
Chapter 422: Alliance

Just compared to the Guangwu Empire getting some new products (lever lances) from the Japanese arms dealers, a palace coup broke out in the Kingdom of Zweina. Zorn Mitro, holding a sharp blade, led a large number of warriors to force the current king to abdicate.


"Your Majesty, I don't want to get to this point today. So, for the sake of everyone's reputation, please."

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Because Zorn Mitro received full assistance from the Ascetic Church and the Principality of Elimu, and the nobles in the Kingdom of Zweina were repeatedly "cleansed" by the dog-headed people.

The voices of the Kingdom of Zweina and the Principality of Elimu to unite and fight against foreign invasions are getting louder and louder.

However, as the biggest obstacle here, the King of the Kingdom of Zweina has never been tempted by the suggestion of the regent of the Principality of Elimu, the brave Wayne.

For this reason, Zorn Mitro did not care about his face. He directly summoned more than 3,500 soldiers to carry out military remonstration.

"Please? You guys... OK, OK, I will abdicate, but... I have a request, don't do anything to my children."



Although he was very reluctant and wanted to kill Zorn, the old king had no choice. If he didn't abdicate, Zorn would directly carry him away with a sword and support a three-year-old child as king.

What would happen to him then?

A cup of poisoned wine? A rope? Or a dagger?

No matter which one, he could not escape the fate of being forced to commit suicide.

Even if he didn't do it well, the grand dukes of the Principality of Alimu who were exiled abroad before and didn't know what kind of beast their bodies fell into were his excellent examples.

Moreover, this was not just his own business. Exile was often a family matter.

So for himself and his children, he didn't have much choice.

"So, it was you who launched the coup against the Principality of Alimu behind the scenes?"

"Yes, brave sir. I, Zoen Mitro, used to be from the Principality of Alimu, and Grand Duke Karl's grandfather was also my grandfather."

After letting a 18-year-old girl become the king of the Kingdom of Zweina, Zoen Mitro told Wayne, who came to help, the origin of everything in a reception room in the palace.

"Your original surname..."

"Ailimu. The current Mitro is my mother's surname. After all, brave sir, I am the descendant of a bastard, and I am not qualified to inherit my father's surname."

As Zoen said, the nobles of the Kahn Empire are also a place with many rules. Bastards are forbidden to follow their father's surname, and can only follow their mother's surname, and even forced to leave their hometown to live outside, which has led to more and more fierce open and secret struggles among the nobles.

However, there is no way to do this. Recognizing bastards is itself a matter of insulting the status of nobles. The glory and temperament that the nobles can show off will dissipate with the appearance and recognition of illegitimate children.

Although Wayne himself traveled to this world, he also knew that these nobles were openly and secretly doing one thing, and the fact that they each had a lover during marriage was basically no different from an open secret.

But no matter how you look at it, such a thing is very bad.

Especially since the monogamy advocated by the Ascetic Church is the mainstream thought within the sphere of influence of the Kahn Empire, the affair between nobles is never something worth writing about.

For example, Archduke Karl, who had ten mistresses, was unwilling to divorce Lesalin and remarry, which was exactly the manifestation of his unwillingness to be restricted by various rules and regulations.

Moreover, to be honest, Wayne himself was also a person from a monogamous area, and the view of marriage he accepted in the original world was about monogamy. He was completely unacceptable to the couple's cheating, finding lovers, and spending money on wine and women.

Especially the moral ethics and legal inheritance issues caused by the appearance of illegitimate children, these are not trivial matters that can be laughed off.

This is how the civil war among noble families was born.

Although some nobles have finally realized the importance of gifted education, and some of them are not allowed to disclose their identities to the public, in reality, their illegitimate children serve as servants for the children born to their legal wives.

The problem is... people will always be tempted by interests, so who dares to guarantee an equal relationship under the interests?

"You can't even recognize your father?"

"My father was killed by people sent by the Principality of Ailimu long before I was born. It was not until I was 6 years old that I learned from my mother that I was a descendant of the Ailimu family. However, as a mistress of a nobleman, my mother took me to find a remarriage partner in the Kingdom of Zweina and gave birth to brothers and sisters for my new father. But, do you know, brave man? I am an outsider, an outsider in the Kingdom of Zweina. The reason why I have the ability to enter the palace now is that I fought with my sword and spear. Alas. It's just that the times have changed now. Even if you have a body of bravery, you can't beat the swords and guns of the dog-headed people."

Speaking of this, not only Zorn, but Wayne himself was very helpless. As for the weapons and equipment of the dog-headed people, they could only imitate the models with similar appearance and weight. But the real weapons and equipment that can be used on the battlefield, sorry, there is not a single one.

No one in the entire Kahn Empire knows how to make the core ammunition and firing device of firearms.

For this reason, some people tried to break through from the dark elves. However, the security protection level of the dark elves in key areas is marked by magnetic storm coils that can release pale arcs one after another.

The lethality of this thing is so strong that there is no way to resist it so far. Even if it is a special spell protection, the sudden burst of arcs will turn and attack in a curve, and on the other hand, this arc has a certain suction force, even if you hide and run, you will still be tracked by the arc.

"So, our two countries need to unite to fight against the invasion of the dog-headed people. And about weapons and tactics..."

"Wait, compared to this, we need to deal with a problem. Between our two countries..."

"Do you want Mondog to marry into the Zweina royal family?"

"Yes. Although... uh... Actually, I have no choice. Not only His Majesty the King of the Kingdom has opinions about the Principality of Elimu, but some ministers of the same level as me, and some powerful nobles also..."

"What time is it? This... OK. I agree. But as a condition of agreement, the Zweina Kingdom must also do something for the Principality of Elimu."

"Help resist the dog-headed people?"

"Not only that, the construction of a common defense line requires the power of your kingdom."

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