
Chapter 431: Even More Difficult

So, when tens of thousands of dog-headed men, a division of the Guangwu Empire, arrived at the north of Katarina City, which was originally an important border town in the north of Ailimu and is now part of the territory of the Zweina Kingdom after a week of marching, the Zweina Kingdom garrison responsible for guarding this place immediately rang the bell, alerting this small town with an area of ​​only 3 square kilometers and a population of less than 3.

Yes, 3 square kilometers, 3 square kilometers. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently. Android and Apple are both available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently. Android and Apple are both available. 】Population.

The culprit for such data is none other than the Guangwu Empire army that has repeatedly marched south from the north. After repeated burning, killing and looting, the city of Katarina, which has actually become useless, was originally reduced to one of the abandoned cities. But starting from Katarina, the land in the south is basically a plain area sandwiched between the volcanoes on both sides.

If the Kingdom of Zweina withdraws from this place, it means that the dog-headed people only need to place a point in Katarina City, and the western part of the Kingdom of Zweina, that is, the land of the Principality of Elimu, will definitely become a treasure house for the dog-headed people to plunder.

For the Kingdom of Zweina, this is a torture like a sharp knife scraping flesh. Especially after annexing the Principality of Elimu, the Kingdom of Zweina must prove that it is capable of protecting the people of the Principality of Elimu; otherwise, the people of the Principality of Elimu will certainly not obey the rule of the Kingdom of Zweina, and the second separatist war is destined to break out among the people of Elimu who cannot bear the plunder of the dog-headed people.

For this reason, even if there is a high probability that it cannot stop the offensive of the dog-headed people, the Kingdom of Zweina, which has annexed the territory of the Principality of Elimu, must wear down the vanguard of the dog-headed people and buy more time for the towns behind to counterattack.

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"Major, their bells..."

"Normal. If you don't ring the bell at this time, you are really waiting for death. And they have been beaten by us countless times, and they still have the IQ they should have. So, prepare the cannons."


Just as Major Dunming finished speaking, a layer of white light wall protecting Katarina shocked the dog-headed people. Obviously, the natives had been beaten so many times that they finally gave up those flashy and useless matchlock guns and began to study and use magic power to protect and resist themselves.

For this reason, the dog-headed man immediately let his armored vehicles cover the front and the infantry behind to follow up to test what tricks the city of Catalina had waiting for him.

"So soon to launch the atmospheric shield spell?"

"If it is not launched now, how many shells can you imagine flying directly into the city? The dog-headed man even has poison gas bombs. We can't take risks with the lives of the people in the city."

"But... but don't they have the bullets that are specifically designed to deal with you?"

"That's why we hid underground."

Obviously, the 3 soldiers on the defense side are more nervous than anyone else.

This was not the first time for most of them to fight against the kobolds, and they all knew how powerful the kobolds' guns and cannons were.

So under the advice of the regent, the brave Wayne, all the soldiers of the Zweiner Kingdom were taught by the priests of the Ascetic Church, and all of them could launch relatively simple spell attacks.

For example, throwing a fireball, releasing a lightning, shooting an ice arrow, etc.

But this only saved the soldiers of the Zweiner Kingdom from taking huge risks and rushing to the kobolds to draw their swords and fight.

You must know that the kobolds also have very sophisticated melee skills, and the brave Wayne has experienced what the consequences will be if the rifles in the hands of the kobolds are equipped with bayonets through his own personal experience.

The current Zweiner Kingdom army has issued orders many times that all soldiers are strictly prohibited from using short swords to fight kobolds unless they have no choice.

Even if the opponent is a kobold officer holding a saber.

The Gladius short sword that the Ascetic Church advocates is too short. Compared with the saber of the kobolds, it is a thing used for suicide.

The Regent had a fight with the kobolds, and after recovering from his injuries, he was fortunate to seize several kobold sabers. Each of them is as long as an adult's navel, while Gladius is only about the length of a calf, or the length of a whole arm.

How to fight?

Take a shield and fight the kobolds?

The Regent fought with the kobolds in this way, but the shield was quickly broken by the kobolds with their guns, causing the Regent to be forced to fight with the bayonet that was much longer than his own with the long sword in his hand.

As for whether the kobolds with sabers can be killed in a one-on-one fight...


The fact that the kobolds carry swords does not mean that they will definitely draw their swords on the battlefield. On the contrary, they have pistols on them. They will not care about chivalry if they just pull out their guns and shoot. The best thing is to blow the opponent's head off.

So facing the kobold chariots, the defenders of Catalina first launched an attack in the direction of the kobolds.

Although they all knew that their attack spells could not hit the chariots with strong armor, and they might even be shot by special weapons that might be carried on the armored vehicles (especially machine guns or rifles that fire the ×67mm witch-hunting rifles). But they hoped that their spell attacks could hit the infantry behind the armored vehicles. If they did not kill as many of these kobold infantry as possible, the soldiers guarding the trenches would probably die.

Even if they did not die, they would probably be captured by the kobolds and taken to the north as slaves until the day of their death.

But there is a problem here, that is, the original walls of Katarina have been riddled with holes, and the regent, the brave Wayne, who has now completely handed over power, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of trenches. The defenders who do not rely on the walls to carry out high-altitude attacks actually cannot see many dog-headed infantry. In other words, they can only rely on their own feelings to carry out projectile attacks.

Unfortunately, projectiles are not as good as flat shots, which tests the actual combat level of the shooter's analysis and aiming.

If it is replaced by dog-headed grenadiers, they must not be put into the battlefield without half a year of training. Moreover, the minotaur warriors who become the royal guards of the Kingdom of Nigan also have grenadiers among them. Without more than eight months of training, they cannot be casually pulled out to fill the facade.

What's more, the Kingdom of Zweiner is like other vassal states under the Kahn Empire. There are many soldiers who are illiterate and have basically no mathematical concepts.

It is even more difficult to determine the distance of the enemy and judge how to hit the constantly moving enemy troops.

An invisible opponent is more difficult to deal with than a visible one, especially when the opponent can beat you down to your knees and beg for mercy at any time and anywhere...

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