
Chapter 433

"Ah? Even this Matt submachine gun is bought? The dog-headed man is well-informed."

"But Beth, there are relevant laws in the Orchid Republic, which strictly prohibit soldiers from reselling their own guns and ammunition. The merman soldier who sold the Matt submachine gun to the dog-headed man was shot in public."

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At the same time, Beth and Irving, who knew that some dog-headed people liked submachine guns and went north to purchase, felt helpless about the dog-headed people's behavior, and they admired the Orchid Republic's strict laws and regulations on the management of military equipment.

"Many of the military leaders of the Orchid Republic have been trained in the army, and they hate the behavior of the soldiers below who took the weapons and equipment in their hands to sell for money. Therefore, shooting in public is already very good. At least it is much gentler than the dog-headed people who directly put detonators in your mouth."

"What kind of gentleness is this..."

Detonator execution

As the most famous execution method of the Kobolds, so far, the most complete death row prisoner executed by this method has only a skeleton with a little flesh and blood.

For this reason, the Kobolds themselves, not to mention the attitude of other countries, are very convinced of the effectiveness of the "explosion".

"How should I put it? We think that civilized things do not mean that other races will think that this is the embodiment of civilization. Even if it is not done well, it is called barbarism."

"Okay. Ambassador, do you agree with the statement of the big spy Irving?"

There is no way.

What is specious? This is it.

"Bate, different races have their own judgment standards for civilization. So compared to this, you should think about how to deal with the Japanese Mai people. They want to establish formal diplomatic relations with the Orchid Republic."

Thanks to the complete disappearance of the white fog in the New World, the New World, which originally made it very easy for navigators to lose their way and even took 5 years to get out of the fog maze to reach, is no longer mysterious.

Today, due to the need for foreign trade, the Japanese have also found a safe route from west to east that only takes half a month to reach the New World.

For this reason, compared with the past colonial era of the Kingdom of Negan, the current economic and trade era has officially arrived on the heads of various countries in the New World.

"So I really don't want to meet the Japanese. If a military attaché comes to these guys, I'll probably go crazy."

"Bate, no way?"

"Irving, the Japanese are famous for not being afraid of mental spell control, and they are also quite heat-resistant and fire-resistant. If we didn't have the Minotaur warriors, one Japanese would be able to defeat four of us."

"How is that possible? But I know how difficult it is for you to be a military attaché. The Japanese are also experts in intelligence, and I'm not much better than you."

"Especially in the use of weapons and equipment, they can be regarded as our predecessors. Just like the Gaiser submachine guns they have been selling to the Orchid Republic and the Dog-headed People recently. If the caliber is not wrong, it is estimated that..."

"Antique gun..."


It is indeed as Irving said, the Gaiser submachine guns of the Japanese are the first generation of submachine guns that were listed as military standard and mass-produced after the Japanese established their country in Southeast Asia.

However, due to the mass production, the bullets originally fired by the gun were the standard military pistols of the Japanese people - the 24mm pistol bullets.

For this reason, Japanese arms dealers also want to promote the 24mm pistol bullets to the New World, but bullets are not something that people will use just because you tell them to.

Because there is at least one troublesome thing that the Japanese people probably want the countries in the New World to do now, that is, to quickly come and purchase large quantities of 24mm pistol bullets.

But how could countries like the Guangwu Empire and the Orchid Republic purchase large quantities of bullets specifically for a firearm? If it is really necessary, they will establish their own bullet and firearms production lines to ensure the production and maintenance of their own weapons.

Therefore, Beth has to admire the fact that the Orchid Republic now has master craftsmen who have reduced the caliber of the original Geiser submachine gun.

Compared to the Japanese arms dealers who only want to pass off inferior products as good ones and openly sell all kinds of old stuff at high prices, the military industry practitioners of the Orchid Republic still have some conscience.

But in this case, everyone can imagine which wealthy customer will eventually purchase the Japanese Gaiser submachine gun?


After all, the production of the Gaiser submachine gun in the past was too large, and the number of more than 70,000 is not a small number. And even if the Japanese retired it now, the arsenal that produced the gun has not really stopped the production line. The reason is that it is cheap.

A Gaisel submachine gun is just 2 on the territory of the Japanese and Mai people. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】 Polat (the new legal currency after the economic reform of the Rimai people), and recently I have been using Polat. You can buy 26 in the Rimai people vegetable market or grocery store [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】multiple grams of white sugar, or I have been using 6 cans of soup cans that are notoriously bad in taste recently (each can weighs more than 10 grams of sugar). It can be used on both Android and Apple. It is a favorite of some poor people who are hungry, cold, and too poor to leave the pot. It is one of the reserve dry foods that can ensure that the eater will not starve to death on the street).

Even if such a cheap submachine gun is on the Japanese and Mai people's own territory, it is of a type that many high-ranking military generals are reluctant to leave.

Not to mention anything else, it's just a bargain... If the Gaither submachine gun hadn't been too slow, its firing rate would have been 45 per minute. [To be honest, I've been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】fired, coupled with its low accuracy due to its open barrel, the Japanese and Mai people estimate that they can use it for another hundred years.

But no one is stupid. Times are developing, and outdated things will definitely be eliminated by the times.

Therefore, guys like kobolds who have little knowledge will definitely be tricked by the Japanese and Mai people and the Orchid Republic again. Anyway, don’t these kobolds want weapons that can only be produced and used by me? The current military and police standard submachine guns of the Japanese and Mai people are not Gaither submachine guns. The Iron Fist Empire, the Negan Kingdom, and the Orchid Republic do not use Gaisel submachine guns. Therefore, kobolds, it’s time to donate generously and experience the “conscience recommendation” of the Rimai people and the “customization help” of the Orchid Republic.

Anyway, at the end of the day, the improved empty weight was 3.54 kilograms, the telescopic butt was 757 mm in length when unfolded, and 585 mm in length when retracted, and the barrel was 2 meters long. 】3mm, using a free bolt and open chamber, it can only hit 45 times per minute. [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. ] Fires fully automatic fire, muzzle velocity is 28 per second [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used on Android or Apple. ] meters, effective range 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it can be used with Android or Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】M, 3【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】The Gaither submachine gun fed by the magazine must meet the various requirements of the kobolds.

Especially 45 per minute [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】The rate of fire was so fast that Bate himself could feel how happy the kobold Emperor Dunde was.

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