
Chapter 460 I'll take your place this time

The origin calendar has been used recently [To be honest, it has been used recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】67【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】February 2, year has been using day recently

Kahn Empire Imperial City, Overflow City Noble Academy

"What are you talking about? Zombie...that Mondog Zwiener who became the prince's wife is not crazy, is he? He...does he know that in order to completely eradicate the zombie plague, we...my father had repeatedly I told you not to touch zombies again, otherwise...I..."

"Your Majesty, this is just a suggestion."

"No, absolutely not!"

As Mondog's idea reached the ears of Emperor Philip who inspected the college through the mouth of the special envoy, Philip van Kahn couldn't help but roar.

As a biochemical weapon that the Kahn Empire does not know how to completely eliminate, nor how to prevent it, the horror of the zombie plague virus has already frightened all the major princes.

Therefore, when Emperor Philip looked at the special envoy sent by the Kingdom of Zwirna, he directly opposed it without even thinking about it.

"Your Majesty... Okay then. I will tell you what you want and report back to the Kingdom of Zwirna. I'll take my leave."

Obviously, the special envoy is talking about "feedback", which means that the Kingdom of Zwiener will not listen 100% to his Emperor Philip.

Furthermore, behind the special envoy bidding farewell to him, the Kingdom of Zwirna will definitely collect samples of the zombie plague virus on its own initiative and use them to resist the southward incursions of kobolds again and again.

Therefore, Emperor Philip was helpless. The direct consequence of the weakening of the Central Dynasty was that the princes ignored the existence of the Central Dynasty.

One of the vassal states farthest away from me, the Kingdom of Zwirna, was obviously just here to check out what I had to say. Therefore, Phillip felt really uncomfortable. If things continue like this, what's the point of the existence of the Kahn Empire...?

Like his father, he once saw in a dream that the army of a certain prince entered the palace, and then used sharp knives to force members of the royal family to hand over crowns and other things that represented power one by one. Then the members of the royal family were directly exiled or one by one. The scene of beheading.

He fears.

He was scared.

He was very scared.

He was quite afraid that something like this would happen to him, and he didn't want his head to be chopped off and used as a wine glass or a urinal.

Especially the latter, this is definitely one of the endings an emperor should not have.

But think about it seriously, does the emperor who can be treated like this have too much power to attract the ambitions of the princes below?


However, inside the Noble Academy, a burst of gunfire suddenly startled him.

"Ah ah……"

And with the screams of the maids in the college, Emperor Philip was quickly pulled into a nearby classroom by his guards to take shelter.

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"Who was shooting just now? Didn't I say repeatedly that guns are prohibited..."


Ever since, when the second shot continued to sound, the entire Noble Academy suddenly fell into chaos. However, precisely because Emperor Philip came with his guards, the chaos only lasted a short time.

"Your Majesty, please see, we found two dead people, both killed by matchlocks."

After finally getting the college to calm down, the bodies of two red priests with lead bullets embedded in their heads were brought to the garden of the college by the guards.

"Buck Bullet...have you found the assassin?"

"No. But we can be sure that this was not the work of assassins from the dark elf forces."

"Because they don't know how to use a matchlock."

It's a pity that compared to Emperor Philip's judgment, Hakenna, who carried out the assassination, continued to hide in the shadows, and then put away the flintlock in his hand.

Although he does not understand the indigenous language at all, let alone the meaning of the words written by the indigenous people, these are all trivial matters to Haken.

Sneak in and kill two of the people in the photo directly.


He used a flintlock gun, which went against the bloodless death method desired by his employer, but compared to strangling with a rope or something like that, or smashing him to death with a hammer wrapped in thick padding, a gun was the fastest and most effective.

Therefore, before sneaking into Overflow City, he obtained a relatively lightweight flintlock pistol from some traveling merchants.


To be honest, the operation of the flintlock gun is actually not difficult.

When he watched the tour merchant's demonstration, he could successfully learn it in one go.

Although such a flintlock pistol has an effective range of less than 3 meters and basically has to shoot close to the opponent's head, no matter what, you can't just throw away your trophies and crime tools.

Especially if he still needs to use this thing to complete the assassination of the last two targets.

After all, according to intelligence, the remaining two targets are also in this place that looks like an academy.

So, found you two!

Snapped! Snapped!

So, after two shots were fired, two more corpses with lead bullets embedded in their heads were transported to Emperor Philip.

"His Majesty……"

"I just heard two shots coming from the same direction. Don't tell me, didn't you notice it?"

"As His Majesty said, no, not at all."

"Ha...how many assassins did the other party send here?"

Faced with four corpses, Emperor Philip did not believe that the other party could complete the assassination of four targets in succession with just one assassin.

Especially since the gunshots he just heard were not long apart.

But what he did not know was that Haken loaded bullets quickly, and there was a bullet belt with several loaded bullets on his waist.

After firing a shot, he immediately loaded a new bullet, moved the hammer with flint, and then secretly approached the target and pulled the trigger.

It was so simple.

Next, it was time for him to leave.

As a shadow disappeared in the Noble Academy, the Noble Academy began to reorganize the access control system to strictly prevent some teachers and students from bringing things that should not be brought into the academy.

It's just...

"It's useless."


"Yawen, do you think the natives have our metal detectors? And do you think you can hide it from me?"

"Dad, this is..."

"Although I understand the purpose of your cooperation with Muying Company, I don't want you to continue doing this kind of thing. After all, you are different from me. As my secretary, you are qualified to sit in my chair."

As Sogen said this, Yawen realized that he was no match for his father.


"The four targets are monks of the Ascetic Church, right?"

"Yes. They are also lecturers of the Noble Academy."

"Alas... In my opinion, a place like the academy is not a suitable place for killing. Especially for someone like me who has not received formal education and was originally just an illiterate who can only cut trees. So, don't do this in the future. I'll take your place this time."

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