
Chapter 417 If it weren’t for the Empire’s protection…

Compared to the mother-daughter conversation in the palace, Major Quan Dunming captured more than 5,000 natives after two days of fighting.

Therefore, in a vacant lot in a town that was looted, six members of the Ascetic Church in red robes were nailed to the cross alive.

"Put detonators in their mouths and see what these guys who claim to be messengers of God have."


As a common method used by the dog-headed people to target members of the Ascetic Church and severely suppress the natives, the explosion of detonators inside the body has always been a bloody torture that scares the natives and makes them dare not move.

For this reason, Major Dunming watched Lieutenant Colonel Chengxian blow up six red-robed believers of the Ascetic Church into a pile of meat paste and bone residue. He went from being uncomfortable and even disgusted to being able to be a spectator calmly now.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

It must be said that Chengxian's idea is very effective. None of those believers who pretended to be gods and cursed themselves in unknown languages ​​could withstand the power of "dismemberment" by explosives.

In other words, their so-called gods are all fake, all concepts fabricated to deceive the ignorant people.


"Yes. All the natives who look a little cultured and like to talk too much are blown up with explosives. The land, sky, and sea of ​​the empire do not need the backward culture of the natives, and there is no place for the natives to take root. These natives only need to remember one thing, that is, if they do not have the protection of the empire, they will not even have the qualifications to survive! If they are alive, they must work unconditionally for the empire and dedicate everything to the prosperity of the empire!"


"After the execution... let's go. We don't need to stay in this ruin."

As Quan Dunming said, these dog-headed people actually took only half a day to take down the town. But everyone can guess that it takes a certain amount of time to collect all kinds of gold, silver, jewelry and useful materials in the town.

Anyway, Captain Dunming said it. If it were not for the protection of the empire, these natives would have no tomorrow to live!

All the property belongs to the empire!

The natives should devote all they have to work in the empire and make great contributions to the development of the empire!

Although the truth is a bit hard, the dog-headed people including Captain Dunming all agree with this truth.

Quan Dunming, who does not feel any guilt for the bandit thinking and bandit behavior of his race, is now only sad about one thing, that is, he lost more than a hundred men.

He himself does not want to see the war damage, let alone encounter it in his own troops. However, there is no way, there are always some natives who are not convinced by the empire and have to resist the empire, always feeling that the empire is unable to protect them.

Therefore, it is never enough to blow up some natives who think they are hard-headed with guns, and beheading them for public display is also not enough to let the natives understand what the authority and advancement of the empire are.

Cannons or detonators are the most effective solution.

However, his thoughts and even the actions of the Guangwu Empire Army only temporarily frightened the people of the Zweina Kingdom and other vassal forces of the Kahn Empire.

The greater crisis was that the people who were captured as slaves dared not speak, and could only slowly accumulate in the reality of anger in their hearts.

No matter what, the work of the dog-headed people to execute the natives by explosion has always been more disadvantageous than beneficial.

It would be better to kill all the natives directly at the beginning, rather than executing them after catching them.

So in the dense forest area on the border of the Orchid Republic in the north, Betna, who witnessed the Orchid Army completely destroying a large Orc camp, had dinner with other Negan Kingdom observers. They were outside in the environment where the sun was gradually setting, feeling the heat waves generated by the flamethrower burning outside.

Yes, flamethrower.

As long as the Orcs were active, they were all "clean places" burned by flamethrowers.

Bet was also convinced by this.

Because the Orcs were still in the chiefdom era, their hygiene habits were basically zero, and the smell on their bodies was as terrible as a gas tank.

Therefore, in order to ensure safety, the army of the Orchid Republic not only uniformly collected and incinerated the bodies of the Orcs, but also disinfected the places where they had stayed for a long time with flamethrowers and quicklime.

Of course, Bet could only sigh at his helplessness. After all, if it were him, he would also use a flamethrower to incinerate the problem.

There was no way, it was too smelly.

No wonder the same kind of humans in the western part of the Old World, who also had strong body odor and habitually did not take a bath to resist diseases, would regard killing the Orcs as a symbol of warriors.

But... Bet himself would not be so stupid. He had a gun and the corresponding bullets. It was impossible for him to pull out his knife and fight his opponent in hand-to-hand combat until the last moment.

Especially the pistol he was carrying now, which fired the standard 6×2 military standard of the Negan Kingdom and had been using millimeter pistol bullets recently.

Like those heavy armored knights in the western part of the Old World, one shot directly penetrated within 25 meters.

However, in order to facilitate activities outside, he rarely showed off his pistol as a serving officer of the Negan Kingdom. On the contrary, the main weapon he used in the Orchid Republic was the companion revolving rifle.

He did this just in case.

Even though he was a military attaché at an embassy abroad, he didn't really believe that the Orchid Republic would have no thoughts about him.

After all, he knew too much. If it weren't for various restrictions, the intelligence officers of the Orchid Republic would easily be caught by the interrogation agency of the Orchid Republic for "questioning", and even directly become the subject of biological research.

You must know that in the Old World, even in the countries ruled by humans, the number of agents sent by various human countries and forces is as numerous as cattle hair. So much so that in order to ensure safety, the Kingdom of Negan itself sent ace troops such as Minotaur Warriors to different intelligence stations as the final insurance.

After all, the combat effectiveness of Minotaur Warriors is enough to scare people in the Old World. What's more, Minotaur Warriors now even have magnetic arc generators, and wearing heavy armor has no protective effect.

However, on the other hand, he looked at the bodies of the Orks who were uniformly burned. Is his kingdom a bit too exaggerated?

There are magnetic arc generators, so the next step is to install magnetic weapons on warships or chariots to deal with opponents with a large number of metal objects on their bodies?

Moreover, the high energy effect of magnetic arcs can directly detonate various explosives. So, for some reason, he really hoped that the embassy had this thing to keep it in place.

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