
Chapter 420 Still Not Working


"Well...this voice..."

Oh no!

"Produced by the Marin Company of Japan and Mai, it is a lever rifle that fires [to be honest, it has been used recently, both Android and Apple] × 32 mm pistol ammunition."

"Bette, are you sure you didn't foolishly lose money and buy crappy goods? The things that Rimai people come to sell are not necessarily good things."

"It's possible that a cheap product is a high-priced product, right? Orchids are also unique. When foreign businessmen enter the country's territory, they will directly collect a tax first and then consider approving the opening of a store."

When Bet, who had just returned to the embassy, ​​showed off the newly bought toys to Nais, Nais did not shy away from teasing her.

After all, in all parts of the world, between countries, whether they are official or private traders, if they go to other countries to open shops and sell their products, they will definitely not be able to escape taxes.

Unless the relationship between the two countries is particularly good, or the Kingdom of Galson has signed an unequal trade treaty, trade tariffs can be a huge source of revenue.

Therefore, from time to time in various countries around the world, there are bad news that some officials at border control points accept property from other countries and allow some unscrupulous businessmen to come to their own countries to make money.

And needless to say, we don’t have to look too far away. In the Kingdom of Negan, where do the weapons and equipment of illegal criminal groups such as salt lords and drug lords come from?

black market?


Behind the black market are loopholes in various inspections.

What's more... the first source of gold needed for the establishment of Negan's kingdom is the underground black market, which is very profitable.

However, the existence of the black market itself is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you will naturally benefit a lot. If you use it poorly...

Anyway, Ness looked at Bet himself. He knew that the Dieli family was a gangster killer family in the past. The Dieli family must have gained a lot and learned a lot from the black market.


"I quite like it, but..."

"Forget it."


"Of course, I think the Orchid Republic must like them more than us. Sooner or later, the kobolds in the south will be unable to restrain their curiosity, and will eventually generously purchase some back."


"The materials are simple, easy to manufacture, low cost, and reliable in shooting."

In fact, when the Japanese and Mai people resisted the enslavement of the Iron Fist Empire in the past, Ness knew the reason why they used lever guns on a large scale.

But what he didn't expect was that the Rimai people had some kind of traditional hobby. Lever guns, revolvers, and stick guns. To every Rimai person, these three things were just like the gods worshiped by other races. The sacred things left behind are almost the same, which are the spiritual symbols of the Rimai people.

So much so that today's Japanese police officers or elite sharpshooters in the army all use lever rifles as their sniper rifles.

Of course, Ness himself is not qualified to say whether it works or not. After all, he doesn't know how to use it, let alone want to use such a "strange weapon".

These days, the more bizarre the gadgets are, the more likely they are to serve as a reminder to the soldiers.

Like the flying sickle used by the pig-headed man, this kind of iron chain with one end filled with a lead iron ball and one end connected to the handle of the sickle is simply a thing that harms others and ourselves.

It can be said that it is used well, but the problem is that this flying sickle is many levels more difficult to use than traditional cold weapons such as normal swords and spears.

Especially the iron chain. If you throw it well, you can tie up the opponent in one go. If you throw it badly, you can tie yourself up.

Therefore, there must be a reason for normal weapons to become traditions and classics.


"Bate, in fact, in my own opinion, let alone those stingy manic patients of the Kobolds, as far as the Orchid Republic is concerned, the lever gun has several advantages that are better than the submachine gun. The gun body is light, saves bullets, and the action is smooth. , it’s easy to get started. Even a weak female can beat a strong man to the point where he doesn’t dare to raise his head.”

"Nais, this is a gun, not a knife. You let a burly man attack a woman holding a lever gun with his bare hands. As long as the woman is far enough away, has matching bullets, and has certain shooting habits, this burly man will die. . What's more, the lever rifle in my hand fires the reinforced 32mm pistol bullet. It’s much more powerful than a pistol.”

As Bate, who had just returned to the embassy for a few days, said, it had only been a month in the palace of the Guangmu Empire, and there had been several specially ordered lever rifles that fired 9×9 mm pistol bullets recently. .

"Your Majesty, according to the Japanese and Mai arms dealers, this gun was originally used for horseback combat, so it was called a lance instead of a rifle."

"Lance, you really know how to invent nouns to fool us. But it's okay, at least it can be distinguished from a short rifle, so everyone can understand what it means. And lance, um... lance with pistol ammunition is interesting. But ...In my opinion, this length is also...a bit long."

"The overall length of 9 has been 4mm recently, and the empty weight is 2.75kg."

"Oh? Well...in terms of weight, I'm quite satisfied. Loading capacity?"

"9 rounds. In terms of range, the effective range is 2 [to be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used with both Android and Apple.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used with both Android and Apple.] meters or more."

"Yes, you can consider using it for the soldiers below, especially the heavy baggage troops and engineering troops. They have priority for equipment."

"Yes. But can it compare with a submachine gun?"

"Even if it can't, we have to compare! Can our pistol bullets afford the waste of submachine guns?"


Accompanied by the roar of Quan Dunde, the emperor of the Guangwu Empire, the minister in charge of reporting immediately shut his mouth.

"Do you think I don't know how powerful submachine guns are? My elder brother and his people have been shot by the humans of the Iron Fist Empire with submachine guns again and again! Their blood was not shed in vain! Alas! Of course, I know better that my elder brother and his defenders who held on to the end and were unwilling to come to the New World must have mastered the technology of making their own submachine guns to fight against the Iron Fist people! But... they belong to them, we belong to us, how big is our territory now? 7 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available.] [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. 】More than square kilometers. Don't even think about it before we are rich enough and the indigenous forces in the south have not been completely wiped out. Moreover, to fight an indigenous person, you actually need to use machine guns and poison gas bombs. I want to whip these useless trash with a whip, and then let them tie up explosive packs and use stab mines as a death squad. "

When these words came out, Minister Li Caiyuan, who was reporting, was dumbfounded.

The stab mine is a well-known disposable weapon. The guy who rushed forward with this thing basically never came back, and even shredded on the spot. The 5 kilograms of explosives on this mine exploded... At the beginning, it was thanks to the sacrifice and dedication of the indigenous people that everyone knew how "powerful" this thing was.

[The book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It's really useful. I rely on this to read and listen to books to kill time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here ]

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