
Chapter 456 Why do you say that?

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it.] 67 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it.] Year I have been using recently Month I have been using recently 2 Day

Negan Kingdom border town, Lengchuan City Hall

"Dad, regarding the Congress's request, are they a bit too much?"

"Too much? Why do you say that?"

"The Golson Kingdom has become our vassal state economically, and the entire country has become a hemp processing plant..."

"Not that exaggerated."

"But isn't the Marquis Waltz that Sister Xinduo killed very famous? Even if he died, wouldn't the Denost family still be engaged in the cultivation and processing of hemp grass? If this goes on, it will be better than Congress' repeated emphasis on seeing a poison It is better to destroy the Golson Kingdom than to kill one drug dealer. "

"Yawen, you still don't think deeply enough. It is not good for us to destroy the Golson Kingdom, not to mention that the Golson Kingdom has signed a 200-year treaty with our Negan. During these 200 years, what we want is to drain all the useful resources of the Golson Kingdom and destroy the economies of several indigenous countries west of the Golson Kingdom. "

In his office, Sogen opened a map of the Negan Kingdom and pointed out several important countries in the west of the Golson Kingdom to Yawen.

"In other words, as long as we ensure that the Golson Kingdom does not resell Ma Ben to Negan, then we will not care?"

"So, not only your sister Xinduo, as far as I know, at least three mercenary companies have sent agents to the Golson Kingdom to clean up drug dealers one after another. Of course, Yawen, you can also guess who is behind them to provide funds and instruct them to work. "

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"Not Congress, but the royal family."

"Royal family? Your Highness?"

"That's right. Although I haven't had much contact with Your Highness over the years, Your Highness has a strong aversion to drugs."

Speaking of this, Sogen was helpless.

The best expert in medicine in the Kingdom of Negan is Her Majesty the Queen, who comes from a family of pharmacists.

It's just that because Her Majesty's eldest brother once participated in the creation of the first generation of the Sun Mai people, participated in the invasion of the Black Crow Principality, and became a member of the rebellious Kalai, Her Majesty has been shrouded by the dark clouds that should not have come.

So as the husband of Her Majesty the Queen, His Highness the King of Gru must know the history of the Queen's family, and know that the profession of pharmacist is not necessarily a good-sounding job.

In addition, Prince Gru himself had once served as a drug test subject (it was precisely because he was the first drug test subject that the pharmaceutical industry in the Kingdom of Negan had the confidence to guarantee that the people were willing to take drugs and use them to treat diseases), so the well-known Prince Gru had a great aversion to drugs.

And Sogen had followed him before, and as the Prince, he did not like the life of being well-dressed and having all kinds of upper-class banquets.

On the contrary, it was an open secret in the kingdom that Prince Gru was the first agent of the Kingdom of Negan.

So much so that many officials or well-informed people, including Sogen, realized that magnetic storm technology, which was obviously not something that the Kalai family had developed on their own, was probably stolen from somewhere by Prince Gru.

Of course, it didn't matter. Anyway, the emergence of magnetic storm technology triggered an energy revolution in the Kingdom of Negan. The theory of direct conduction without dielectric loss, which integrates light, electricity and magnetism, has appeared.

As for how this should be achieved, that is the business of technical experts like Beian.

As a father and an official, what he needs to do is to provide a peaceful and stable country for the children of the Kingdom of Negan.

Even if his hands are covered in blood, it doesn't matter.

After all, only when his hands are covered in blood can the children grow up healthily away from blood.


"Don't be like this. Yawen, the one Beth asked you to meet before..."

"Can you please not mention this... I... give me some time?"

Compared to the bitter Yawen, Emperor Philip of the Kahn Empire felt extremely distressed when he looked at the three reports.

"Your Majesty, we have tried our best."

"Alas... Let's not talk about the north. I know what the Kingdom of Zweiner needs, and I will definitely support it. The problem is the south... What do the princes in the south mean? I have three reports here. Three princely states want to establish a new church?"


"Don't tell me that these three princes think they will not be attacked by military attacks because they are hiding in a safe rear. Let's not talk about the kobolds in the north. Do they know that the Kingdom of Nigan in the southeast has airships that can fly over from the sky!"

Emperor Philip was helpless. Under the traditional feudal system, once the central dynasty weakened, the princes would be divided and ignore the fact of the central government.

If it weren't for the kobolds in the northwest and the dark elves in the southeast, to be honest, Emperor Philip himself doubted whether the Kahn Empire would be able to unify the entire empire one day and let all the people fight under the same flag?


Especially for these three princes who thought that the threats from outside would not come to them so quickly, and who had equipped themselves with matchlock guns on a large scale to fight each other and compete for territory by queuing up and shooting again and again, Emperor Philip was very sure that they needed the nearest alien force, the troops of the Kingdom of Negan, to "educate" them.

But "educate"... he was still a little hesitant. After all, how they fight among humans is their own business, the problem is how the alien forces will see it?

Especially the Kingdom of Negan openly restricted or even eliminated any drug dealer who dared to sell drugs to them, but they never interfered, and even forced the drug dealers of the Kingdom of Golson to poison other princes of the Kahn Empire in reverse.

As a result, the Kingdom of Golson was like a reservoir, constantly accumulating funds from the vassal states and even the territories directly under the empire for compensation.

After all, the defeat of the Kingdom of Golson in the past led to serious economic problems in the Kingdom of Golson, and coupled with the high mouth of the Kingdom of Negan, the Kingdom of Golson, which barely kept the country without regular garrison forces, was already in a precarious state.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible, right? Doesn't that kind of airship only go to the north?"

"Idiot! If it can fly to the north, why can't it fly to other directions? With that size, do you believe that an airship can carry hundreds or even thousands of bombs to bomb our town! Moreover, this airship is faster than our carriage!"

Emperor Philip had nothing to say to his ministers. After all, the person who could bring new things to the empire in this era now has only a sword as a relic, and his body is probably the dinner of the wild wolf...

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