
Chapter 441 This is bad

So, the decision that embarrassed Lieutenant Colonel Dunming and Lieutenant Colonel Chengxian and caused a joke in the Embassy of the Orchid Republic was officially made.

"Submachine gun? Okay. A submachine gun with a 15-round magazine... Don't these dog-headed people think that they can be used up in the blink of an eye?"

"Bate, the submachine guns used by dog-headed people are not fully automatic, they are single-shot and three-shot."

"That's bad."

Although seven days have passed, Dieli Bate, who learned that Emperor Dunde finally decided to purchase submachine guns produced by the Orchid Republic and the Geiser submachine guns of the Japanese, was full of contempt.

There is nothing to say about the Geiser submachine gun, which is completely in line with the bizarre idea of ​​Emperor Quan Dunde that no one has me.

The problem lies in the submachine gun.

Obviously, the Emperor of the Guangwu Empire Army is in conflict with the soldiers again. In fact, if I am not mistaken, Emperor Dunde actually only wants submachine guns. But there was no way. Since the soldiers saw some officers holding the Matt submachine gun and beating the natives so hard that they couldn't raise their heads, they started to brag about the power of the submachine gun.

As a result, Emperor Dunde had to bow his head and was forced to buy the "junk" that the Japanese arms dealers couldn't sell on the basis of purchasing submachine pistols.

How to say it?

Compared with the three-shot submachine gun imported from the Orchid Republic, the one that really made the Guangwu Empire lose a lot of money... of course, it was the Gaiser submachine gun.

Don't think that the Guangwu Empire got a big bargain because the Gaiser submachine gun was cheap. You should know that the normal number of submachine guns is much larger than that of pistols.

The result of buying "junk" in large quantities is that the consumption of submachine guns in the Guangwu Empire will rise sharply, and the soldiers in charge of logistics will probably jump out and scold their teammates on the front line earlier than their emperor.

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However, this also shows that the Guangwu Empire is going further and further on the road of militarism. Although in the New World, which is full of unknown dangers and various unfriendly neighbors, militarism is definitely not the worst choice.

But this does not mean that this choice is the best choice.

The war with the natives did bring a lot of money and slaves to itself, but has the Guangwu Empire ever thought that their foreign plundering behavior will inevitably lead to changes in the thinking of the natives.

For example, the rise of the Principality of Akern, the reform of the Kingdom of Golson, and the return of the Principality of Ailimu to the rule of the Kingdom of Zweina, all three of which show that the natives are not just idiot creatures who can be slaughtered at will.

So this is also an important reason why the Kingdom of Nigan and the Republic of Orchid would rather exploit the natives in business and never use war easily.

It is harder to fight a long war without bloodshed than a short war with many sacrifices.

After all, the former benefits far more than the latter, and can also avoid bloodshed to the greatest extent possible.

After all, whether it is the Orchid Republic or the Kingdom of Negan, both sides have worked hard on military construction. But the two countries have a common principle, that is, don't fight if you can.

With a limited number of citizens and a large area of ​​​​territory that has not been fully developed, the trade exchanges between the two countries have naturally never been cut off.

But to be honest, Bet himself thinks that the narrow area in the middle of the New World was used by the dog-headed people to establish the Guangwu Empire, and after the large-scale capture of slaves and the excavation of canals, it became more and more eye-catching.

Although the trade between the two countries is basically through the coastal sea routes and the air routes that can bypass the Guangwu Empire, plus the portal device secretly built by the Kingdom of Negan can ensure the transportation of goods; but as long as the militaristic country of the Guangwu Empire exists in the New World, there must be a wall between the two countries.

For this reason, not only Bet, but also officials in the Congress of the Kingdom of Negan have raised the threat of dog-headed people and publicly supported the Kingdom of Zweina to resist the invasion of dog-headed people.

However, everyone also understands that the current development direction of the Kingdom of Negan is the south, not the northern jungle area filled with all kinds of unexpected surprises. Therefore, after the coordination work personally carried out by Her Majesty the Queen, the Kingdom of Negan currently adopts a strategy of disintegrating the natives by making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby countries, forcing the natives to stay away from the southern mountainous areas that are not suitable for them to live in.

Especially after the navy's geographical survey around the continent, everyone found that the plains in the south of the New World are actually similar to an inverted triangle area. After this area, it becomes narrower and narrower, and only a mountain range that runs through the western border of the New World exists.

And on this mountain range, there are too many places that are not suitable for the natives but suitable for the Kingdom of Negan to build towns. After all, the people of the Kingdom of Negan are no longer like the Karai people of the United Kingdom of Eri who only eat rice all their lives. The army and some geographical experts who specialize in investigating the geographical environment of the New World have brought a variety of food crops to the Kingdom of Negan.

For example, potatoes and sweet potatoes are very suitable for planting in mountains. These two things have been praised by Her Majesty the Queen.

For this reason, the valleys within the territory of the former Principality of Aken that the Kingdom of Negan has currently obtained have begun the construction of valley towns.

Of course, if you want to build and develop a town, it is completely impossible without at least 2 people. So male friends in the Negan Kingdom, marry more wives, don't just marry one, and work hard to have children.

In short, Beth, who had no idea how many grandchildren she had, shook her head. The geographical location of the Negan Kingdom was the type that got hotter the further north you went. So, starting with Her Majesty the Queen, women's clothing was the same as that of the Eri United Kingdom... Anyway, everyone watched and everyone knew what to do.

For this reason, even the second generation of Negan Kingdom citizens, especially men, would rather live in a colder place. Too hot places are not suitable for them.

At least they all know that they are likely to come to the world because of their clothes, so in order not to repeat the same mistakes, everyone should wear normal clothes in a colder environment.

It's good for you, me, and everyone's spirit.

"Bad? I say, Beth, buy one..."

"If you don't buy it, I won't be responsible for your bullet money, Irving."

"Ah? Anyway... at least I work for you... OK, OK, I'll buy the bullets myself. Fortunately, 9× has been using 9mm pistol bullets recently, which are not difficult to buy, and you can buy them from time to time in the Old World."

Compared to Irving's helplessness and grumbling, Beth was happy about another troublesome thing, or a happy event.

As the son of her adopted sister, Yawen seems to be quite popular...

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