
Chapter 467: Not Very Willing

The origin calendar has been used recently [To be honest, it has been used recently, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】67【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】May 2, 2020, has been using the day recently.

Solo City, Negan Kingdom, inner palace of the palace

"Aiqi, you..."

"I'm not very willing either. But Congress has discussed it several times. It's time to consider expansion of the territory in the southern part of the New World."

"Even if there are cannibals?"

"The Ministry of Military Affairs is eager to use them to consume their ammunition stocks."

Listening to the report made by the embarrassed Lain Aiqi, the current prime minister of the Negan Kingdom, Laiting Winnie, Her Majesty the Queen, shook her head helplessly.

The officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs couldn't bear it anymore.

But that’s fine.

The kingdom's army, which has been at peace for too long, does need some suitable opponents to train with and use up its inventory of weapons and equipment.

What's more, according to the Navy's voyage report around the New World, the southern end of the New World belongs to the land of forests and snowfields where savages infest, and it is the southern part of the large mountain range that connects the north and south of the New World.asxs.

For this reason, heading south is the final choice of the Negan Kingdom Congress. Plus…

Put it this way.

The main force of the Negan Kingdom's army, male friends don't like hot places, they like cooler places. After all, they couldn't stand one thing. The female costumes in the kingdom made them uncomfortable.

Compared to other countries and races, the Kingdom of Negan was originally a country formed by widows. What's even more terrible is that even if the widows remarry, they will continue to give birth to offspring. There is an issue that male friends have always been reluctant to talk about.

That is, women's clothing in the kingdom is generally more revealing.

Regarding this issue, Queen Winnie herself was very puzzled at first. It turned out that she had been dressed like this before she got married, and it was also the tradition of the United Kingdom of Eri.

However, after repeated "persuasion" from her husband and listening to the opinions of several male generals, she began to wear thicker clothes.

Of course, this is of no use.

It is extremely difficult to change habits that are an extension of traditional problems.

Therefore, the male subjects who belong to the minority in the Negan Kingdom are probably giving up on themselves to some extent, and they are all vying to live in the barren mountains and ridges with a colder climate.

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Of course, this is actually a good thing.

The plains of the Negan Kingdom are mainly concentrated in areas along the coast and rivers. Although they are very suitable for people's residence and development, they are also very suitable for invasion by foreign enemies.

Therefore, developing mountainous areas is actually more conducive to the country's defense-in-depth policy for the Negan Kingdom.

"Okay, but I have a request. The roads must be repaired. I don't want the people to become new savages."

"There is definitely no problem with this. After all, there is always a considerable demand for our road transportation. At the same time...can't we really consider developing an airship transportation line?"

"Did Gru tell you? He is just impatient. Look at my belly, there is another child in it."


"Gru really hopes that the kingdom's development speed can increase by leaps and bounds. But it is not possible now. The people need time to adapt to the development of our Negan Kingdom. Don't forget that the first generation of children in our kingdom are just now getting married. There are many The matter has not yet been fully implemented.”

"You started running before you even learned how to walk, right?"

"Yes. Indeed, I admire his vision for the future of Negan's kingdom. But I don't agree with his style of accomplishing things in one go, let alone his idea of ​​trying to drag the people into running wild."

"Gruta is afraid that our kingdom will fall behind other countries, especially the United Kingdom of Eri. Just when he hears that the army of the United Kingdom of Eri uses plasma weapons, he feels a sense of vigilance and threat."

"Aiqi, please tell the officials in Congress to carry out a national census."

"Ah, yes!"

"Without a sufficient number of citizens, I am not very confident about the future of the Negan Kingdom, let alone the security of the Negan Kingdom."

"If, I mean if, if there were fifty million people in our kingdom, Winnie, would you agree to Gru's cosmic plan?"

"Yes. But I am certain that the current Negan Kingdom does not have five million people at all."

"Not counting the tauren and cavemen?"

"Yes. So this is one of the reasons why I convinced Gru."

Clearly, Queen Winnie is not a racist. Being able to accept the Minotaur clan and the Caveman clan, she has been persevering in completing the cause of spiritual unification and national ideal unification.

She does not want to be like the kobolds, who have an extreme political concept in which the white-haired kobolds are supreme; and she does not want the most famous yellow-skinned people in the Iron Fist Empire to be absolutely supreme and other races to take root in the territory of the Negan Kingdom. .

The more extreme it is, the more likely it is for civil strife to break out. A certain degree of inclusiveness and soft policies are what she believes is the way to govern the country.

"But Winnie, don't tell me yet. The Tauren clan is indeed very loyal to the kingdom, and they all have seats in the Congress now."

"Compared to the cavemen, the tauren have found a home in our Kingdom of Nigan. Moreover, have you seen the guards of the palace? They are all warriors of the tauren."


"Also, I dare say one thing, that is, only the countries in the New World can achieve racial tolerance. The Orchid Republic in the north, if possible, must strengthen cooperation in all aspects."

"Including military?"

"Including. After all, they are only seven days' sea voyage from the Iron Fist Empire in the Old Continent. The sea cannot guarantee their national defense security. The kobolds from the Old Continent are the best proof. If it weren't for the fact that these kobolds are refugees. , The Orchid Republic will inevitably fall into an all-out war with the Kobolds, so we need to support them. Of course, this is not a free service.”


"And what about Eli?"

"The High King is in danger of stepping down."


"Winnie, please stop laughing about this. It is not good for us for the High King to step down, and he is doing it because of our Negan Kingdom."

"Oh. Just because my mother and he are cousins, the elders of the United Kingdom of Eri should have kicked him out! If you guessed it right, my cousin, did he lose the battle because of something? Who was he killed? Impeached?"

"To be precise, the elders from the Nophalis family suspected that the High King was interfering in the peaceful movement in the state under his jurisdiction, so he proposed impeachment."

"What's the meaning?"

"In order to ensure the peaceful development of the country, the Supreme King used his military power to deal with the long-term rebellion of cultists in Nophalis State. However, the Nophalis family did not like the Supreme King's direct intervention in the state under his jurisdiction. It was believed that the High King was seeking to regain administrative power over the state.”

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