi, who was taking care of the child.

"Time traveler?"

"Do you think so?"

"Mother, my opinion... kill him."

"Why not catch him?"

"Why catch him? He and the Ascetic Church are definitely the profit agents manipulated by the demon tribe Kerrigan behind the scenes. If we don't kill this brave Wayne, he will make the Kahn Empire unified again and become our biggest obstacle to expansion. What's more, the envoys of the United Kingdom of Eri have already passed our Kingdom of Negan and also established an embassy here in Solo City."

"Then what?"


"You still don't think far enough. Indeed, the time traveler from another world is an unknown scourge to the planet under our feet. It is definitely right to eliminate them one day earlier. But Jiaqi, have you ever thought about it? If they can summon a time traveler to our world, it means that they can definitely continue to summon the second and third time traveler. Simply killing will not solve the problem. And if they kill once, the Ascetic Church will definitely be more hidden."


Just as his mother said, the time traveler is not a unique existence. Moreover, according to the survey statistics of the Kingdom of Negan, at least six time travelers have appeared in this world and brought knowledge from other worlds to different forces.

For example, the archipelago forces in the southeast of the Old Continent, the Japanese people, who were once slaves of the Iron Fist Empire Group.

They are a race that once had a time traveler as a leader.

Although this leader eventually fell under the butcher knife of the Iron Fist Empire, the Japanese people still established their own country based on his knowledge and theory.

And what made the Kingdom of Negan quite difficult to understand was that the emperor of the Japanese people actually took the initiative to propose a republicanization, and voluntarily carried out the reform under the premise that his family was not threatened at all, the royal family he represented had not made any major mistakes and had considerable prestige.

From Empire to Republic.

When such words came out, compared with the Japanese people who looked calm, the ministers and royal family members of the Kingdom of Negan were very shocked.

His Majesty the Emperor melted the crown on his head for no reason...


Although the Negan Kingdom finally knew that this was the leader of the first generation of the Japanese people, and the last words of a time traveler named Bingyang were his ultimate hope for the Japanese people; but from the empire to the republic...

No matter how you listen to it, it is a "self-depreciation" thing for the current Japanese emperor and even the royal family.

At the same time, this also means that the emperor will completely give up power and become an ordinary civilian.

In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Negan Kingdom has its own point of view. That is, the polygamy that the Japanese people have been practicing from the past to the present has led to a result that the so-called noble bloodline has been completely diluted and completely integrated into the civilian class.

However, this is also caused by the historical problems of the Japanese people. After all, one million Japanese people died when they fled the suppression of the Iron Fist Empire, leaving only one million old, weak, women and children to establish their own country in the current South China Sea islands.

In addition, they also face the triple military threats of the Orks, the cultists, and the Iron Fist Empire. The matter of polygamy is unlikely to change now because of the consent of the time traveler Bingyang before his death.

However, due to his knowledge of the other world, Bingyang did not allow female Japanese people to change their surnames after marriage like Kalai of the United Kingdom of Eri or Western humans. He was even the first leader of an intelligent race on the entire planet who dared to publicly propose that the entire population be prohibited from worshipping gods.

Moreover, such a rule was still written into the constitution of the Japanese people hundreds of years after his death, and any type of worship of gods was cracked down on with the most severe and violent means...

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