
Chapter 458 Different Attitudes

"But I still have to say. Although the Kobolds, these unscrupulous and unreasonable guys, got a submachine gun production line and a 9×9mm pistol production line from us for free, even if the country compensates us..."

"Main, our next task is to turn losses into profits. Whatever can cheat them the most, we should give priority to selling them."

"So... I have an idea. I wonder if they still like machine guns with the automatic principle of barrel recoil?"

Speaking of this thing, Main is still unwilling to give up.

After all, among the three major automatic principles of firearms today (barrel recoil, direct blow, gas-operated), the barrel recoil automatic principle is the earliest to appear and has the longest time in actual combat. And even if the Japanese Mai people who fled from the Iron Fist Empire and founded their own country overseas hate everything about the Iron Fist Empire, the barrel recoil automatic principle invented by the Iron Fist Empire and applied to the battlefield has always performed quite well.

So that all the classic automatic guns and artillery weapons of the Iron Fist Empire adopt this automatic principle that is reliable in operation but not very accurate.

As a result, the most effective and absolutely easy-to-use firearms of the Japanese and Mai people so far also use weapons and equipment based on this principle.

Although with the development of the gas-operated automatic principle, the barrel-recoil automatic principle has been neglected to a certain extent due to its own cumbersomeness and poor accuracy, and the Orchid Republic in the northwest of the New World has its own unique style in gas-operated automatic guns and cannons, the army of the Guangwu Empire is also influenced by this and prefers gas-operated automatic machine guns.

However, the gas-operated automatic principle has a problem.


Drilling holes on the barrel to divert part of the gas to push the bolt for automatic loading.

Therefore, this leads to a point that in wartime, drilling work will cause the production cost of firearms to rise sharply. Therefore, in the international arms trade, some guys who don’t know whether they should be called geniuses have come up with a delayed locking system based on the direct-blowing bolt structure.

How to say it?

There is no future for crooked ways.

So, Emperor Dunde, who asked for compensation from the Japanese and Mai people, quickly discussed it with his tenth brother.

"Blowback type... um... Fourth brother, I originally support this type of machine gun. But you said it, and the arsenal also made it very clear. Our empire's technology is insufficient, plus the weight... um... Now, I still maintain the same opinion."

"Do you want to use the blowback type heavy machine gun that has been using the ×67mm rifle bullet as our army's heavy machine gun?"

"If possible, I hope that the 4×97mm machine gun bullet can also enter the army."

"Tenth brother, do you think it's possible?"

"Impossible. The ×67mm rifle bullet and the 4×97mm machine gun bullet conflict."

As Lieutenant Colonel Quan Dunming said, these two bullets are also promoted by Japanese arms dealers, one is light in weight and the other is powerful.

However, based on the lessons learned in actual combat, the 4×97mm machine gun bullet has better penetration at most.

The problem is that the bullet itself weighs 48 grams, which has too obvious defects compared to the 27-gram ×67mm rifle bullet.

The weight of bullets is not a trivial matter for logistics, not to mention that the soldiers below are not all strongmen. Under the premise that the soldiers' weight data will not be significantly improved, the lighter the bullet, the more conducive it is for the soldiers to continue fighting (the amount of bullets they carry will be more).

And in actual combat performance, the target that can be attacked with 4×97mm machine gun bullets can actually be completed with one shot of ×67mm rifle bullets.

Even if two shots are needed, it is very worth the cost. After all, the difference in weight means a higher efficiency in killing the enemy.

"Well. So my opinion is not to engage in large-caliber machine guns for the time being."

"Just... okay."

Obviously, for the sake of saving and reducing the burden of logistics, Quan Dunming still understands his fourth brother's idea.

However, such an idea only makes sense in the Guangwu Empire. In the Orchid Republic to the north of the brothers, Beth saw two large-caliber machine guns with different automatic principles openly showing their shooting tactics to the public.


"What happened to the dog-headed men in the south?"

"Alas. The Japanese-Mai people used retreat as a means of advance, and gradually pulled the dog-headed men into the pit."

Listening to Irving's story, Bet didn't know how to comment.

As a weapon to deal with the threat of flying vehicles, large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns themselves are not infantry weapons, but one of the main combat weapons used by vehicles.

But the conventional tactics of flying vehicles dropping bombs on the ground or sea, or strafing with vehicle machine guns and cannons, forced the grassroots troops to need large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns.

And anti-aircraft machine guns are not necessarily weapons specifically used for air shooting. It is also a good choice for infantry to buy a light armored vehicle for flat shooting.

Especially according to the information Irving gave him, the 4×97mm machine gun bullets that the Orchid Republic has obtained from Japanese arms dealers are not 48 grams, but heavier, weighing 6 grams.

The greater the weight of the bullet, the greater the kinetic energy it imparts to the target.

Of course, Orchid Republic’s public demonstration this time does not mean that they have decided on the final model.

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Instead, it was just an experiment.

After all, the Orchid Republic is different from the Guangwu Empire, which relies on robbing its industrial base and lacks strong research and development capabilities. Since the Orchid Republic has the ability to make its own various gas-guided weapons, it means that their own industrial technology will not stop advancing.

"Good thing they're in the northwest corner."

"It's far away from us, right?"

"Irwin, do the kobolds import cannons, or develop new cannons themselves?"

"They were all bought. The Rimai people stuffed all the garbage in various warehouses into the kobolds."

"All right."

Regarding the urinary nature of the kobold clan, Bet didn't want to say anything more.

The problem is those junk things, Bate doesn't quite believe that they are all garbage.

After all, the key to them is one thing, ammunition. As long as the ammunition is of good quality, even guns and weapons that are not advanced in performance still have considerable combat effectiveness.

Especially since Tekken Empire is no longer using it, it has been using 5 recently. [To be honest, I have been using it recently. It can be used on Android or Apple. 】A heavy artillery with a millimeter caliber or above, as long as there are no major problems with the ammunition, and the quality of the barrel and recoil machine is okay, it will dominate the battlefield.

Of course, whether the kobolds know what caliber cannons the Iron Fist Empire used before is another question. After all, the ideas of these kobolds are always extreme and bizarre, and they must be unique to themselves...

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