
Chapter 444: Opposition Methods

"Dad, you can do this... in private. Publicly..."

"Yawen, I am the mayor here. I was appointed by the Congress of the Kingdom of Negan and personally appointed by Her Majesty the Queen. One of my responsibilities is to defend the authority of the Kingdom of Negan! Our Kingdom of Negan is a country that prohibits drugs. No matter who it is, carrying 5 grams of drugs can be sentenced to death! So, I don't care what happened in the Kingdom of Golson. It's courting death to openly transport drugs to our Negan. But I know it, so I found your sister Xinduo."


As a son, Yawen was extremely embarrassed when he heard his father whispering in the mayor's office.

Sister Xinduo is a killer who "does all kinds of evil" outside in the name of a priest, and Sister Xinduo's husband, Brother Marong, is also a police officer. As long as Sister Xinduo does not do anything harmful to the Kingdom of Negan and violates the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Negan, Brother Marong is definitely not qualified to preach or even arrest Sister Xinduo.

Especially Sister Xinduo has always been an expert in burning down drug factories and green grass plantations in the Kingdom of Golson and killing all kinds of drug dealers.

No matter how you look at it, Sister Xinduo's behavior is beneficial to the Kingdom of Negan. Therefore, Yawen, a retired special forces soldier, is helpless.

"Yawen, there is an indigenous human in the Kingdom of Golson, Waltz Denost, who is a marquis appointed by the royal family of the Kahn Empire and hates me very much. After all, the direction and even the target of his drugs really want to be sold is here."

"Because we have money and enough advanced weapons, which is suitable for his career."

"Yawen, this is why I can't wait for the response from Congress and take you with me to meet with Farah and others. I need you to witness every transaction of mine, and at the worst time, you, come out and report me to the outside world."


Obviously, Yawen can hear that his father is not a corrupt and embezzling person.

For the development of the Kingdom of Negan and social stability, his father doesn't mind the taste of blood on his hands. Even if doing so might lead to imprisonment, he had no regrets or hesitations.

And this made Yawen himself feel sad.

This was the rumored tainted witness who reported his colleagues to reduce their sentences.

"The harm of drugs is actually not much worse than that of cultists. I... Yawen, I have seen cultists and fought with them. Compared with cultists, I may be able to reason with them, but drug dealers have no mercy at all. I heard about Marong's talk, and later I also visited the police station. So here, we must not allow any type of drug dealers to bring drugs. If we can't catch them, we must kill them."


"So, hate them. This Marquis Waltz Denost is probably the same as that... Anyway, the drug dealer who ran from the Principality of Akern to the Kingdom of Golson. One day, he will definitely become the public enemy of the Kingdom of Golson."

Sogen's words were quite calm, but they were extremely heavy in Yawen's ears.

Because as the political reform movement of the major princes of the Kahn Empire is in full swing, the major princes need sufficient funds to escort their reforms.

So, a business that is not presentable but can make a lot of money has appeared in front of the Negan Kingdom again.

Drug trafficking.

Compared with a few or a group of drug dealers setting up plantations and processing plants in a valley, national drug trafficking is a very bad thing.

For this reason, the Congress of the Negan Kingdom has already voiced to strengthen border control and checkpoint control. Moreover, as the most first-class expert in medicine in the Negan Kingdom, Lai Ting Winnie, that is, Her Majesty the Queen, publicly broadcasted a rare national broadcast on the first day of this month, telling the public specifically about the styles and difficult-to-treat addiction reactions of several drugs she knew.

However, this is nothing to the princes of the Kahn Empire. In addition, the dog-headed people in the north do not know why, they also have a special love for drugs.

In summary, the reform of the princes of the Kahn Empire with the generous funds provided by drugs is a foregone conclusion, and the Ascetic Church, which has been more trouble than success, now seems to have woken up and is engaged in spell teaching, trying to mass-train a large number of troops who can use simple spells.


If the power of spells is really that effective? Then what are the gunpowder weapons and magnetic storm weapons that the Kingdom of Nigan is still producing for?

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Waste national fiscal revenue?

How is it possible?

Therefore, in the royal city of the Kingdom of Golson, even though Lord Marquis Denost has priests of the Ascetic Church who can attack with spells, the offensive of the cavemen remains.

Even in an environment such as street fighting that can effectively offset the opponent's firepower advantage, the rifles in the hands of the cavemen can not only suppress themselves, but also fight desperately with their own troops from time to time through the folding spikes that come with the rifles.

"My Lord."

"I can't send any more troops to you. Besides, inside the palace..."


Accompanied by the loud noise of a collapsed building, the King, Maccha Golson, was helpless inside the palace.

It was time for his childhood playmate to charge in. He wanted to make more radical reforms for his parents who were assassinated by the dark elves and for the declining Golson Kingdom.

"Your Majesty."

"Can you stop them?"

"The palace gate has been lost, and the guards can only resist section by section inside the palace."



"Waltz doesn't dare to attack me, but you ministers... just hold them back as long as you can, or run away. Waltz's sword will not let you off easily."

"Your Majesty, drug control is an important policy of our kingdom. We cannot give up, let alone let the Marquis rewrite it. Otherwise, can the people of our kingdom still provide soldiers suitable for the battlefield? By then, the Kingdom of Negan will inevitably destroy the Kingdom of Golson at all costs in the name of drug trafficking."

As the minister said, the Kingdom of Negan is a country that does not tolerate any sand in its eyes and is determined to carry out drug control to the end. As a result, not only the Kingdom of Golson, but also the princes of the Kingdom of Negan in the south have all been "warned" by the Kingdom of Negan.

Even assassination.

Yes, the Marquis's parents died at the hands of dark elf assassins because of drug trafficking. So, this is why Waltz hates dark elves so much, and has planned and even personally carried out attacks against dark elves many times...

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