
Chapter 449: The country that revolted...

"I don't know. After all, their airship is not slow, and we don't have anti-aircraft weapons to capture them."

"Just do this. There are too many mysteries and weirdnesses in the dark elves that need to be investigated. There will definitely be no good in doing it rashly. And I don't know if I am too worried. Tenth brother, will the airship have a bomb?"

"I can't guarantee this. But if it does happen, they won't be able to blow up any city in the empire."

"Yeah. So, I have an unconfirmed conclusion, that is, the dark elves we are encountering now should be the orthodox elven rebels of the United Kingdom of Eri, an independent force that defected and split from the United Kingdom of Eri."

"Elves? Split?"

"Didn't I just talk about the sealing ball? The inventor of the sealing ball is a brown-skinned elf, and what does such an elf belong to in the United Kingdom of Eri? A forest elf slave. A forest elf with the power to resist high elf magic. What does it mean to be a slave?"


"Yes. So I am very suspicious, but there is no evidence to confirm whether the Negan Kingdom in the southeast of the New World was a kingdom established by this slave."

"No. Fourth brother, the monarch of the Negan Kingdom is a female white-skinned elf, a proper high elf woman!"

"So this is what I am puzzled about. How can there be a country in the world that allows women to be monarchs? Even the Kingdom of Zwiener in the south, their king is at most underage because his mother, and his mother The remarried husband will be the regent together. A woman will be the monarch? This..."

It is true that Kwon Dondeok, who was born in a country where men are kings, is a representative of the traditional upper class who cannot agree with the existence of female monarchs at all.

After all, a country must have a strong representative to demonstrate its authority.

Therefore, women, who appear to be very weak at first sight, are considered a "hazard" of self-degradation to the country.

Of course, such a concept in the Negan Kingdom must be dragged out to be crucified, or directly pushed into the sea to feed the fish.

Although Queen Winnie of the Negan Kingdom is a well-known eldest lady in the former United Kingdom of Eri, and is now the most beautiful woman in the Negan Kingdom, this does not mean that the Negan Kingdom is a weak country. .

Although it is not as good as the Old Continent, with its unique magnetic storm technology and equipment and training that is higher than the army of most countries in the Old Continent, the Negan Kingdom is capable of conquering the entire New Continent.

It's just that the Negan Kingdom does not have such ambitions from top to bottom, and will develop its own economy and people's livelihood as its first priority.

Moreover, the existence of Queen Winnie is still good for the citizens of the Negan Kingdom. At least the entire country will not take the path of militarism, let alone become a military government.

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"Could it be a puppet?"

"You mean...well...it's true that the Iron Fist Empire in the old continent had an emperor as its mascot, a waste that ruled without rule. But...well...could it be...ah...it's possible. If Negan The kingdom is a country that rebelled from the United Kingdom of Eri, so by choosing a white-skinned female elf as the monarch, they are actually showing to the United Kingdom of Eri that they are still a ruling regime with white skin at the top and brown skin at the bottom... Well... also No, since I have defected, do I still need to obey the orders of the United Kingdom of Eli? "

Just as Emperor Tonde said, taking himself as an example, he was a person who left the Jiwei Peninsula and proclaimed himself the Emperor. Moreover, to this day, who in the Minei Peninsula would say what they are doing?

You must know that even his tenth brother came here with a group of refugees and weapons and equipment, specifically to join him and become a member of the Guangwu Empire.

Therefore, his brothers also knew that he, the kobold emperor who had "rebelled", would not foolishly and blindly follow orders from the Jiwei Peninsula. Not to mention going to war against him, a "traitor"...

Now that his eldest brother has left, it's great that the kobolds on the Minei Peninsula didn't ask for help.

Of course, if anyone really comes to the New World and wants assistance. His first request is for the other party to admit that he is the emperor of the kobold clan in the New World, otherwise there is no need to say anything.

Just blast it out.

As for the consequences... He was almost wiped out by the Iron Fist Empire, so how could he still have the confidence to speak out?

In short, Emperor Dunde realized that the Negan Kingdom was most likely a product that took advantage of the political instability of the United Kingdom of Eri and faced internal and external difficulties.

In addition, the geographical distance between the Negan Kingdom and the United Kingdom of Eri is quite far, and the expedition will only worsen the already poor economy of the United Kingdom of Eri.

What's more, the United Kingdom of Eri is now caught in the middle of two major human power groups. On the one hand, it can make profits by acting as an intermediate node on trade routes, and on the other hand, it has to deal with military pressure from both sides.

At the same time, the contradiction between the high elves and the forest elves in the United Kingdom of Eri has been repeatedly instigated by the demonic forces (this is actually the root of the establishment of the Negan Kingdom), and the smoke of civil strife has never been completely extinguished.

All of this shows that the United Kingdom of Eli has no ability to take any action against the Kingdom of Negan, which has rebelled.

On the contrary, it is probably a good thing that he did not beg the Kingdom of Negan to help quell the rebellion. After all, it is unlikely that the Kingdom of Negan would help quell the rebellion for free. Officials of the Kingdom of Negan would definitely put forward relevant conditions to embarrass the United Kingdom of Eri.

In this era, even if they are compatriots of the same race, as long as different countries are established, negotiations and political struggles between countries will definitely exist and are completely inevitable.

The only difference is the conditions and costs of such struggles.

"Fourth brother, I... although it is a good thing not to take action, but... having an airship staring at your head is not always a good thing..."

"You want money to build anti-aircraft weapons again?"



After hearing what his tenth brother said, Emperor Dunde no longer got angry easily. At the same time, he also understood the embarrassment of his tenth brother, that is, the importance of the sky.

The airspace security of the Guangwu Empire is as important as the ground and sea.

He does not want someone to drive a bomber to bomb his imperial town one day in the future.

And judging from the current situation, the most effective means of defense for an empire that cannot build aircraft is large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns and special anti-aircraft cannons.

But such weapons need to be imported from outside...

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